Sweatshirt Stealer

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3rd Person POV

"Harry, why didn't you tell me it was going to be cold in New York? I should have packed a jacket or something." Y/N shivers in her shirt and jeans, an outfit that usually keeps her warm. On the other hand, Harry rolls his eyes at his girlfriend. He literally told her to bring one, but she didn't because someone wants his sweatshirts.

Tom is walking up ahead with his google maps on his phone. This morning he came up with the great idea to walk around New York City and try to find this museum with his google maps. Needless to say, it isn't going well.

The wind picks up slightly, making Y/N shudder a lot more from the coldness. Harry sighs and begins to take off his sweatshirt. By the time he gets it off, Y/N is eagerly waiting with excitement in her eyes.

"Here you go, Princess," Harry hands her the maroon sweatshirt. There goes another sweatshirt he won't ever get back.


Harry opens the front door to his flat and finds it to be in complete darkness. Y/N must be asleep. That boy knows better than to wake her up, but he is hungry for some crisps.

Using his found flashlight, Harry quietly walks around in the kitchen to get a drink of water and the crisps. He is digging in the cupboard for at least five minutes with no sign of them.

"Dammit, Y/N."

The kitchen light turns on in one swift movement. Harry has been caught red handed.

"What are you doing at midnight, Harry?" Y/N stands in the middle of the kitchen with her hands stuffed in the long sleeves of her boyfriend's navy blue sweatshirt. This one is much larger than his other sweatshirts, but she didn't mind it. Besides, she doesn't have to wear pants underneath this one.

He turns around with his hand planted on both of his hips. "I can't find my crisps, you care to know what happened to them? Wait, that's my sweatshirt!"

Y/N begins to laugh and run back to his bedroom. She's been caught red handed herself. "I left some crisps, don't be mad at me!" The lights turns back off and she can hear Harry running right behind her. He's laughing too.

Thankfully, Y/N left the light on in the bedroom, otherwise, neither of them would have been able to see. She runs and hides on one side of the bed, waiting for Harry to find the mess she made on the bed. There is crisp crumbs everywhere on the bed. She didn't mean to leave them there!

"You are such a little shithead! I've never seen so many crumbs on my bed before." Harry climbs on the bed and begins to brush off all the little pieces of food. Then he spots his girlfriend on the floor.

In a quick movement, Harry lunges himself off the bed and scoops up Y/N in his arms. He attacks her with a lot of baby kisses, then lays her down on the bed to tickle her.

"Harry Holland— Harry Holland stop!" She laughs, attempting to shove the boy away. It doesn't work.

"How dare you eat my food and steal my extra large sweatshirt! You are so lucky I love you."


"Princess, if you don't hurry up, we are going to be late for the movies. My parents already get suspicious when we don't show up on time to things!" Harry shouts from the front of his flat. They should have left three minutes ago, but somebody isn't done getting ready. That somebody is Y/N. Y/N isn't ready.

"I'm putting my fucking converse on!"

This makes Harry smile. Even if they bicker, it isn't over serious stuff. It is over stupid stuff like being late to some movie for Paddy's birthday. He has been wanting to see this movie for quite some time now.

Y/N finally emerges from the bedroom wearing some cute overalls and his yellow sweatshirt. He really should have seen it coming. The yellow converse did match pretty good though.

"Come on, and by the way, don't think you are getting away with wearing my sweatshirt again, Missy."



It is two in the morning and Y/N can't sleep. Harry is asleep beside her in his old bed from his childhood, he insisted on staying the night at his parent's house with the whole Holland family, because it would be another eight months before all of them would be under the same roof again.

The whole "staying the night" would be great if Y/N could actually sleep. It is hard to sleep when Harry isn't cuddling her body and the covers are all on his body. She is very cold.

Wait, Harry has a black sweatshirt downstairs. The girl softly shuffles out of bed, praying silently that Harry wouldn't wake up. He doesn't, thank goodness. Y/N continues to tiptoe out of the small room, open the door, close the door, and sneakily walk downstairs.

The sweatshirt is sitting on the couch, so close, yet so far. The first step towards the sweatshirt is too easy. The next is a little harder. By the third step, another person has appeared.

"Y/N, what are you doing at two in the morning?" Tom says from the small hallways that leads into the kitchen. Y/N stops in her tracks, then slowly turns to see him eating a slice of cake.

"I could ask you the same question, Tom Holland." She snaps back, but continues to walk to the sweatshirt. Tom doesn't respond to her, instead, he watches her grab the black material.

"Does Harry know what you are doing?" Y/N could hear the smirk in Tom's voice as he slides another piece into his mouth. Sneaky little bastard.

"Does your parents know you are eating the last slice of cake?" She quickly slips the sweatshirt over her head and begins to move towards the stairs. "Let's pretend we didn't see each other, deal?"


Y/N hurries back up the stairs and into the old bedroom. Good, Harry is still sleeping. In a quick movement, Y/N gets back under the covers and falls asleep peacefully.

The morning arrives. Harry is awake and staring at his girlfriend in amusement. She literally got up in the middle of the night to grab his sweatshirt.


The door to the flat slams open. Harry is storming inside the place with his body drenched in rain water. All he did was take a simple walk from the car to the building. His shirt is sticking to his chest, his hair is extra curly, and his shoes are dripping wet with every step he takes.

Y/N's head perks up from the book she was reading on the couch. There are so many jokes she could make right now, but as she can tell, it is not an appropriate time.

"What is—"

"—where are they?" Harry irrupts his girlfriend as he angrily takes off his wet shoes. "Where are all my sweatshirts? I couldn't find a single one this morning and it would have been really nice in the rain right about now." After both shoes are off, Harry storms over to Y/N and stands over her body on the couch.

Well, one of his sweatshirts is on her body. It is a purple one, but he doesn't wear that one often. "I—um, come with me." Y/N jumps off the couch and races into the bedroom. For the last couple of months, Y/N has been hiding all of Harry's sweatshirts under their bed. It is a pretty obvious spot to hide the clothing, but Harry never thought to check there.

"You have to be shitting me, all this time?"


Harry takes an armful of sweatshirts, "I'll be taking these back." He moves the sweatshirts back to his side of the room and onto a pile of more clothes that lay on the floor.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, what do you think you are doing with my prized possessions?"

"I am taking them back and washing them, because no offense, but I would like to be clean and smell like me again." Harry takes off sticky shirt, then slides on a warm sweatshirt he missed so much. "I'll be taking this pile of clothes to my parent's house tomorrow, but until then, you cannot take my sweatshirts."

Y/N pokes out her bottom lip and pouts. "Can I have just one sweatshirt?"


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