Chapter Six: The Game

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Slight Smut, Anorexia Symptoms

Clem's POV

After the two boys finally calmed themselves down, it was time for dinner. It was the fish that Violet and I had caught and it was served to everyone. Marlon stands up in front of everyone and thanks the two of us saying that we were a good pair, offering Violet a sly smirk. She stands and punches him in the stomach then sits back down. Marlon stumbles to another table, away from us as a few people laugh. I smile at Violet and she smiles back shyly as we begin to eat. I notice that Willy isn't around but I see Louis walk to the graveyard with a bowl of food and he gives it to someone before coming back so I assume that Willy is at Mitch's grave. The two must have been really close. I go back to my meal but I can't help but notice that Violet isn't really eating hers. She's sort of just playing with it. I gently put one hand on her back. "You okay Vi?" I ask softly. She turns to me and offers a small smile. "Yeah, Just not really hungry" She tells me and I nod slightly. I'm not going to push her to tell me about anything else after today because I know she opened up to me a hell of a lot already. She goes back to playing with her food and I go back to eating mine, still with my hand resting on her back. I see her blush ever so slightly and she eats a little bit of her meal.

After everyone is done with their food, it's time for another game. Louis takes a group of us over to a couch and some chairs. Marlon apologises and gives a reason to why he can't play, going inside to his office. It's me, Louis, Violet, Tenn, AJ and Assim. All the others are on watch, cleaning up or just being helpful in general. "What's the game tonight Lou?" I hear Violet ask as she sits next to me. I hear Louis squeal slightly then clear his throat and offer us both a grin. "Truth or Dare" He tells us and I hear Violet sigh. "Each person takes a card. The lowest card gets the punishment and the highest gets to decide it. The highest also gets to choose if it's a truth or a dare" He explains then passes the cards around. Of course, he's rigged it so he gets the highest and Vi gets the lowest. "Oh, interesting" He hums. "Just fucking do it" She mutters and I see the tip of her ears turn red. Louis grins at us again. "Alright. Truth. Who's your favourite person here?" I see her face turn bright red and she hides in her hands. "Clem" She whispers. "I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that" He teases her. "Clem!" She says louder, still hiding her face and Louis laughs at her before handing out cards again. AJ gets the highest and Aasim gets the lowest. "Mhh, dare. I dare you to kiss Louis on the cheek" AJ decides, getting an evil glare from Aasim. Louis gives both of them a look then smirks at Aasim. "Come on then. Show us that you have some romantic charm" He chuckles and Aasim glowers at him then quickly moves and kisses his cheek. Violet wolf-whistles at the two and everyone else laughs as the two separate. "I hate. All of you" Aasim mutters and sits as far away on the couch from Louis as he can. Louis hands the cards out again, him getting the highest again and me getting the lowest. He chuckles at me. "Oh. I have an idea. Clem. You have to do Seven Minutes in Heaven with Vi" He says and I feel heat rise to my cheeks quickly. "What's Seven Minutes in Heaven?" AJ asks and I glare at Louis. "It's when two people have to do some kinky shit in a cupboa-" he starts to say and I kick him hard in the shin, making him shut up. AJ gives me a confused look. "You have to do it" Louis adds, hugging his knees to his chest.

The next thing I know, Violet is dragging me inside the building by my hand with Louis following us, intending to be a human timer. She takes me to a room that's a lot smaller than ours but enough space for us to move. "Time starts now!" Louis yells through the door, which Violet locks. "We don't have to do anythin-" She starts but I cut her off with my lips against hers. It's soft and gentle to start off with. She wraps her arms around my neck and I carefully push her against the door, pinning her there. I start to kiss her slightly rougher and she makes a small noise of approval. She kisses me back just as roughly and I smile slightly against her soft lips. I pull away and kiss down the side of her face to her neck. She tilts her head, exposing more off her neck to me and I trail soft kisses down. Her breath hitches in her throat and she bites her lip, making quiet noises. I nip at the skin, leaving a small mark and she gasps and I swear I hear Louis snicker from outside the room. I continue leaving marks on her neck and she moans very quietly. I smirk slightly and repeat the actions, making her moan louder. I move back to her lips, kissing her passionately. She kisses back just as passionately and quite roughly as well. She moves her hands to my hips, pulling me closer to her and she bites my lower lip gently.

Before anything can escalate further, Louis starts to pound on the door. "Your seven minutes are up, you freaks!" He yells and tries to open the door. I step away from Vi and she pulls her jacket collar up to cover the marks and unlocks the door, stepping out. Now that we are in a place with light, I can see that she is blushing deeply and her lips are bright red from the passion of our kisses. Louis wolf-whistles at us and we both walk quickly past him, back outside. I see that now everyone has joined the game and the older ones give the two of us a 'we know what you did' look. We both blush and sit down quickly, very close to each other. Brody gives us both a soft smile, acting a lot calmer than Marlon and Louis, who are giggling to each other. I'm pretty sure Louis is telling Marlon everything that he heard because they both keep glancing at us. "Can we continue with the game now?" I hear Tenn ask and the two boys nod with Louis, handing out the cards again.

The game continues for a while, a few people dropping out to go to sleep. By the end of the night it's just Violet, Louis, Marlon and I. "And now, I think this is a good place to call it for the night" Louis says and stands up, stretching his legs. The rest of us stand as well and say our good nights. I smile softly at Vi after the two boys leave, going to Marlon's office again and giggling. She smiles back and takes my hand gently in hers, entwining our fingers and we start to walk to our room. The collar of her jacket has fallen down so I can see the marks I left, resulting in me smirking slightly. She glances at me and blushes slightly at the look on my face. I step closer to her, leaning up. "You know how nice that looks. Making it known that you're mine" I whisper into her ear and she blushed brighter. "Clem, shh" She mumbles, walking slightly faster which makes me have to go faster. Once we get to our room, she locks the door and pulls off her jacket, tossing it on the back of the desk chair. She pulls her boots off and stands next to the window, gazing outside. I walk next to her and wrap my arms around her waist, resting my head on her shoulder. She glances at me and takes my hat from my head, putting it on her own. I gasp at her actions but can't help but to admire how adorable she looks with my hat on. She grins at me and my reaction, turning so we were facing each other. I look up at her, smiling at how dorky she looks. "You look super cute" I inform her and her cheeks turn a pale crimson colour. She pouts slightly at me. "Now you're even cuter!"I grin at her and she chuckles at me. "Right, come on. Bedtime" She tells me, taking my hat off and sitting it on the desk. I pull my own jacket off and my boots, sitting them by the shelves. She sits down on her bed and lays back, resting her head on her arm. I can't help but admire her again, she's just so damn beautiful. I lay down on my own bed, staring through the upper bunk's bars and thinking about everything that happened today. I soon fall asleep to my thoughts, specifically the ones about her.

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