Chapter 1: Not a good start

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To all those who may or may not be reading, I hate to sound generic, but I'm new at this.  I'd appreciate all the help and input I can get.  I'm a follower virgin and need some friends on here.  I could also use a cute cover so people dont have to stare at that ugly orange cover with a picture of me on it.  Help a girl out and don't forget to enjoy.

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Chapter 1: Not a good start

*Olivia's POV*

"Fuck this!" I shouted.

"You don't get to say that.  The decision has been made.  It's what the label wants so it's going to happen," Sam our manager said calmly.

"How is our music even relevant to theirs?"  My bandmates Holland and Charlie just watch on in awe.  I know they were shocked because of my outburst.  This wasn't how I normally acted.  Sure, I swear like a sailor so THAT'S nothing new, but my angry outburst sure was.

"You both make happy, catchy music.  You both love making songs about love.  You are around the same age.  Just suck it up and make this easy on yourself.  This tour is happening."

"We want this too, you know.  We want to be successful and I love performing.  This tour is going to get me both those things," Holland stated.  Why was everyone so freakin calm about this?

"Yeah.  I agree.  Plus, they're cuuuute," Charlie said perking up.  I weighed my options.  I also felt this way but I'd never admit it if it ment I had to go on tour with THEM.  I couldn't let my best friends down or all of our hard work would go to waste.  I stuck my lower lip out into a pout.  I already knew they'd won.

"Why do you even hate them so much?" Holand asked thoughtfully.

"Because they're pretentious manufactured assholes," I yelled.  "With bad hair!" I added as an afterthought.

"Well, I think their hair is SEXY," Charlie said.  Her eyes glazed over as she started to daydream about those boys and their floppy hair.  I snapped my fingers in front of her face, waking her from her reverie.

"Sorry." Char said waking up a bit. "Wait.  No I'm not," she smiled.  I can't help but smile too.  I love how boy crazy she is, even if I don't share the same sentiment.  It's one of the many attributes I loved about my two friends.  They both shared an obsession for all things boy related.  I looked at both of their hopeful faces.  Holland had her long brown hair in a side pony.  Her soft brown eyes pleaded with mine.  Charlie had her blond bob straightened, her blue eyes closed, fingers crossed for good luck.

"Crap on toast.  We're going on tour with One Direction."  I heard shrieks in the background as I closed my eyes.  I put my fingers to my forehead feeling a permanent headache coming on.

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