My Poor baby

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McGonagall's POV

We were at lunch and my Daughter started to ask me a question when someone crashed into the table sending the dishes flying. Food was flying everywhere and dishes were crashing to the ground breaking. When everything settled down everyone was covered in food while the students just sat staring at us. I looke at Albus. He was laughing ? "Why are you laughing?"I said " because it's uh funny" I rolled my eyes at him then I remember that Rebecca was sitting next to me and now she's not "Wait were's Rebecca?!" I start looking around then I ducked under the table and my eyes widen in horror there she was unconscious and bleeding. "Albus!!" I yelled "what's the mate-." He froze. I picked her up, her limp body in my arms, she was still breathing but barely though. "Al Alb-um w we"I mumbled "Minerva we need to take her to the hospital wing." Albus said. I readjusted her so that she was on my hip and her head on my shoulder.I looked up and everyone was staring at me "I started walking with Albus and Poppy when "I'm so sorry professor I didn't mean to bump into the table" said Fred. So it was him who knocked over the table causing my baby to seek shelter under the table and ending up unconscious and bleeding. I new he didn't mean to but I couldn't help but be furious at him. I looked at him then continued walking next to Albus with Poppy behind us. My mind went blank I didn't know were I was it didn't even seam like I was moving, I could only feel my daughter in my arms. Before I knew it we were in the hospital wing and Poppy was trying to take Rebecca from my arms. "Minerva I no it will be hard to let out of your arms but you need to put her down so that Poppy can help her, Minerva?" "Wha-oh sorry Albus" he gestured to the bed "right" I said as I reluctantly put her down on the bed. Poppy started heeling her wounds and removing the glass shards as I just stood there eyes closed and dead silent. Then Albus came up and pulled me into his chest in an embrace, not saying anything just rubbing my back as I nestled my head in the crock of his neck. It was comforting Albus had been my friend for years and before that my professor and mentor. He had always been there Always no matter what I knew he would be there. I was so concentrated on the warmth of the embrace that I didn't notice the students coming in and out or the fact that the Weasley's, some Gryffindor's and professor's were standing a few feat away to give us some space. It was dark now everyone had gone and Poppy had finished healing Rebecca. I was still in Albus' embrace which had become tighter. I didn't want to let go of Albus, I didn't want to look at my daughters still body see her unconscious laying there. " Minerva" I here'd Albus' voice it was soft and gentle " Minerva Poppy's done she says she's alright.." "I can't Albus, I just can't, it hurts to much" he didn't say anything just kept rubbing my back. It then hit me that Albus had a meeting today but he spent his whole day here with me, why. "Albus?" "Yes Min?" "Didn't you have a meeting today?" "Yes but that doesn't matter" "it was with the minister!" "Your more important, Rebecca is more important to." He thought that Rebecca and I were more important than the Minister? That's sweet. "Albusyouaresosweatyoudidn'tneedtodothatitwastheMinisterbutyoustayedhereholdingmewhy?" I said super fast. "Because you are my friend" he said I was surprise he had herd me [if you didn't understand what she said she said : Albus you are so sweet you didn't need to do that it was the Minister but you stayed here holding me why?] "but-" "but know I think it's time you got some rest, hmm" "Albus I can't I-" "need some sleep, come on it's not a suggestion" Albus let go then grabbed my hand with his right and put his left arm around my shoulder as he escorted me out of the wing. We walked all the way to my room and walked inside. Albus turned me around then kissed my hand "Good night Min" "good night" he then turned Arian's walked out leaving me alone.

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