Meeting The Protected p.1

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"Hi humans!!!!!!!" A perky girl went up to the kids. "I'm Brianna, I'll be showing you around the school!!!"

Whenever an angel meets who they protect, they cry.

The tears just, happen. They're not sad or anything.

Jayden started crying.

Jayden thought to the others. Uh... do any of you have a handkerchief or something...?

Holllllyyy shit. Is that...? Michelle thought. She handed Jayden a handkerchief.

"Aww, you okay? I guess since we're friends now, I can just..." Brianna reached over to Jayden and kissed her.

Or thats what Jayden wished would happen. Rather. Brianna hugged her.

Anyway Jayden had her fifteenth gay awakening.

WAIT are u in love with her already omg... Juli thought to her.

SSHSHHSHSHUT. Brianna started showing them around, but Jayden didn't pay attention. She just stared at Brianna in all of her beauty.

Oooooooooo, Jayden's in loveeeeeeee-

Shut up Logan.

"Andddd here's our classroom! 7th grade reach is pretty small, but we got enough to have our own classes. Mrs. McCrumb is giving us our assigned seats today anyway."

The classroom looked a little bare. But the school year had just started.

Trey thought to the group. I don't understand why we have to go to school, since we already know everything.

Because, Kam thought, the people we gotta protect are all here.

But why them? Why didn't He put us across the world from eachother and shit? Andrew thought.

I don't know, He said so, so that means that we have to or else the fate of the universe is at stake. Juli thought.

Oooooo, steakkkkkk...

Logan shut up.

"Alright kids,"

"We're highschoolers..." Brianna whispered, rolling her eyes.

"Here are your assigned seats!!"

to be continued...

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