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As Nehemia flew over the court of dreams, she couldn't help but think about that Illyrian shadow.
Who was it?
Were they trying to save her?
She wouldn't find out anytime soon, she was a princess.

Why waste any time on those winged pricks.

She flew and flew over the city until she reached a seaside cliff.
There she shifted back into her fae body and took it all in.
The salty air and rolling sea. Gods she loved the ocean. The untamed fierceness that was contained within it.

It often reminded her of her mother, though Aelin had been gifted by the gods with flames, she still couldn't help but see that wildness in the sea that she often saw in her moms eyes.

She stared down at her body. Gods above she looked just like Aelin. With her Ashryver eyes and golden curls. She had her father's height though, when she was barely past her first bleed she was inches taller than her mom.

Nehemia's turquoise gown shifted in the wind, the moon illuminating her hair.

She swept her gaze around the area, making sure that no one was around her.

She took a deep breathe, plucked a dagger from the hidden pocket in her gown, and sliced across her palm.

Nehemia tried her best to recall the wyrdmark from her book as she dipped her finger into the cut, warm blood stuck to her fingertips.

The princess kneeled over until she could reach the stone ground, and she began to draw.
Intricate lines and swirls made up the mark and before long it was finished.

Nehemia stepped back as it began to glow and open up beneath her.

The world seemed to dissolve around her as the wyrdmark took it's full power and her with it.

She had always loved the feeling of going through portals. She loved how she could be on the planet but not in it, how she was everywhere and nowhere at the sametime.

It intrigued her.

She had grow up learning about wyrdmarks and their power over this miserable world, due to the fact that they had saved her mothers ass more than once back during the Valg war.

When the portal finally was done transporting her, she stepped out with ethereal grace that only the fae could accomplish.

Gazed around, and found herself in her world.

The universe she had created, borne of flame and ice.

She took one step towards a shadowy figure in her universe.

The princess smiled and said with utter delight,


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