Too Clingy

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Harry Pov:

I woke up in a rather small bed I then realize that I fell asleep with Shae because she was scared. I slowly get up slowly not waking her up. I walk quietly out of her room closing the door softly. I walk to the couch to watch some t.v, before I knew it a lil Shae was quickly running out of her room to my side she was hugging me tightly. "what's wrong lil one" I ask her. She answers "Me want you". I smile a bit and hug her. "its ok Shae I right here". I get up to walk to the kitchen to make some breakfast. She clings onto my leg. I look down. oh I hope this doesn't go no for the whole day. I pick her up and continue walking to the kitchen I set her down and again she clings onto my leg. I think for a moment. Maybe I should have Liam come over he's good with her. I quickly call Liam.

Me: hey Liam mind coming over for a while Shae is kinda clingy on to me and she wont stop.

DaddyDirection: Sure be there in 5

Me :mkay

I look down at Shae and pick her up and walk back to the couch I set her on my lap and she lays her head on my chest. I hear a knock 5 mins later. I get up and shae is literally clinged onto my chest. I hold her and start walking towards the door I open the door to see Liam and Zayn.

"is it ok if I brought Zayn too"? Liam asks. I smile and nod. they both come in. We all walk to the couch I sit down to still Shae sitting on my lap.

"You going to say hit to you uncles Shae"? She shakes her head no. I just go wide eyed. She never says no. "Awe come here". Zayn says as he tries to pick her up and hold her. She instantly starts screaming and crying and getting a hold on me tighter. Zayn lets go quickly. I have no idea what's with her she's never like this. "Is she ok?" Zayn asks a bit concerned. "I don't know". I say with a frown. "could it be from yesterday its probably affecting her" he says. I nod "yea maybe". "wait...what happened yesterday". Liam asks curiously. Me and Zayn look at him and we both explain everything. Liam goes wide eyed. "You Left Her Alone!! Stranded With A Bunch Of Girls!!!!!" Me and Zayn both look down sadly. Liam looks at Shae very concerned. "You guys realize this clingy thing that Shaes doing can go on for like a week". I go wide eyed. There is no way I could deal with that for a week I mean of course I wouldn't mind being with Shae she's precious but when its clingy it just too much. I sigh a bit. I feel Shae's hands playing with my hair. I smile a bit. "But I have a solution". Liam says. I look up at him "what?" "you can always have her stay at one of our house's she may throw a bit of fit bu she needs to get use to not be too clingy". I think for a lil and nod". So who would wanna take care of her?" I ask. "well I would but I cant I have a couple double dates with Cambria Niall, and Maddie". Liam says a bit sad. "I can watch her". Zayn says. I smile. "ok thanks Zayn". "do I have to watcher for a week". I nod a bit sad that she'll be gone. "don't worry you can visit her". He smile I give a smile back. I walk to Shae's room and pack her stuff for a full week. "where we going daddy?" I look at her sad that im not the one going. "Just you baby girl your staying at Zayn's for a week". She stars to cry. I hold her tightly. I finish packing her stuff and walk out of the room as she is clingy to my leg. I walk to Zayn I hand him her stuff and we both walk out. Liam walks behind us. We walk to Zayn's house which isn't that far. We Enter his house I put Shae on the couch I try getting up but her hands grip onto my neck. Liam and Zayn pull her off my neck and they both give me the look to run before she goes too crazy I giver her a sad look I say Love you Princess and run out of the house as I leave along with Liam I can hear her screaming and crying. I feel tears forming in my eyes not wanting to leave my precious lil girl at Zayn's house but its for the best.

Zayn Pov:

I hold Shae Tightly as she cries and cries. I feel so bad but I will try to make her feel better. After 3 hours of her crying she starts falling asleep. I sigh in relief I set her down softly. I walk to the kitchen. I'm not the best cook but ima make me and Shae instant pasta I know instant pasta but it's still good. I put it in the microwave and live it in for a few minutes. I walk back to the couch to see Shae peacefully asleep. I breath in a bit. Im not normally the one who babysits's my best guys friends kid. But the others are probably too busy. I hear the beeping sound from the microwave so that I know the food is done I walk there and take out the pasta I put the pasta in separate bowls. I set the bowls on the table. I walk back to the couch to see Shae awake. I give her a small smile she looks like she wants to cry but doesn't. I pick her up and take her to the table knowing she may cry if she sits alone I set her on my lap and I start to eat. She stares at her food. I sigh a bit and pick up her fork that harry lended me and I put it to her mouth she slowly opened her mouth and chews it. I smile a bit I hand her, her fork she takes it and slowly starts eating it. I continue eating my food. After a while we both finish the pasta I put the bowls and forks to the sink and wash em up. I check the time and its 8:00 p.m. I pick up Shae and put her to my bed I lay down with her so she can fall asleep. Soon enough she falls asleep. I soon think to myself if I get up and leave she will wake up and go to me so I guess ill stay here and go to bed early. I start closing my eyes. I think to myself before I officially fall asleep. This is going to be a long week....


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