Chapter 24

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Jake’s POV

Ten years later.

‘I’m going do to the café’ I called to my wife Josie. We have been married for almost a year. We met at some conference. We still live in a small town that I grew up in but I love it. My parents live down the road and we visit them most weekends. I still regret letting Sam go all those years ago but I am happy with Josie.

There was one other group there. It was two youngish women, about 25 and three children are running around. The oldest is female and is blonde with dark eyes. She is probably about eight. The other two are male, probably twins. They aren’t identical. One looks like the girl and the other has brown hair and emerald eyes. I sat in front of the two women.

‘How is it?’ the darker haired woman asked.

‘They are so nice especially around time off. I got three months of summer conditioning when Izzy was born. As Conner and Cody were three week early I had slightly less time off. Michael is really happy at the Broncos too’ the blonde said.

I turned around. It was Sam and Luci. Sam and Michael are both playing for the Denver Broncos. I watch some of the games but I avoid it. The both did really well at LSU as well. Football didn’t work out for me. I am an accountant now and that is how I met Josie.

‘How is the anthropologist going?’ Sam asked.

‘I love it. The degree took ages but I am glad that I did it. How is the FBI going?’ she asked.

‘I have done the preparing part but I haven’t started yet. That will be after I finish football’ Sam smiled.

I left minutes later. I didn’t need the constant reminder that I wasn’t as good as she was. Josie was cooking when I got back. The apartment is small but it is really nice.

‘How was it?’ she asked.

‘Sam was there so I didn’t stay long’ I said.

‘I know but you should get over it. You wouldn’t haven’t have met me if you kept going’ Josie reminded me. I hugged her.

‘That was what I needed’ I smiled remembering why I loved Josie.

I may not have followed through with football. I may not be as good as Sam but I love how I am and that is what matters.

The End


Thank you for reading. I know the last few are short but I loved writing this.

I will put a new story up in a few days once I have written a few chapters

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The Wise One


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