Chapter One: The Crash And Meetings

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Clem's POV

The walkers were flooding in around me an AJ. I had just jammed the keys into one and the car hit into a tree, pinning it. I quickly break the window and grab the keys, starting the car and driving fast. A Walker broke through my side window and was grabbing my face but AJ shot it. I turn back to the road only for us to hit a tree and the car crashes down the rest of the hill.

I woke up half an hour later and see someone taking AJ away. "No, Please!" I beg and someone drags me out of the car. "Louis, she's bleeding! Her head!" A voice shouts. A girl. I see her for a few seconds before I close my eyes. She has short, light blonde hair and soft green eyes. She's mumbled quietly to me about how I'm going to be alright and that they will help me and AJ, though she just calls him the kid. Before I can do or say anything, I black out again.

I wake up later in a completely new place. I'm laying on a bunk bed but the top bunk doesn't have a mattress. It's a pretty small room with a desk, another bunk bed across from me and a small, broken shelf. The girl is sitting at the desk, writing something. I try to sit up but make a small noise at the restraint on my wrist. I am taped to the bed frame. The girl quickly turns and smiles slightly. "Hey, you're up" she moves and sits on the edge of my bed. "Uh, shit" she mumbles and carefully takes the tape off of my wrist. I sit up, pain filling my head. "Y-you got in a crash, you and your kid. Do you remember that?" She asks quietly and I nod slightly. "AJ. Where is he?" I ask her quickly. "He's with Louis. He's alright but he's missed you. You've been out for nearly four days" she explains. "Louis?" I asked her. "Yeah, I'll take you to the kid and Lou." She mumbles and stands up, offering her hand to help me. I take it and smile slightly at her. "I'm Violet by the way" she says, smiling softly. "Clementine" I smile back.

She starts to lead me to a room where I can hear music coming from. I think she forgot that she's still holding my hand but it's nice. She seems really nice which is slightly worrying because the last people to be nice to me was the people on the cannibal farm. But she seems genuinely nice. She realised that she was still holding my hand and drops  it. "S-sorry" She stutters and walks ahead of me slightly but not before I see her cheeks turn red. I give her a confused look but stay silent.

She opens a door and I see AJ and a boy, playing a piano together. The boy looks over and grins at me. "Hey, A I think someone's here to see you" he told him and AJ turns to see me. He jumps down from the seat and runs to me. I fall to my knees and we hug. Violet walks over to the boy and whispers something to him. They have a whispered conversation involving him, chuckling and her, glaring at him. "Clem! Are you okay now?" AJ asks me, still with his arms around me. "Yeah, I think so. Are you okay?" I ask him and he nods, pulling away from the hug. "I like it here. There are lots of nice kids and one of them has toys!" He tells me, grinning. "Wait, kids? Are there any adults?" I ask him and he shakes his head. "Nope, I think the oldest person here is Marlon. He's probably nineteen?" He says skeptically. I give him a slightly worried look and sigh. The other two look over at me and AJ. "Hey so, I'm Louis. Musical, entertaining and the best person here" he grins cockily and Violet rolls her eyes. "By that he means that he's a shit-stick who's head is shoved up his ass" she says, smirking slightly. The boy, Louis elbows her playfully in the stomach. She winces slightly and places a hand over the area. "Hey!" She grumbles at him, resulting in him chuckling.

"I've-" he starts. "We've" Violet corrects him. "Sorry, we've been looking after your kid for you. He's been, well honestly he's been a bit of hassle but we've put that up to you not being around and being in a new place" Louis explains and Violet nods slightly. "I'm sorry you've had trouble with us" I mumble and AJ looks sadly up at them. "I'm sorry I've been bad" he tells them. They both share a slightly shocked look. "Hey, it's not a problem. You don't need to apologise" Louis says and they both start to walk over to us before a boy with a bad blond mullet rushes into the room. "Vi, Lou. It looks bad, we're gonna need all the help we can get." He looks down at me and AJ. "Hate to ask it since you've just come around and all but would you mind lending us a hand? We've got a hunting party out and they're getting swarmed with walkers" he asks and I nod slightly. "Sure, no problem" I tell them and Violet grabs a bag and hands it to me. "Your stuff" she mumbles and steps back to Louis' side. I take out my knife and give AJ his gun. All three of them exchange a worried look but ignore it for the time. I pull my hat on and stand up. "Ready? Let's go" Louis says and we all leave the room, going to the gates at the courtyard. "AJ, stay here and watch my back okay?" I tell him and he nods. The four of us check that we are ready and open the gate, stepping outside.

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