13. matters of him to talk about

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Hoyeon's POV

When Jisoo, Jihoon and I walked towards our apartment, I suddenly stopped walking, making the both of them stop, too. "What is it now?" Jihoon asked, putting his hands inside his pocket.

"Should I buy a water dispenser now? I still have time.. and money." I said and checked my wallet. Jisoo 'pfft'ed. "Don't sweat it. Go buy during the weekends." I nodded and we went on again.

When we arrived at the apartment, Jihoon started to make dinner, but Jisoo said she'll do it today since I'm going to pay for their snacks tomorrow. "Tomorrow's the first time I'm gonna buy snacks for you guys." I said while eating potato chips I reserved the last day.

"Yeah, I know. I just realized that, too." Jihoon replied and moved next to me on the counter, watching Jisoo cook for us. Jihoon took a handful of chips from my bowl and munched each one of them.

"I hope things get messed up when we go to the cafeteria." Jisoo raised a knife and looked at us. Jihoon and I flinched on our seats, terrified with Jisoo's look. "Don't say that, or else you're gonna be scarred for real tomorrow." She said.

Jihoon took another chip from my bowl and put it in his mouth. "Yes, mom." Jisoo rolled her eyes and continued on chopping some vegetables.

The both of us were focused on her and we jumped in again when she smacked the knife on the wooden chopping board. "Hey, stop that! You're scaring us." Jihoon said but Jisoo only scoffed. "Kids."

Jihoon and I didn't say anything and waited for our food. After almost an hour of waiting, Jisoo finally finished up and placed the food in a bowl. She served it on the table and prepared the plates and utensils.

I hopped off the stool first and Jihoon followed. We went to the table and sat on the chair. Jisoo took off her apron and washed her hands. She dried her hands using her handkerchief then her phone suddenly played iKon's Killing Me.

She took her phone from the counter and answered the call. Before she said 'hello', she turned on the speaker. "Hello?"

Jihoon and I covered our ears while Jisoo backed the phone away from her when someone screamed from the other line.


"Good evening to you, too, Yuqi--"


"Chill. I'm in Jihoon and Hoyeon's apartment. Cooking for them."


"Last time I checked, you always make breakfast and lunch." Silence from the other line. I kept listening to their convo while eating.

"Damn it."


"Shut up."

"Why did you call me, by the way?" Jisoo asked and scratched her head.

"Just wanna check on you." Yuqi replied, making Jisoo smirk annoyingly. "You know, you're making it obvious that you're lesbian and you like me--" We covered our ears when Yuqi screamed again.

"I am not lesbian, Kim Jisoo! Just so you know, I like this guy in our class named Jisung--" Jisoo's expression suddenly turned serious. "Cut it."

"Cut what? My feelings for Jis--"

"I said cut it out!" Jisoo shouted. Silence from our apartment to the other line. "Don't you mention that name ever again. Not when you call me and when I'm with my friends. Are we clear?"

"Y-Yeah." We were silent again. We heard Yuqi clear her voice from the other line. "Anyway, I also like this guy called Jihoon."

Jisoo and I looked at each other, then at Jihoon (who is at shock), and together, we laughed. "Hey, what's so funny?" Yuqi asked from the other line. Jisoo stopped laughing.

"Okay, so. I have two friends with me right now and this call's on loud speaker so they can clearly hear you. Guess who's my friends?" Jisoo smirked once again.

"Uh.. I have no idea but Hoyeon's a first." Yuqi said and hummed, thinking who's the other one. "There's just two of them, am I right? The other's a boy."

Jisoo nodded with boredom. "Ugh, you're taking so long. He's Park Jihoon." She said and Yuqi was quiet on the other line.

"WHAT?! OH EM GEE! Did he hear what I said?" I chuckled when I heard Yuqi's voice trembling. "Uh.."

Jihoon suddenly walked over the phone. "Hi, Yuqi. Didn't know you had a crush on me." Jisoo and I chuckled while Jihoon messed his hair, smiling awkwardly.

"H-H-H-Hey, Jihoon. I-It's not like I-I--" Jisoo laughed. "Stop stammering, Yuqi."

"I-I can't help it! God, how am I going to face you tomorrow like everything seems normal? I think I'm just going to embarrass myself!" Yuqi said.

Jihoon chuckled and folded his arms. "Oh, it's okay, Yuqi. You want me to ask you out tomorrow?" Jisoo tried to giggle lowly but it was loud enough for Yuqi to hear.

"Excuse me???? Not me, Jihoon. Yes, I might like you, but that's way too fast. I'm not even sure if you like me back." The three of us laughed. "God, you bunch of weirdos. This is why I stick to Hanee and Maya."

"Whatever. I'm gonna drop the phone now. I still haven't had dinner yet." Jisoo said. "Good night, Yuqi!" I said from the table. "Good night, Hoyeon!"

"I'll be back by 8:00." Jisoo said and is going to press the end button when Jihoon spoke up. "Good night, Yuqi. Sweet dreams. Don't forget to dream about me, alright?" He chuckled.

"What? A-Alright-- I mean-- NO! But a-anyway, thanks. Have a good night." Jihoon smirked. "Of course, it's a good night for me. You called."

"Ugh, I swear, you three! You guys are dead to me tomorrow!" I chuckled on my seat and stood up to place my plate in the sink. "Ooh, scary. I'm dropping the call. Bye bye!" Jisoo said before pressing the end call button.

"God, that was a mess back there." Jisoo mumbled and sat on the chair I occupied earlier. She started to eat and I saw Jihoon not moving from his place. "Jihoon, your plate."

He looked at me then at his plate. He later replied with a, "Put it in the sink." I walked towards him and gripped his arm. "Excuse me, Mr. Park. It's your responsibility since you were the one who used that to eat. I'm not your slave." I said and pointed at his plate.

"Ugh, fine, mom." I smacked his back while walking towards the table. "You girls seriously love slapping me, don't you?" He rolled his eyes making Jisoo pointed her fork at him. "In the name of this food, thou shalt shut the fucking hell up."

Jihoon stick out his tongue, making Jisoo pissed. She stood up with her fork and chased Jihoon around the house. "Come here, you sick rabbit!" Jisoo shouted from upstairs.

I rolled my eyes and went to my room. "If I reach my room, you guys wash the dishes!" I then dashed to my room and when I got there, I locked the door, making sure they can't get inside.

Later, I heard their muffled voices outside. "She got to her room, god damn it." Jisoo said and I heard her face-palmed. Jihoon sighed. "Let's just go down and wash the dishes."

"Hmm, that's fine." Jisoo replied and I heard their footsteps slowly fading, but I still heard what Jisoo added.

"We still have matters of him to talk about."


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