Chapter Five: Fishing 'Date' (Two)

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This chapter will contain detailed information about various mental disorders, specifically self-harm, suicide attempt(s), anorexia and child abuse

These will also be reoccurring topics in future chapters as well, also starting with a warning, most likely the same as this one

You have been warned

Clem's POV

After what felt like hours of walking, we finally get to the river and the fishing shack. Violet walks into the shack and comes back out a minute later with two spears and a bucket for the fish, I'm guessing. She hands me one of the spears and we both walk to some rocks, right at the river's edge. She sits the bucket between us and waits for a fish to appear. I wait with her. I catch sight of one and take a shot at it, somehow hitting it. I take the spear out of the water and put the fish into the bucket. "Nice hit" I hear Violet mutter from my side as she takes a shot at one, also getting it and dumping it into the bucket. I smile slightly at her. "Thanks" I say, facing back to the river. She hums softly in acknowledgement and goes back to the river as well.

About ten minutes pass of us successfully catching fish, before she places her spear down and sits on the rocks. She motions for me to join her so I sit down with my spear at my side. "I wanna talk to you about some things since I'm sure you'll be around with us for a long time and I feel like I can trust you. I-Is that okay?" She looks over at me and I nod slightly, curious about what she wants to tell me.  "When I was a little kid, my parents hated me. But not like the way most kids think, they actually hated me. They were abusive assholes. Like, from when I was about four they would hit me and yell at me about how useless and worthless I was. And about a year before all this happened, when I was eight I think, I tried... I tried to kill myself. I was home alone and they said they wouldn't be back for a while so I went upstairs and ran the bath. I took one of my father's razor blades and laid down in the tub. Y-you can work out what happened next but anyways, I was unconscious and my parents got home together. They came running upstairs because the water from the bath was leaking out of the bathroom, down the stairs. My dad broke down the door and they both saw me, surrounded with dyed red water. They called an ambulance and it took me to the hospital, rushing me into surgery. Apparently, if I was found any later I would have died. My parents acted like they were heroes for saving me and they even got into the newspaper for it. That's when they sent me to Ericson's, thinking they could fix me or whatever. Next thing I knew, Sophie and Minnie were sent here as well though I never found out why. Then the zombie apocalypse happened and now... here we are." She has tears in her eyes as she tells me but she doesn't dare let them fall. I listen to her story, my jaw hanging from beginning to end. I move next to her and wrap my arms around her. She hesitates but does the same, holding me tightly. I don't say anything for a while, just holding her in my arms.

After a while, we pull apart and I see tear stains on her cheeks. I gently wipe away the remaining tears and look into her light eyes, cupping her face with one hand. "You are worth so much more than what your parents told you. You are the opposite of useless and worthless. You saved AJ and I and you took care of me when I was in bad shape. You nursed me back to health and I wouldn't be here without you. You helped take care of AJ when I couldn't and I know he can be a little shit sometimes" She chuckles softly at my comment. "I thank you for everything that you've done for us so far. You've saved us" I finish, still looking into her eyes. I feel a connection with her that I haven't felt with anyone else. I feel heat rise to my cheeks slightly, but I can't stop admiring her. "The reason Marlon and Louis sent us here together wasn't because we needed food. It was because they wanted me to tell you how I feel about you" She whispers, staring into my eyes as well now. I tilt my head very slightly and she sighs softly. "I like you, Clem. A lot. And I get it if you don't feel the same, we can just igno-" She says and I cut her off by bringing my face to hers, crashing our lips together. It's gentle, sweet, caring and freeing all at the same time. I feel her place her hands at the top of my spin, her arms draped around my neck. I place both of my hands against her cheeks lightly. She pulls away from the kiss slightly, still close to my face. "Holy shit" She whispers, her eyes wide. "That's romantic" I chuckle. "I mean... Holy shit" She admires my face, a small smile on her lips. We stay silent for a few minutes, trying to comprehend what just happened.

"S-Should we start going back to the school now? It's getting dark" She says after a while. I give a small nod and we separate from each other slightly. She takes the spears back into the hut and I pick up the fish-filled bucket. As we walk back to the school, we are standing a lot closer to each other than before. I smile softly as we arrive at the gate and Willy opens it for us. Everyone who was in the courtyard turns and looks at us and I hold up the fish bucket. People applaud and Violet takes the bucket from me and gives it to a guy who I assume to be the chef. Marlon goes running to her and Louis comes running to me. "So, what happened?" He asks, grinning. "We talked and then she, uh. She said how she felt about me" I admit, blushing slightly. He giggles like a kid. "Then what?" His eyes are wide in anticipation. "Uh, then I kissed her" I say quietly and he squeals, getting the attention of most people. After a few seconds, I hear Marlon squeal as well and they both run to each other. I glance over at Violet and see that her cheeks are bright red and she's pouting at the two boys. She looks really cute when she pouts. I see her look over at me and smile softly and I smile back. The two boys are close to tears from how happy they seem and I look back at them, rolling my eyes slightly. So that's what they were giggling about this morning then.

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