Chapter 10: Stars

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They stopped in front of Will's office door. Grell fixed his hair and outfit quickly before he opened the door. Inside, Will was seated at his desk. "I'm baaack!~ And, of course, I brought Lilly just like you asked!~"

Will glared at Grell. "Have a seat you two." They both did what he asked and sat in the vacant chairs in front of his desk. He fixed his glasses and put his hands on his desk. "I have a few things to go over. First, Lillian."

She pulled her ring off her finger absentmindedly. He allowed those few days... It's not about that...

"Since you were absent from work, I was unable to discuss with you your new title."

Lillian looked at him, confused. "I'm sorry, could you explain?"

"You have proved your not a Junior Shinigami. I believe it's safe to promote you to a Senior Shinigami title, although you've been working as a Senior the entire time."

Her eyes widened. Seriously?! Already?! I was expecting a year before... this! Grell poked her shoulder playfully. "Look at you, Lilly!~ You're officially one of the cool kids now!~"

"Um... thank you, sir..." she stuttered.

"Don't thank me. You've earned it. Now, the second reason why I brought you both here has to do with your new Alias. I assume... you both have heard about the inccident with the Library, correct?" They both nodded. He sighed. "I need you to go undercover for a while to gather information. We suspect the demons have found a way into our world. So, you two will be keeping an eye out for the demon at the Phantomhive Manor and see if it has any unknown access to us."

Grell jumped from his seat. "You mean I get to go back to see Sebas-chan?!~" He squealed. "YES YES YES!!!~ I CAN'T BELIEVE--wait..." His happiness dropped and he stared at Will. "But... they want me dead after... and..."

After what? Lillian thought.

"And they know you're Shinigami," Will nodded, "but they don't know about Lillian. To cover up her Shinigami scent, you will go with her on this mission to make them believe they smell Death that you rubbed off on her while you two were working. You will keep your Butler-Alias, and Lillian will receive a Maid-Alias."

"B-But! That brat might have Sebas-chan kill me! Aren't you at least a little concerned about my safety, darling?!"

He fixed his glasses. "Shinigami die on the job all the time. You risk your life every day as it is."

Grell clenched his chest dramatically. He started to tear up. "Will! Darling!" Before he could make his mascara run, a lightbulb went off in his head and he grinned. "Oooh... I see how it is!~" He leaned over the desk close to Will's face. "Sweetheart, if your jealous, you know you can just say it now instead of... suggesting it!~" He winked.

Will kicked Grell's shin from under the desk. The flamboyant Shinigami grasped his leg, giving back Will's space. "Don't be ridiculous, Sutcliffe! This task will start at the end of the month. There will be some paperwork for both of you to fill out, and you'll have to be fitted for new, Alias-Only clothing. Until then, Lillian, prepare for a new collecting for Saturday. And Grell, your last collecting before you leave will be Sunday."

"Sunday?! Darling, that's my day off!" Grell was having a hard time keeping his flirty tone from turning into anger.

"And now it's not."


"End of discussion. I will have all your paperwork delivered to you tomorrow. You're both dismissed."

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