Chapter 11

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Jake’s POV

‘Sam you have to go to the hospital. That foot is badly injured’ Father said.

‘You want to be responsible for the football team losing then you take me. But I know what I am doing so leave me alone’ Sam said running out the door. Father signed not bothering to tell me to go after her.

‘I wish that I knew what she meant’ Father mumbled. Mother walked in looking at the two of us.

‘What did Sam do?’ she asked.

‘She doesn’t want to go to the hospital and stormed off’ I said grabbing my stuff and heading to school. Sam and Luci are laughing in the yard about something. I notice Jamie trying to flirt with Michael. He is ignoring her and she walks over to her friends.

I walked over to the football guys and they were laughing too.

‘It so stupid’ Zac said.

‘It’s not like she hasn’t seen the two of them together’ Matthew said.

‘What are you laughing about?’ I asked them.

‘Jamie trying to flirt with Michael. It is pointless’ Cody laughs.  Sam and Luci walk over still laughing.

‘Did you see that?’ Adam asked.

‘She warned me that she would get him when we saw her on Saturday. I don’t know why she bothers’ Sam laughs shaking her head as Michael walks over.

‘Aurgh, Jamie is such a pain’ Michael states.

‘Like we didn’t already know’ Cody smirks as the bell rings.

I headed to Health with Sam and Luci. I was annoyed with the guys making fun of Jamie even though we aren’t dating anymore. Sam sits next to me in Health just as Mrs Wilson come in.

‘Today we are talking about mental illnesses and what happens in a mental ward. Does anyone have anything to start off our conversation?’ she asked and Sam raised her hand.

‘A mental ward is very simple. In general they only have a bed in them and often mental patients aren’t allowed any visitors’ Sam said.

This created chatter about what it would be like if you couldn’t see anyone else. I couldn’t imagine not being able to see anyone for even one day. You would get so lonely.

I noticed Sam and Michael standing together between classes.

‘Hey, you guys aren’t meant to be talking’ I told them pushing Sam away. She mouthed something to Michael smirked at me.

The next class I had was Calculus.

 ‘I was disappointed with these results. The highest was 100, which is good, but the lowest is 0 with the average only 53’ Mr T said, our teacher when he handed out our last test.

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