Chapter Eleven

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"I don't want them to know the way I loved you - I loved, and I loved, and I lost you."

The following morning the school was covered in professors, ministry workers and parents protecting the students. Almost every corner of Hogwarts was taken care of by someone, making sure no one that didn't belong could get in. Draco never returned to the school. He stayed with his father and mother, unable to take what would await him with Harry if he returned.

On the other hand, Harry was checking on all his friends. From Dean and Seamus, to Luna and Cho Chang. As he wandered the halls checking on those he cared for, he ran into a dark-haired girl who wasted no time in yelling at him.

"Watch where you're going!" She huffed.

"Pansy." Harry seethed as he looked ahead of him, seeing Pansy in a different state. She wasn't in her school attire. She was dressed in a black blouse with what would be considered muggle jeans and boots, and Harry would admit she looked different.

"Hello?!" She snapped, waving her hand in front of Harry's face.

"What?!" He replied.

"Have you seen Draco?" Pansy asked, crossing her arms. Harry shook his head, jaw clenching and unclenching.

"No. Not since last evening."

"Last evening? Where?" She asked.

"With Lucius." Harry spat before pushing past her and walking down the hallway of the dungeons. He headed towards the boy's lavatory and into a corner, leaning back against the wall and sliding down it with a sharp intake of breath.

"Harry?" He heard. "Harry, you alright?"

"Neville," Harry sighed, looking at Neville as he made his way over to Harry. "Hey."

"Why are you in a corner?" He asked, kneeling down to Harry's eye-level.

"Just thinking. It's quite." Harry replied, shrugging his shoulders.

"That's all?"

"That's all."

"You sure?"

Harry's jaw clenched and unclenched. "No. I'm fucking afraid and seem to be the only one. That better?" Neville rolled his eyes.

"And I'm bloody terrified." Neville huffed, frowning at Harry as he sat down in front of him. "You aren't the only one. We're all just keeping it together. We can't be running wild around the halls while there could be people out there waiting to kill us."

"I'm sorry." Harry whispered, fixating his gaze on his hands.

"It's alright. I mean, we're all on edge. I know you are, especially." Neville smiled reassuringly at Harry. "We've just got to stick together."

"Yeah." Harry nodded, looking up to smile slightly at Neville.

"Besides, if we've been taught anything, it's that we can work through it all together."

Harry snorted. "Very inspirational, Neville."

"But true!" Neville laughed. Harry nodded, smiling at Neville. Neville smiled back, gesturing towards the halls. "Care to join Seamus and I in the Great Hall?"

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