Radio Embarassments

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I didn't realize I had 1 more story saved in this book, so I hope you guys enjoy my last Harry Holland story :)

PS this was written like 1-2 years ago

3rd Person POV

Harry Holland knew it would be a mistake to go on the radio. Sure, it was his dream to be on the radio one day, but not like this. This was supposed to be Tom and Jake's interview on the radio for their new movie, but instead, Tom insisted that Harry should go on to talk.

"What—what am I supposed to say on here?" Harry nervously laughs, staring up at his brother in slight horror.

"Anything you want to, it is the radio," Tom laughs and pats Harry on the back. It makes Harry cough a bit.

Instead of saying something really cool, it came out really dorky and stupid. "The birds work for the bourgeoisie."

Awkward silence came afterwards. Nobody knew what to say. Jake stands behind Harry trying not to laugh his arse off. Tom is staring down at his brother for quoting a meme on live radio.

Y/N could not believe she is dating that man who just said "The birds work for the bourgeoisie" on the radio. She knew Tom would be on the radio, that is why she is listening to the station in her flat in the kitchen, but what she didn't except was Harry to join in on the conversation.

"I'm totally going to bully him later."


Harry arrives back to his shared flat already knowing his girlfriend has listened to his pathetic attempt to be on the radio. Just this morning, Y/N was talking about how excited she was to hear Tom and Jake in the radio. So hearing Harry on the radio this morning was quite a surprise.

"Did you make dinner?" Harry asks in an excited voice. After being teased the entire day by his brother and his costar.

"I made lasagna," Y/N cheers from the kitchen. It has been a while since either of them have had lasagna and after today's events, she thought Harry would want some. "How was your day?"

Harry arrives into the kitchen with an exhausted look on his face. "It was good for a while." He sits down next to Y/N at the island table, slumping his head on the table and letting out a long sigh. "Don't make me say it."

"Say what," Y/N teases, "that the birds work for the bourgeoisie?" She begins laugh, and it makes Harry sigh even more. His head turns over to look at his girlfriend, who seems to be laughing harder now.

"Why must you tease me like this?" Harry pouts, "I already had to deal with my brother." Y/N stops laughing to give Harry a small shoulder rub. The boy sighs again, but it is a more lovingly and relaxed. "When will the lasagna be done?"

A loud beep erupts in the kitchen, causing the couple to lightly laugh. "It is done now." Y/N leaves the moping Harry on the kitchen table. The hot dish gets placed on the stove and it smells amazing.

Harry's head perks up from the table, "I wish I could eat the air right now. It smells so good!" Another yawn escapes his mouth, but this time he tries to cover it with his free hand and play it off like it wasn't a yawn.

For the next five minutes, Harry watches Y/N walk back and forth in the kitchen. She grabs plates and cups for both of them while the lasagna cools down.

Eventually, Y/N places a plate of lasagna and a glass of lemonade in front of Harry, then sits herself down with her own lasagna and lemonade. Immediately, Harry digs into food and groans happily.

"This makes up for the terrible day I've had," Harry says with a mouth full of food. He swallows it all before talking again. "Thank you for making dinner."

"No problem, Har," Y/N smiles and takes a quick sip of her lemonade. They continue eating in silence, only talking every so often about random things that pop into their minds. For instance, Harry brought up the conversation about wanting to buy a pug, because he thinks that pugs are pretty cute.

The rest of the evening it quiet. Harry helps his girlfriend do dishes and put them in the dishwasher, which is very rare. Usually Y/N does the dishes one night and Harry does them the next night, but he is in a good mood and wanted to help.

Afterwards, Harry pulls Y/N into their bedroom and onto the mattress to cuddle. Harry lays himself next to Y/N, placing his head against her neck and wrapping his arm around her stomach. This pose is natural for them.

Out of nowhere, small giggles begin to escape Y/N's mouth. Harry doesn't realize it at first, he thought she was laughing at the television show, but then it got louder and louder. His head moves away from Y/N's neck to stare at her face in utter confusion.

"I—I," Y/N wheezes out, "I can't believe you told everyone in Britain that the birds work for the bourgeoisie!" She roles over in the bed laughing her arse off. Harry is not too fond of Y/N's giggle fest.

"That's it, I'm taking a shower and you better be done laughing when I'm out!" Harry announces to his girlfriend while stomping towards the bathroom. Y/N does her best to stop him, but her wheezes get to the best of her and she cannot talk.

This is never going to get old.

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