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"Gays, lets go."

"Uh, I'm bi-"

"and im straight-"

"whatever. lets Go!"

this was the ultimate group of friends. of course, none of you know why.

so ill explain.

all of these friends were born with unique abilities, and wings.

almost like angels.

they were all born in a lost country called rangnarokia.

the country fell apart after two angels fell in love.

see, angels arent allowed to fall in love with eachother.

they just reproduced and left it at that.

the angels were also immortal.

or, until the nightmares took over.

led by one of the angels, the nightmares killed every angel.

except a few.

this group of friends were among the survivors.

this is their story.


"Alright so now we're at school," Jayden said sighing. "From what ive seen in musicals, highschool SUCKS."

"Jayden, you do knw that not everything that happens in musicals is true...?" Juliana asked.

"I know."

"Sure ya doooo." said Michelle.

Those three, Michelle, Juliana and Jayden, basically were the definition society.

You see, every angel 'controlled' something.

Jayden was the angel of freedom.

Michelle was the angel of love.

And Juliana, the oldest of the group, was the angel of life.

And together, they created the gays.

The other friends controlled things too.

Logan controlled the weather, but he calls himself the angel of thunder because it sounds cool.

Angelo was the angel of fire.

Trey was the angel of mischeif.

Andrew was the angel of death. (No, that didnt mean he killed people.)

Dynise was the angel of physics.

Marissa was the angel of nature.

Kam was the angel of secrets.

and Imani was the angel of music.

Don't forget who they protect.

Well, I guess we'll find who they are in the next chapter.

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