Child of the Night

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There. There she was, the most beautiful girl in the Night Court.
In all of Prythian.
There she was, sitting right across from  Adryan, son of Rhysand and Feyre. High Lord and Lady of the Night Court. She looks so peaceful there among all her books.

But alas, he could not have her for she was only visiting for some short period of time.
Oh, he thought to himself, how foolish could I possibly be?! How did I fall for those bright blue eyes with the golden ring, or those beautiful golden curls?! How? Father would certainly kill me if he found out.
By the cauldron, I'm stupid!

Even as he told himself all of that, he could not take his violet blue gaze off of her.
Questions started to swarm around in his head.
Why had she come here?
When will be leaving?
Why can't I be with her?

She noticed his stare upon her and gazed back at him.

"Are you going to sit there and stare, or do you have something to say?" She  asked, her gorgeous eyes fixed upon him.

"I was just," he started, "I was just, um, wondering what you were reading."

"That knowledge belongs to me, and me only," she said as she closed her book and stalked away from him.
He ready did wonder what she was reading, for he too loved reading. But now he really began to wonder, for in her book he had caught the slightest glimpse of some ancient marks on the page....

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