The Plan

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Zara's POV

Rapidly blinking with my annoyed face.

I took his gifts not saying a word.

"So does this mean..." he said with a straight face.

Before I allowed him to finish the sentence I opened the Box of Chocolates and shoved it in his face as I walked away throwing the flowers in the bin.

Whispers and murmurs started emerging from the shadows as they all soon turned to him,

I could tell he wasn't very pleased with what I had done but it's as if I cared.

That image he's trying to keep up will go straight to the ground if he keeps up what he's doing now....

Evan's POV

I wiped the chocolate off my face as I saw everyone looking at me.

At the end of the hallway I had saw Axel smirking, making fun of me for what had happened.

Could this women get any worse!


I was angry, PISSED OFF!

For goodness sake what are people going to think of me now after this happened!

Does she have an aim with me!

Did I do something wrong to make her despise me what is it!

After cleaning up I headed to class but I was stopped by a timid girl with what I was assuming gifts behind her.

"Um, Can I uh tell you something important?" She said in a soft spoken voice.

"Ugh, sureeee what is it?" I groaned.

"Do-o you want to go on a date with me?" she said rapidly as she blushed red.

I stopped for a moment...

And a plan came to my head,

That's it I thought!

"Yeah sure, 1 o'clock this Saturday at Starbusts Cafe!" I answered as I smiled for what was about to come.

"Really! Ok I'll see you there!" She said running off forgetting to give me the gifts.

When I entered class everyone already knew what had happened.

And this was only the start of my new plan...

Zara's POV

What were his intentions with the young girl?

I don't plan to clean up his mess again...

It has already been tiring for what he has done about tresspassing early in the morning before...

But what does he plan this time...

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