{ Chapter 1 }

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{Music : Lean Wit Me - Juice WRLD}
- optional ( it's in the media ^) -


Present; May 19, 2020
This wasn't how I ever wanted to live my life. On the run for days on end. I can't see all my old friends and family or I risk everything not only for myself, but for the whole crew. I cannot make the crew angry or I put myself up for consequences. They all don't scare me though.. except for Ethan. He's capable of anything and everything. He's the one who got me into this mess, and he's the one who is gonna get me out.


Before; January 2nd, 2020

I tapped my pen against the counter trying to make time go faster until my lunch break. Working here as a bank teller at the First City Bank is total bull. It pays worse than it seems and I can't wait till I round up enough money to get out of the fucking city.

It's my dream to live in California, not here in NY. But time will do its job and I'll be out of here before I know it.

I sighed and threw my pen down on my stack of papers, while I rested my head on my hand. I heard the glass doors slide open and I peaked my head up over the tall counter in front of me.

A good looking guy with his hands in his black sweatshirt came walking in and looked around at all of us. He met eyes with me and I quickly looked away not trying to embarrass myself. He looked around once more then walked out.

I furrowed my brows and looked back down to my papers and mumbled to myself, "creep."

*20 minutes go by*

I looked up at the clock and saw it said '1:35pm.' Finally it was time for my lunch break. I got up out of my chair and put the 'line closed' sign up onto my side of the counter.

I was about to walk away until I heard glass shatter and people scream. I quickly turned my head frightened at the noises and saw people with ski masks and big guns run through the doors.

"EVERYBODY SIT THE FUCK DOWN!" The masked robber in front of the others yelled.

I quickly obeyed what he said and got down onto my knees and put my head down. One of the other robbers came behind me and pulled my arms behind my back and tied them with a rope before pushing me back down and moving on to my fellow workers.

They started raiding through our registers, safe boxes, and headed towards the vault.

One of the masked robbers walked over to me and stared me down while walking around my body in a circle before letting out an evil chuckle, and grabbing me by the arm.

He pulled me up and stared at my tear stained face.

"Lets go." He said calmly and started walking away with his grip still on my arm. I didn't move so he got pulled back. He looked back at me and pulled on my arm roughly.

"I said let's fucking go! MOVE IT!" He yelled, startling every bone in my body making me walk quickly behind him.

He pulled me over to the vault and pushed me close to it.

"what's the code." He asked in a rushed tone, with rage filled in his voice.

He banged his fist onto the vault before staring me in the face, "WHAT'S THE CODE!!"

I jumped at his sudden voice change and quickly obeyed him again.

"It's 518390." I said with fear.

He typed it in and the keypad went green.

One of the other robbers grabbed me and pulled me back while they turned the lock and successfully opened the it.

Sirens filled my ears as I heard multiple cop cars approaching us. I couldn't pay attention to what was happening because of all the loud sounds, and when I looked back at the vault it was decked out.

The robbers stole over 1 million dollars of cash and jewelry before running out back to their black escape van.

I heard the cop sirens get even closer and one of the cops yelled into their megaphone.

People were still screaming, and gun shots were being fired to scare everyone. I was relieved that it was about to be over, until the same masked man who yelled at me multiple times grabbed onto me again. He picked me up over his shoulder.

I screamed and cried trying to get him to put me down but it was no use.

"You're coming with me, beautiful." He said with no emotion laced in his voice, while he placed me into the back of their escape van and getting in with me. He shut the door and locked it.

"GO! GO! GO!" He yelled at the driver who was also masked.

My back hit against the van wall, making me groan in pain. The man who basically kidnapped me looked at me and took his mask off. It was the same man who came into the bank earlier today.

He had winged hair, a sharp jaw line, hazel green eyes and a beauty mark on his cheek.

He had sweat dripping down his forehead but he quickly wiped it with his mask. Even though he was unconditionally hot, I still was scared out of my mind.

"WHO ARE YOU!!" I yelled through gritted teeth.

He smirked and let another small chuckle out, "I'm ethan." He paused and looked back at me, "but I'm more like your worst nightmare."


Thank you so much for reading chapter 1!!
Its gonna get better I swear!! I have so many ideas for this book I'm so excited💘

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