Chapter Four: Fishing 'Date' (One)

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Clem's POV

I wake up in the morning and see Violet sitting at the desk, writing again. I rub my eyes and grumble quietly to myself. Violet turns her head slightly, glancing over at me. "You're up. You missed breakfast by the way" She tells me and I place a hand over my heart playfully, sitting up. "And you didn't wake me up why?" I ask and I see her cheeks and neck turn a soft crimson colour. "You looked peaceful when you were asleep. I didn't want to wake you up from that" She tells me and turns back to the desk, continuing to write. I see her cover her eyes with one hand and hear her curse herself quietly. I give her a confused look but she doesn't see it. "Uh, Marlon needs to talk to you. He'll be in his office, top floor of the admin building. It's the room with the double doors so you can't really miss it." She explains quietly and I nod slightly. "Alright. Thanks for telling me" I say and walk to the door. "Uh, yeah. No problem" She mumbles as I leave. I can tell she feels awkward around me but I don't know why. Maybe I intimidate her. AJ always says that I can scare people away just by giving them a certain look. I shake the thoughts out of my head and start to walk to Marlon's office.

I walk into Marlon's office and see him and Louis standing by the door, smirking at me as I enter. I give them both a weary look and they both giggle like little girls. I furrow my eyebrows at the pair and Marlon is the first to calm down enough to talk. "Right, Okay. Clem. We need you to do something today. With Vi" He managed to say before bursting into another fit of giggles. I think they've spent too much time in the greenhouse. (That was a drug joke, I'm sorry)
I give them another confused look. "Well, what do you want me to do with her?" I ask them as Louis wipes tears from his eyes. "G-go fishing with her! B-B-By the stream!" Marlon stutters out and I roll my eyes at the pair, walking out of the room. I hear them both, still giggling as I leave the building and walk back to the dorm rooms.

I knock on our room door lightly and hear a quiet noise of approval from Violet. I walk in and see her, half asleep on the desk. She sits up straight once she sees me and combs her hair back, out of her face. I can see her cheeks turn a light crimson colour. "H-hey Clem. What did Marlon want?" She stutters, clearly trying not to show how tired she is. "It was him and Louis. They want us to go fishing together" I tell her. "Like, 'Just us' together or 'someone will be with us' together?" She asks me and I see her scowl slightly. "'Just us' together" I answer and she mumbles something that I can't hear, but I do hear the words 'Louis' and 'Dead' so... yeah. "Did they say when?" She asks and I offer a shrug in response. She sighs and stands up, her knees cracking as she did and she puts whatever she was writing in the desk drawer. She pulls on her boots and her jacket and sighs, rubbing her eyes. "We better go now, so we have time to catch something hopefully. We need to be back by dark" She informs me and I nod, picking up my backpack. She walks out of the room, me following close behind her. We pass Louis in the courtyard and Violet gives him the middle finger as we walk by, resulting in him giggling like a child again. I hear Violet scoff at him and she walks slightly faster, adjusting the collar of her jacket. I see the tips of her ears go red as we reach the gate.

I follow her through the forest, killing any walkers that get in our path. As we were walking, she trips over the root of a tree and faceplants into the dirt. I try not to laugh and she lays there, motionlessly. "You okay Vi?" I ask and hear a grumble in response as she sits up, wiping dirt from her face. She has a small cut on her eyebrow that's bleeding slightly. I look at her seriously and crouch down next to her to examine the injury and she watches me, unsure of what I was doing. I notice how defined her cheekbones and jawline appear "You've cut yourself" I mumble and her face tenses at the words. I pull out a small antibacterial wipe from a pack in my bag and gently run it across the wound, clearing it of dirt and blood. She winces at it and grits her teeth slightly. "I'm sorry" I whisper as I put the wipe in my pocket. I didn't have anything to cover the cut with so I kiss two of my fingers and place them over the cut. "All better" I whisper, smiling slightly and she blushes bright red. "Th-Thanks Clem" She mumbles. I stand up and hold my hand out to help her up, which she accepts. I pull her up easily and feel concerned because of how easy it was. She's definitely underweight but most people are now but she's different. It's only now that I notice how thin she really is, how loose her shirt and jacket are and how tight the belt on her jeans is even though they still look unintentionally baggy. She doesn't notice the look of concern on my face but I can't help but notice how her hands appear to be only bone and skin, no fat or muscle. Same goes with her arms and legs, she is the most accurate version of a stick figure. I also haven't seen her eat since I've woke up, which adds to my concern. She turns around when she realises that I'm not following her. "You okay Clem?" She asks, studying my face. I look up to her, since she's taller than me and nod slightly, offering a small smile. "Yeah. Just thinking" I say and walk up to her. She gives me a slightly confused look but starts to walk again, this time with me following. Once we get back to the school, I'll ask a few people about her, but right now I need to focus on bringing back food for everyone. 


So if anyone has any ideas or suggestions for this, they would be greatly appreciated

I hope you are all enjoying this story

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