Chapter 36: Remember your balls

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Sorry this was so long in the making.  on the side is a video of the boys tripping, falling, and hitting eachother in the balls while still managing to look uber sexy.  credit to who made it.  love you guys.

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Ch 36:  Remember your balls

*Liam's POV*

We had only been listening to the conversation for about a minute.  Charlie had been talking about Niall and his abilities in bed and I felt a sudden, powerful wave of emotion.  It was immense and all encompassing guilt. 

Maybe the other guys didn't feel like we were doing anything wrong but I sure as hell did.  Granted, it felt awkward that we were being talked about and anybody in our position would be curious.  Soon everyone would know all the intimate details about the girls' sex lives which involved myself and the other lads.  Us boys talked about our hookups but it would be unusual knowing the details from a woman's perspective. 

I was surprised to find that Charlie was just as graphic as any guy when describing her sexual escapades.  The mouth on that girl rivals Harry and Niall's.  I wondered if Holland would be as detailed in describing me.  The thought of her talking about me that way brought a surge of heat to my face.  The information that was going to be revealed in the conversation, especially by Holls, pertained to me directly but I just couldn't do this.  I felt like I was trespassing.  This was immoral and it wasn't me.

I looked over at the other lads.  Niall was smiling goofily, being high fived by Louis and patted on the back by Harry.  I was glad that Charlie liked him and he now had proof.  I had known he had been nervous about sleeping with her and his 'skills' being rusty because he hadn't had sex in over 4 months.  Niall had also been scared because he hadn't had a real girlfriend since before One Direction and he was feeling insecure.  I don't know what for.  Everyone loves Niall.  I don't know a single person who had ever met him who didn't love him instaneously. 

Niall didn't have to feel uncomfortable anymore.  Would listening to Holland's experience with me make me feel the same way?  I highly doubted it.  I stepped away from the other boys.

"I'm out," I told them, shaking my head.

"What?" Harry asked in disbelief.

"I can't do this.  I can't find out what it's like to be with Holland sexually through a conversation I listened in on," I relayed.

"The only reason we're even doing this is so you can find out about her," Louis hissed.

"No.  You guys all had your own reasons to want to spy on them too.  You can do whatever you want," I said, turning away from them.

"Are you sure?  Do you want us to tell you what they say about you in case it's a matter of just listening in personally?" Niall offered with that happy smile still plastered on his face. 

Niall really was more perceptive than people game him credit for.  He was good at reading people because he spent so much time around others.  Maybe that's why he always let secrets accidentaly slip, because he was always talking to someone about something.  Niall was a people person, chatty, and all around likable.  It gave him good perspective on the emotions that were going through peoples heads without them having to say a word.  The blonde could tell that this was a matter of me invading the girls' privacy while the others were still confused.

I looked over my shoulder at the 3 of them still standing around the intercom with the white button pressed, our end on mute so the girls couldn't hear us talking.  "Thanks but no thanks.  Lou's right.  Someone always gets killed on the mission in the spy movie and this time it's not going to be me.  I've got to make this right and this isn't the way.  Sorry guys."

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