Chapter 7: Thorns

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A week after the ball, the doors of the police station were slammed open. First in were two officers, followed by an oddly dressed prisoner. Two more cops held the prisoner by the forearms-- although they had handcuffs placed on his wrists already-- and walked him to the cells.

"We made sure you got your own place," one officer sneered.

Waiting in front of his new cell was a detective. He was swinging the key by a string. "Mind if I ask you a few questions?" he asked the prisoner. The two leading cops fell behind to keep him from running. With this guy's height, the guards might as well pick him up and carry him if he bolts... the detective thought, watching the prisoner stop in front of him.

The prisoner was expressionless as he kept his head down, hiding his face with his hair and fool's cap. He said nothing.

"Why did you kill him?"

Not even a hint that he could hear the detective was shown.

"Did you know him? Or was it out of spite?"


"If you tell us, we might be able to avoid you getting the death sentence. Don't you want that?"

"Death..." the prisoner-- a female, he could tell by her voice-- repeated hollowly.

The detective gave up. "Lock her up and question her in the morning. Maybe everything will catch up to her then." He unlocked the door and took a few steps back out of the way.

One officer swung the door open, letting go of his grip on her arm to hold it open.

The prisoner jerked her head up and kicked the first cop in the face. As he fell to the ground, the second cop-- holding onto her-- tried to restrain her, but she used her shoulder to bodyslam him into the wall, momentarily dazing him. The third ran towards her. She jolted her head around and jabbed her elbow into his stomach, gnashing her teeth like an animal as she did so. The girl yanked her arms apart-- breaking the cuffs-- and suckerpunched the fourth in the jaw in less than a second, knocking him out.

The third managed to stand back up, holding his stomach in pain. She acrobatically jumped over his head and snapped his neck the moment she landed. As soon as his body hit the floor, the first two had recovered and were charging towards her. Since the first was closer, she ran past him and kicked him into his partner. Both rammed each other head-first and collapsed.

Only one was left.

Although the detective wasn't the strongest, he bolted toward the jester. This runt isn't getting out of here. He was inches away, ready to tackle her to the ground and call out for help, when...

She didn't even look at him as she grabbed his neck, haulting his plan as well as himself. "Death..." she repeated. Using her teeth, she pulled off the glove on her free hand. With a flick of her wrist, something glistened: her index finger was silver and sharpened into a point. The detective also noticed all her joints were pieced together like a doll's hand. She pressed the metal finger to his throat. "... Sentence..." she finished, shoving the entire finger deep into his flesh.


"You ready?"

"No... but yes..." Alan clutched his scythe nervously.

Eric patted his back. "You got this. We'll be right behind you the entire time."

"Afterwards we'll by you an ice cream," Lillian joked.

"Thanks," he laughed.

"Remember, Cassidy just returned with his buddies from a pub, so he's most likely to be a little wasted. Are you sure you wanna do this?" Eric asked, receiving another glare from Lillian.

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