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Four years later
Rebecca's POV
I opened my eyes turned my head and looked outside. It was a beautiful day my birthday in fact but not just any birthday it was my Eleventh birthday. Before I could get up my mother came in the room and immediately hug me so tight I couldn't breathe and smothered me in kisses. "Ah mom I can't breathe" "Happy birthday my beautiful child" "must you do this every year?" "Yes I'm your mother it's my job" there was a knock on the door "come in!" I said as Albus entered the room "I just came to see how the birthday girl was doing?" "Well right now I'm being hug to death" "oh well that sounds like fun!" He said laughing as he joined the hug. "Oh great not you to!" they kissed me on the top of my head as they let go. "Come on breakfast" said mom "you mean my special birthday breakfast!?" "Of corse" "YES!" I yelled as I ran out of my room towards the Great Hall "Rebecca slow down!" Mom yelled after me.
       "So what ya get me?" "you'll have to wait till after breakfast" said mom as I stuffed my face full of pancakes with whip cream and raspberries "here's the mail" said Dumbledore giving Mom a knowing look as and owl swooped down and landed in front of me. I took the letter and screamed when I saw it. Everyone at the table looked at me. " I Got it It's Here oh my god." I yelled as I waved my Hogwarts letter in the air. " All right" yelled Fred and George" I turned to my mom then to Albus and said "can we get my stuff today?" "I have classes today hon" mom said "I can take her Min" said Dumbledore "ah alright." She said "Yes! When can we go?" "After lunch" "ok got to go Bye!" I said as I jump out of my seat and headed towards the Gryffindor table. " Soon all be joining you two" what if your not in Gryffindor?" Said George "don't worry I will be" "of corse you'll be" said Fred as they got up "come we got you something" "awesome what is it?" "You inpatient child" said Fred "If we told you it wouldn't be fun" said George "of course of course how could I forget." "I haven't the faintest clue."
       "Close your eyes" Said Fred when we entered there dorm "ok" I said as I closed my eyes. "Ok open your eyes" said George. I did and in Fred's hands lay a red and gold box. "What is it?" "Open it and find out" I took the box from his hands and opened it. In it lay a pair of knee high black boots. "Oh My God you didn't!?" "We did" "how, were did you get the muggle money?" "Doesn't matter" "but you remembered I told both of you about this ages ago" "we know" "how did you find them?" "It wasn't hard" said George "quite easy actually" said Fred "well how you got them doesn't matter, I love it and I love you for remembering" I said as I hugged Fred "and you to of course." I hugged George. "There perfect, it's perfect more the perfect one of the best gifts I've ever gotten really!" "Ok you need to stop thanking us or will be late for class" "Fred when have you ever really cared about class, or did I forget something.?" "Maybe I've just grown up?" George and I looked at each other "Nah never" Said George. "You grown up people be real" I said "anyway you two have to go to class bye" I said as I turned to leave "Oh and thanks AGAIN!".
       "So you ready!" I said as I ran into Dumbledores office at 1:00 pm "Yes come on let's go."
"I can't believe we're going" I said as we left the grounds "grab on to my arm and hold on tight, don't let go." He said and we disaperated. We were walking down the street when we walked by a book store. I got this weird feeling like something was telling me to go to n there, like something was calling me. "Wait!" we stopped "what is it" "we have to go in there" "why?" "I don't know" I said as I turned around and headed towards the shop Dumbledore following in tow. The shop looked old like no one has been in here for ages. I kept walking not knowing we're I was go until something caught my eye. There were seven books. They looked brand new and out of place. I picked the first one and it read.
Harry Potter And the Philosophers stone
It was weird it was impossible how could there be a book about something that hadn't happened? I looked at the other books they all said Harry Potter. I  picked them all up and headed towards the cashier. "How much?" I asked putting them on the table. The old man looked at me for a while then said "for you nothing" I was shocked " really? For all seven?" He nodded. I picked them up and headed towards Dumbledore. "We can go now" I said. We turned and walked out "what books are though's?" "you wouldn't believe me if I told you" I replied "what are they about?" "You wouldn't Believe me" "try me" he said smiling at me. I laughed. "Maybe another time but right now we have more important things to do. Don't we" "Yes we do."
       "Wow It's amazing, why haven't I been here before?" "We could never find the time besides you were more interested in chasing butterflies and picking wild flowers. You were a lovely adorable girl" "were?" "Oh I beg my pardon I mean are" he said placing his arm around my shoulders, pulling me in for a side hug. "Ok what's first?"
       We had gotten everything except my wand. "Oh I can't wait I bet my wands going to look amazing." I said as we entered. "Ah I've been waiting to see you" Said an old man as he approached the desk. "Dumbledore how nice to see you again!" "Hello Olivander" he said as Olivander went and grabbed a box. He opened it and handed the wand to me. I gave it a wave. SMASH. I had blown up something behind him "no definitely not. We had tried four wands when I saw a box way in the back. It spoke to me. "What about that one back there" I said pointing. He walked back there and picked it up. He brought it back, opened it hand handed it to me "this one is 9 1/2" long made of fir and has a tail hair of a thestral"( i put her wand pic up at top it had trouble loading here)
As soon as I touch it it released a light a glow around it. I looked down at it it fit perfectly in my hand, it was amazing and it was mine.
Thought y'all needed something to read while we're all stuck inside in these hard time. Hope y'all are safe and the best wishes to all. ❤️

The New Member of the Golden Trio Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora