Meeting The Protected p.2

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"Who the fuckk are you and why are you here" some short girl with a bun and a singular braid said.

"Uh, I'm Juliana. Nice to meet you." Juli's eyes felt watery. "What's your name?" She took out her 'emergency' Kleenex and wiped her eyes. This was her assigned person and /god/ was she cute.

"I'm Jayda. That's Tavion," she pointed at another short boy with brown hair, "and that's Devoine" she pointed at a tall-ish kid with an afro.

"Nice to meet you guys."

"So where are you from? And why's your back look so lumpy-"

"Shannin! You don't just ask why someone's back is lumpy."

"I know, Sbaa..."

Marissa was very confused as to what was going on. She already hated school, so why does she even have to go anyway? Oh yeah, the people we gotta protecttt. Protect from what anyway???? Speaking of that, she was crying. "Shit." Marissa said out loud. Does she really have to protect TWO people? Ughh fuck you supreme overlord. You suck.

Jayden sat down next to Angelo, her assigned seat being next to Brianna and some kid named, Dnicio? Dinicio? Donicio? Yeah. Angelo took one look at the guy and his face was just drenched in tears.

Shit Angelo is that yours??

Yeah no SHIT Jayden.

Hahahhahaha that one's his...

Shut the fuck up kammm.

Jayden got out some tissues for Angelo. "Why do y'all new kids just start crying randomly??" Dionicio asked. "We have allergies..." Jayden said in response.

mfs I'm too lazy to write so there's another chapter I'll do more laterrr

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2019 ⏰

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