Words Fail

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You're so weird

and strange

Your face is so not my type

I have standards

but your smile

it get me every single time

It's kind of crooked

It's kind of loop-sided too

Your eyes 

the way they light up 

as you laughed at my stupid joke

I can't get enough of it

I'd do anything to always have you around

As a lover...

that's impossible

I mean you're so far away

I barely managed to ask you

the question. 

The one I dreaded the most

"W-will you be my friend?"

You nodded

My heart constricted 

and that's how I'll tie you to me

I'll make you mine

You're after all...

Someday you'll love me

I mean I'll do anything  to make you mine

Aren't I such a loveable mess?

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