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What in the entire fuck! That's what my brain spewed out as I met his eyes. I fiddled with my fingers in either embarrassment, want, nervousness, need; I didn't know what to be honest. All I knew is that his half-lidded glare made me feel vulnerable in a way. It made my breath hitch, but I tried my hardest to hide my reaction.

Once again, the three of us occupied the same vicinity, except this time, we were in a different place and two out of three of us were clothed. I couldn't believe what I was seeing in this moment. I knew it was them. It had to be them. His eyes told me so. Just like before, he was the only eyes that I was seeing, being that his twin was out of sight, still behind the v-flat.

They were extremely hard to mix up with anyone else; they had very distinct facial features and a height and body frame to match.

He dressed in a pair of black jeans and a black sweatshirt with the sleeves pulled up at his forearms. I wasn't a sneaker head, but I knew that Jordans were hugging his feet. His head crowned a glorious fro that freely sprouted from his scalp like fireworks that were frozen in time. I looked down at his chest which adorned a necklace with large black beads that danced with a glint of shine caused by the lights in the studio.

 I looked down at his chest which adorned a necklace with large black beads that danced with a glint of shine caused by the lights in the studio

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When our eyes connected, I got the same feeling that rushed through me the night before. I felt a jolt of energy wake my tired body, as if I had taken two pills of Adderall and it was finally kicking in. The look that he was giving me was not one that I expected him to have. I was expecting a look of anger, betrayal, or something of the sort. It was more of a look of knowing and wanting; as if he wanted to tear me open where I stood.

"Ahhh, zere you are mes garçons! Vous êtes prêt, oui?" (Ahhh, there you are my boys! You guys are ready, yes?)

"Oui monsieur! Mon frère doit mettre ses chaussures, oki?" (Yes sir! My brother has to put on his shoes, okay?)

Switching back to English, the older gentlemen turns to me and says with a clap of satisfaction, his chin slightly raised with confidence, "Voilà, we will begin now. Merci for you patience mademoiselle!"

He walked closer to me. Taking my hand, he planted a kiss on top, "Please know, zat zey are un pleasure to work wiz'. Zey will make your trouble well worz' everyzing, d'accord?"

He didn't wait for my response as he dropped my hand and walked past me to begin ordering the team to do what they were hired to do.

Little did he know how true his statement rang in my ears. What he said couldn't be more than true. My thoughts automatically went back to last night. Although I came in today dead tired, watching them was well worth the exhaustion.

I turned my attention back to the man who was waiting for his twin brother. His glare became more sinister the longer we stared one another down. His eyes lowered for only a split second as he looked down to begin to readjust what looked to be a necklace on his left wrist in order to transform it into a bracelet. His sexy eyes shot right back up at me as he finished the placement of the beads to his satisfaction.

 His sexy eyes shot right back up at me as he finished the placement of the beads to his satisfaction

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I had to look away. If I didn't, I probably would of fallen to the floor due to a spontaneous orgasm right there. I walked over to the set and began fiddling with the camera, making adjustments that didn't need to be made. I just needed something to do.

As I began looking over the storyboard on the small table next to the camera, I heard a voice behind me that sent chills up my spine, "I know who you are."

The sound startled me, forcing my head to snap back and my body soon followed the movement. I looked up at him and met eyes filled with invisible fire. I didn't notice how my breath picked up in pace until I saw his gaze trail down to my chest.

It caused a smirk to form on his lips, the left side of his mouth curling up looking just as menacing as his eyes. It made me think of The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.

"I, I, I didn't-" I felt so stupid with the words caught in my mouth

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"I, I, I didn't-" I felt so stupid with the words caught in my mouth.

He leaned into my ear and brushed his bottom lip on the stud of my earring, "I say I know who you are. No need for pretend like you not she."

I knew I couldn't fake like I didn't know what he was referring to. I'm sure my facial expression snitched on me.

"I see you watching us. You know how much you turn me on when you do that for us last night? You make me cum so hard."

He brought his body back up and swiped his tongue across his pierced lips.

"Larry, I done!"

I heard someone call out from behind him. He turned around and I looked past him as I saw an almost identical version of this man, Larry, who just caused me to almost cum in my pants a second ago when his mouth was too close to my ear.

Larry looked over his shoulder back at me.

"My twin don't know what you see last night. Maybe I tell him." He gave that mischievous smile again.

I quickly grabbed at his forearm, making his body face me again.

"N-no, please don't, I'm sorry! Please, I beg you not to-"

"What you not know is that I like to hear a woman beg. What you also not know is that my brother like it more."

My mouth hung open as I tried to think of something to say in response.

He bit his lip at me and groaned out. He made his sexy lips meet my ear once again, "If you not close that pretty mouth of yours right now, me and my twin gonna fill it with something."

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