The Date

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Evan's POV

I waited at exactly 1 o'clock in Starbusts Cafe for Lila.


She messaged me: "On my way, sorry for being late, the train was delayed"

I replied: "No worries, it's fine"

In no time, she was sitting opposite me, her eyes fixed on mines.

I hadn't had the time to notice how beautiful she was yesterday as I was too busy creating my plan.

She had the most charming eyes, and her smile was like heaven!

We ordered a cup of coffee and talked for a while. At first, it seemed so awkward, especially as this was planned so soon! 

Though I had seen her around at school, and she was in a few of my classes, I hadn't taken notice of her and this was all so sudden.

I soon forgot about my plan to make Zara jealous, that I was in such a deep conversation with her, it was like we have known each other for years!

Customers and customers came rushing in, and amongst the crowd....was Zara Lauren..

I put my head down, not wanting her to know that I was here. 

I soon realised that she wasn't alone..beside her was EZRA?! 

"Is anything wrong?" Lila looked at me, worried that she's had upset me.

"No, no nothing, hehe" I replied.

I saw her eyes, moving around the cafe until they came to a Zara.

She looked at me with a frown. "It's her isn't it."  

I looked behind me, pretending I didn't notice the Student Body President waiting in the queue.

"What! No! I have nothing to do with her. Let's just continue the day happily!" I smile

To my relief, she smiled back reassuringly.

Ezra and Zara sat on a table quite near to ours.

They laughed and chat away as the day went on, which is what I planned to do with Lila, but knowing Zara was sitting there made me uncomfortable.

I tried to hide my lack of comfortness from Lila, and she seemed to be having a good time.

Soon, Zara noticed I was there. And this was when the plan begun!

Lila's POV

This day wasn't turning out how i expected it to be..or how I wanted it to be.

Though I barely know him, Evan is acting strange.

I can see him glancing the opposite way to Zara and a guy whom I don't know.

I didn't want him to know I was upset though, as this would ruin the day.

I tried to stay as positive as possible, and well, afterwards everything turned out fine!

I just had a severe suspicion that Evan was planning something....and I wasn't proud of it at all.

At home..

I keep a diary of my day, and I'm sure today was pretty eventful!

I wrote all my thoughts about Evan.

Hopefully I made him satisfied enough to leave Zara alone....

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