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Zayns pov:

I was currently at a Mcdonalds with my baby girl I was watching her as she plays in the playhouse. I smile as she screams in laughter while going down the slide can anything get any more prefect than this. I just smile to myself at thought. Okay I do admit takin her away from Harry was wrong. But something in me told me too so I did and anyways she's doesn't know anything about Harry or...... At least not yet anyways. In a month or so me and the guys are going in tour. I have to bring Shae along. In worried Harry is gonna do something. Knowing him he will. I look down to my phone as I get a text. It from one of the guys. I have received like 80 text messages from all of them but I don't bother to look or answer. I look up to see a little boy a little taller than Shae push my little girl into the ball pit. The boy laughs evilly and walks away like nothing happened. I get up hurriedly and jog over to a crying Shae. I pick her up and I start cradling her. "Shh shhh baby don't cry, daddy's here" I say soothingly. A few minutes later she calms down. " I think it's time to go home yea?" I say as I'm still cradling her. She nods her little head and I smile a bit. I throw our trash away I grab my phone and head back to my car. I buckle Shae up and I get in the drivers seat and start driving back to my flat. Here and there I look through the reaview mirror to see if Shae is ok. I smile as I see her fast asleep. I continue to drive.

harrys pov:

I was asleep. I had nothing better to do.


I was walking down a road. The sky was dark as dark clouds were filling the sky. I sigh a bit but continue walking. I pass by a house and I take a glance through the window as the blinds are open. I then see Zayn picking up Shae and spinning her around. I see her giggling. I start towards the house. It felt like years and years to get there. I then stop in my tracks to see Zayn looking at me with a frown. He mouths. "Stay away Harry she's mine now". My heart instantly fell into pieces. Suddenly I'm falling but I see my little Shae try and reach out to me. But I'm falling further and further down. I hear her cries. But there's no way to get there. Her cries echo at me as I'm falling into blackness. I start screaming for her. Before I know it I'm completely in darkness. I hit a ground. I get up trying to see but everything is pitch black. I can still hear shae's cries. I follow those sounds if cries. I walk to where the sounds are I then slid open a door that I didn't even know was there. I then see Shae getting hit by Zayn. She cries even more. I try getting to her but there's no way. I couldn't reach her at all I couldn't help her. I started to cry. I'm then falling through a dark hole. I hear piercing screams everywhere. I try blocking out the noises but I couldn't the bloody screams just continued and continued. But the screams weren't from Shae they were from me. I then hit the cold hard ground. I see this monstrous thing in a black gown with a hood up to where you can't see his face. He opens a room that's dark. Then he uses force in me and starts pulling me towards the room. I then start screaming for help. My vision starts to blur out and I'm dead. Then in my dream I see Liam and Niall walk up to my Tomb stone. And it says on the stone. "Here Lies Harry styles 1996-2014 ,the boy who suffered from depression for all of his life" and the boys sllently cry and throw flowers onto the tomb and walk away slowly.

~~ended dream~~

u wake up screaming and sweating. I'm not letting that happen not ever! I will get my Shae back no matter how long and hard it will take. Nothing is backing me down no one at all. Zayn.... Get ready for the worst.

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