A surprise

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It was July 1st 1979and Minerva Mcgonagall was in her office Reading, when the school year was over she usually stays home with her husband and visits her brothers and their kids but they were on a trip and her husband was at work so she decided to spend the day at Hogwarts. She wasn't really feeling well so Albus tolled her to to relax and read . Albus was here good friend and her oldest friend in age he was 83 and she was only 41 . She sat there reading for about an hour before she got bored and decided to go see what Albus was doing.She made her way to his office and stopped in front of the gargoyles and said chocolate frog the gargoyles sprang to life and moved out of her way to revile the entrance to the headmasters office.She walked up to the door and knocked.She here's his voice say come in ,she walked in and saw the old man sitting at his desk reading some papers .He looked up and a small smile appeared on his face.
"Minerva what brings you here ?." " oh I was just bored Albus ." "Bored of what." he said looking at me over his Crescent shaped glasses with his kind blue eyes. " bored of reading." I said and he gave me a look of disbelief. " I never thought I would ever hear Minerva Mcgonagall say she was bored of reading." he said wile laughing I started to smile but stopped. I felt like my stomach was turning inside out I looked around for a trash can ,as soon as I found one I ran towards it and emptied my guts .

Albus's prov .
I walked over to Minerva and placed my hand on her back rubbing it and asking if she was ok she didn't answer ,she just sat there with her head over the ben . Finally she got up leaning on me for support .I walked her to the hospital wing and as soon as we walked in Madam Pomfrey rushed towards us . "What happened Albus is she alright ." she said helping put Minerva on one of the beds . " she threw up do you think she has a cold ." "maybe I'll check her and tell you when I'm done." she said pointing to the door indicating that she wanted me to leave. I didn't argue I just turned around and walked out of the hospital wing .
Minerva's prov.
I felt dizzy and nauseous. I tried to sit up but Popy pushed mecback down "Popy let me go." "no you need to rest ." "I feel fine I don't need to rest ." " Minerva I know your Lying to me ,now go to sleep and get some rest I'll send a letter to your husband ." and with that she walked out and left me here lying on the bed . I decided to go to sleep I was after all a little tired.

I woke up to see Albus and my husband sitting beside me. I sat up and looked at my husband "what are you doing here shouldn't you be at work." I asked him "I wanted to make sure you were alright,is that a crime." He said smiling at me "no ." I said and leaned in to kiss him I pulled away and looked at Albus who was looking at the floor with a grin on his face "thank you for bringing me here Albus." I said hugging him "your welcome." He said the grin on his face getting bigger "why are smiling ."I said looking at him "Popy would you like to tell the patient why she's not feeling well."he said I quickly looked at Popy waiting for her response.She walked closer to me and smiled "am I sick ." I said still looking at her.She shook her head and said "Minerva your pregnant." My jaw dropped "I'm ...I'm what ." I said though I herd her quite fine "pregnant."she said again and I turned to Elphinstone  and hugged him so hard . "Where going to have a child ,your going to be a mother."He said smiling and kissing my head I turned my head to see Albus walking out of the room . I got up and walked after him . he was half way up the stairs when caught up to him turning him around and hugging him. "Congrats " he said pulling away from me so that he could see my face . "Thank you ." I said .there was no smile on my face and there was no smile on his face "what's wrong aren't you happy." He said "yes of cores I am but what's wrong with you." he looked down at the floor and began to speak "I gust got word that a death eater killed a member of the Oder ."he said " who ."was all I could say "your youngest brother ."  He said and it felt like I was just stabbed in the heart. My youngest brother dead he was only 32 .A tear ran down my face. I didn't know what to say I didn't know what to do but cry. I suddenly felt Albus's arms rap around me ,me head on his chest .

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