{ Chapter 2 }

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{Music : The Walls - Chase Atlantic}
- optional ( it's in the media ^) -


"I'm ethan." He paused and looked back at me, "but I'm more like your worst nightmare."

I got quiet and looked at him with even more fear in my eyes. I had no idea what was going to happen to me, or where they were taking me. Which scared me even more.

"Don't worry we'll take good care of you." Ethan said with a small smirk on his face.

"Please just let me go, I won't tell anyone anything and I'll forget this ever happened. Just please let me go home, I'm scared." I said with hope he'll let me go.

He laughed and shook his head, "suck it up buttercup you won't be going anywhere for a while."

Whats that supposed to mean?

The van came to a stop and the back door was opened triggering the bright sunlight to shine into my eyes and make me squint.

Ethan jumped out and grabbed me pulling me with him. I saw 4 others get out from the van too and I realized it was the other robbers.

We started walking towards this big abandoned warehouse and entered inside. The outside may look abandoned and old, but the inside was stunning. There were expensive artwork on the walls, gold statues on the tables, and bags of money stacked in the corner. These people sure knew what they were doing.

Ethan pushed me over to the couches and sat me down. He looked at me and let go of my arm.

"I'm going to untie your hands now, but if you run you'll immediately be shot. Got it?" He warned me.

I nodded and turned a little so he could cut the tight rope from my wrists that were now throbbing from how tight it was tied.

He cut the rope and threw it to the side.

I looked down at my red throbbing wrists and rubbed them. I heard someone clear their throat so I looked back up and I saw the whole crew was sat on the couch opposite from me.

Ethan walked by them and sat in the middle directly facing me. "I have a deal to make with you." He smirked.

"W-whats the deal?" I hesitantly questioned.

He rested his elbows on his knees, "well we are planning to perform our biggest robbery yet. At one of the biggest banks in the U.S, and we need your help." He said.

I furrowed my brows, "what makes you think I'm gonna help you?" I questioned almost as if it was a joke. "I mean for crying out loud you're criminals that are probably wanted in God only knows how many places." I couldn't help but laugh.

One of the girl crew members with dark brown hair was about to jump up at me, but Ethan pushed her back down.

He looked back at me and sighed, "Don't judge your own kind darling." He mocked me by laughing as well.

My own kind? Excuse me, what?

"What do you mean by my own kind? I'm not a criminal??" I questioned now completely confused.

"Your father and mother are the ones who started this... business of ours," He smirked,"and we need YOUR help to perform this task."

I shook my head.

My own father and mother criminals? Oh please, and I'm Beyoncé.

"I refuse to help you, now please let me go home." I was about to stand up before Ethan walked over to me and pushed me back down. He got really close to my face and stared me in the eyes.

His eyes were dark, I saw no mercy in them at all.

"You either live and join us, or you die. It's your go beautiful." Ethan spoke in a serious yet threatening tone.

"This Heist won't complete itself, now will it?"

Sorry this chapter was so short, I'm going to make them all longer than this but I felt like that was a good place to end at.

The fun is just beginning 😎

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