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3rd Person POV

Harry had no clue how he managed to bribe his girlfriend to go to Venice with him. Y/N got back from America, very jet lagged and tired, then immediately got on a plane with Harry to go to Venice. Needless to say, it is two in the afternoon and she is wiped out.

"Darling, is there anyway I can get you to come down to set with me? Tom needs me and I don't want to leave you in the hotel room for the next couple of hours." Harry said sweetly, petting the side of Y/N's face and brushing hair away from her eyes.

Y/N opened one of her eyes at him, "get me some coffee and I'll think about it." She closed her eyes again and got comfortable above the covers. "I'll say yes anyways, I just want coffee."

"There's coffee downstairs, and besides, you need to get back on a normal sleep schedule. So get up," Harry got up from the bed and tried to pull Y/N off the bedsheets. She refused to budge. For a couple minutes, Harry thought of ways to get his girlfriend out of bed. He doesn't have arm strength to pick her up, which was the only thing he thought of doing. "I'm giving you five seconds to get out of bed or I'm calling Tom to come pick you up, and remember what happened last time that happened?"

God dammit. Y/N stirred out of bed and walked over to Harry by the front door. "I refuse to have Tom carry me over his shoulders again, I'm not a sack of potatoes." Y/N made a dramatic exit by throwing open the room door and speed walking towards the elevator. "Come on, slow poke!" she called out from down the hall.

The Holland twin took a second to make sure his wallet is in his back pocket before exiting the room. By the time Harry came out of the hotel room, the elevator door had opened and Y/N stood inside of it.  He had to rush down the hall and slide into the small enclosed box. It was quite a sight to see.

"Y/N, you know I'm not athletic, so why did you make me run like that?" Harry panted, placing his hands on the cold wall and taking some deep breaths. "So the plan is to grab coffee, find a boat, and float over to the filming site. We should be back around nine, tonight is not a long filming night, unlike this Wednesday. That is going to be a long night for all of us."

The elevator opened and Y/N rushed out of it. Harry followed quickly behind his girlfriend, attempting to keep up with her. "That sounds good to me." Y/N shouted over her shoulder. It doesn't take long for Y/N to find the coffee machine, and when found it, she practically ran towards it.

"You've got to stop running from me," Harry heaved out. He placed his hand on the wall again, trying to regain his breath just after loosing his breath from chasing Y/N upstairs. "Can you make me some coffee too? Extra milky?"

She laughed, "already done." Y/N turned around to face her boyfriend, holding two cups of coffee. The one in her right hand is handed off to Harry, it being the extra milky one that no one except him likes. Then, Y/N brought the cup from her left hand to her lips and took a big drink out of it. "Alright, I'm ready to go."


The filming for Spider-Man: Far From Home got done early, so Harry decided to have him and Y/N ride down the river in a cute little boat. It would probably be the only time Y/N and Harry would have a boat to themselves. Tom left as soon as filming was done, he was very tired too. Then, nobody knew what happened to Zendaya, Jacob, and Jake after Jon called it a day.

"This is nice," Y/N whispered in Harry's direction. Her head is laid down on her boyfriend's chest, who is laid down on the floor of the back of the boat with the boat rower sitting in the front.

A long yawn escaped from Y/N's mouth, it made Harry laugh. "Just a couple more minutes before we are back at the hotel, okay?" She nodded her head, pretending to hear what Harry said before falling asleep.

The boat ride finally stopped in front of the hotel, which gave Harry another hard decision. He could wake her up, carry her inside, or try calling Tom again. Waking her up it is.

"Darling, let us go to bed up in the room. I need you to wake up for five minutes, then you can go to sleep for the next ten hours." Harry pleaded, softly shaking her body. Instead of getting up, Y/N shook her head at Harry. The boat is way too comfortable to get up now. "Don't make me call Tom."

"I'm getting up," Y/N said softly. She knew the Tom card was coming, Y/N just liked to be stubborn.

It was a long walk to the elevators and towards the room. Then, they were nearly to the door when Y/N slumped on Harry's body. He ended up dragging her to the room and plopping her down on the bed. Harry could now confirm, his girlfriend is out like a light.

"What am I going to do with you?" he laughed to himself.

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