EIGHT: No One Talks To My Adidas-Wearing Wife That Way

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"The Chicago Board of Trade? This is your idea of fun?"

Alyssa and Cameron stretched out in the press box's cushioned seats, bored out of their minds. With a large glass window in front of them, they could see a couple hundred people yelling at the top of their lungs and making frantic hand motions to each other. Ferris was standing right by the window, hands pressed against the glass while observing the action.

"I thought you might want to rest your legs for a little bit, excuse me for trying to be a gentleman." Ferris said, turning around towards Alyssa. "Plus, Cameron's probably not gonna do anything else ballsy for the rest of the day. Basically," Ferris explained, "this is his excitement. Might as well let him enjoy it for 5 minutes."

Alyssa glanced at Cameron sitting beside her, flicking his cheek for fun, and looked at Ferris.

"Oh yeah, he's definitely having a good time."

Cameron looked up at Ferris and nodded. "This is the least risky thing to happen to me all day. It's great."

Ferris held out a hand in Cameron's direction while looking at Alyssa. "Did I not tell you he was boring?"

"Yeah, yeah." Alyssa waved him off and peered out the window. "Do you think those people ever get tired of yelling at one another?"

"It is their job, so I guess not," Ferris mused.

"I mean, my parents don't," Cameron casually mentioned, catching both Alyssa and Ferris's attention.

"Mine either," Alyssa said. The three had serious expressions on their faces as they glanced around to each other. After a moment, they couldn't take it any longer and all bust up into fits of laughter.

Somehow, the idea of the teens' parents fighting at home had turned into a hilarious matter. Maybe it was because it happened so frequently over ridiculous things, or because so much happened in their lives every day, or even because they were teenagers; either way, the three were laughing, completely carefree with no worries on their minds for the first time all morning.

"Wouldn't it be great to just run away?" Ferris blurted after the laughter had died off.

A small, confused little smile made its way onto Alyssa's face. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, wouldn't it be great to just run away? No cares, no responsibilities, no one to tell you what to do..." Ferris trailed off.

Cameron audibly scoffed. "Maybe for you, but we're not all legendary, smooth-talking Ferris Bueller. You could get anything you wanted and be perfectly fine."

"Of course not, Cameron. That's a mouthful."

To tell the truth, Alyssa had never even considered running away before, even though her parents didn't always get along and could have some pretty nasty fights. They were too hard on her and obnoxious, yes, but they were still parents who wanted the absolute best for her, even if it was almost always stressful. Plus, they were the ones with all of the success, money, and charisma; she hadn't inherited any of the qualities that made her parents who they were. Hell, she didn't even have her own money; at least, none that wasn't automatically handed to her. If she were to run away, what would she have to offer?

Nothing, she thought to herself. I'd have nothing at all.

"I bet we could do it." Alyssa was pulled out of her thoughts when Ferris spoke. She looked up, just in time to see his dark eyes trained on the wall behind her, a distant look in them. "You and me... and Cameron." He quickly added.

Alyssa laughed. "Sure we could. Ferris, we're 17, what do we know?"

There was a glint in Ferris's eye when he answered. "Enough. At least, I do. I could take care of us."

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