Meet the Skelebros!

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Crono and Chara walked down a long hallway until they were met with another room. They walked in. Flowey "stood" before them.
"Oh great. It's you." Crono said with disgust.
Chara crossed their arms.
"Ya think you're real clever, don't ya?" Ya spared the life of a single monster." Flowey said.
"Actually. I didn't kill anyone. At all. So." Crono replied.
"Well, whatever. Not my point. My point is that you think you're so smart, don't you? You haven't killed. Yet. But what will you do when you meet a relentless killer? What will you do then? Will you tire of trying? Will you kill in frustration? In this world, it's Kill or be Killed if you wish to get out of here alive. Believe me, I'm the prince of this world's future! But! Don't worry. My plan isn't regicide. This is so much more interesting!" Flowey chuckled in an almost evil and menacing way then burrowed back into the ground.
Crono blinked.
"Well, then." He said.
Chara looked at Crono.
"I hate him so much. I'm almost tempted to NOT kill anyone just to spite him." Crono said, visibly annoyed.
"Just remember. In the end, violence... ISN'T
ALWAYS the answer. However, on the other hand...he's right about one thing. I'm not sure if you can last long out there on your own."
"Chara, I literally-"
"Hey, you're just a human. You're Naive and clueless. And If you go out there on your own, you are definitely asking to get hurt."
"Chara. Listen. He doesn't know what he's talking about. I can handle myself. And besides, since when do you care?"
"I, uh. Don't. I'm just saying." They looked around. "Anyways. We'd best be progressing." They started walking then suddenly abruptly stopped and looked back at Crono. "C'mon. Can't go far without you."
"Oh, right." He walked and they followed.
Eventually, they left the RUINS and the door closed behind them.
"Welp, no turning back now." Chara said.
"Yup." Crono replied.
They found themselves in a snowy forest.
"Wow, sure is chilly." Crono said, hugging himself to keep warm.
"Ya, and not to mention you're wearing short sleeves." Chara pointed out.
"Yeah, really?" Crono said sarcastically.
Chara rolled their eyes and continued walking alongside Crono.
Suddenly, they heard a branch break.
Crono looked behind himself, still hugging himself in attempt to keep warm.
"What was that?" Chara asked him.
"Not sure." Crono replied.
They kept walking until they came to a bridge.
They both stopped when they heard footsteps behind them.
They got closer.
"Human. Don't ya know how to greet a new pal? Turn around and shake my hand." Crono suddenly heard from right behind him.
He slowly turned around held out one hand to him only to see it was a skeleton wearing a blue jacket and untied shoes and a grey undershirt that stood before him.
The Skeleton took his hand and shook it only to be followed by the sound of a whoopy-cushion going off for a solid 3 or 4 seconds.
Crono blinked. "Pfft- what."
"Oh boy. This guy." Chara said to themself.
"Heheh. The old Whoopy-cushion in the hand trick. It's always funny! Anyway, Hiya, kid. The name's Sans. Sans the Skeleton. I'm suppose to be watching out for humans. Buut. I don't really feel like capturing you. Too much effort. However, my brother, Papyrus? He is a human-hunting fanatic."
"Oh, really?" Crono asked, hugging himself again.
"Yup. Actually, hey, I think that's him over there." Sans said pointing.
Crono looked towards where he pointed.
"C'mon, right through this gate. My bro made the bars too wide to stop anyone."
All 3 of them slipped through.
"Quick. Behind that conveniently-shaped lamp." Sans said while pointing at a, well. Conveniently-shaped lamp.
Crono hid behind it.
Just then another skeleton came over.
He was dressed in red gloves, a red scarf, and red boots.
Sans looked at him.
"Oh, hey Papyrus. Watcha need?"
"Brother! It's been 8 days and you STILL haven't recalibrated your puzzles! You just hang around your station! What ARE you even doing?!"
"I'm just. Staring at this lamp. Pretty cool, don'tcha think?"
"No! I don't have time for this! What if a human comes through?? I have to be the one to catch one! I must be the one to catch them before they've gone!" He said, almost desperately. "That way, people will love and respect me more than they do already!"
"Ah, yeah, bro?"
"Heck yeah! They won't believe it! I, The Great Papyrus, have captured an actual human! I'll finally get everything I've ever deserved! I'll bathe in a shower of kisses every morning!"
"Welp. Maybe this lamp will help those kisses light up your life, eh?" Sans chuckled. Sans was a pun master and was always making one every chance he got.
Chara rolled their eyes.
"Relax, bro. I've gotten a ton of work done today. A skele-ton." He winked and chuckled more.
"UGH. SANS." Both Papyrus and Chara said, both very annoyed.
Crono glanced at Chara.
"C'mon, you're smiling." Sans poked him.
"I AM AND I HATE IT." Papyrus let out an annoyed sigh. "Why does someone oh so great as me have to work so hard to get some recognition."
"Hey, bro. Might wanna take it easy a bit, cuz it looks like you're really working yourself....down to the bone." He winked and chuckled again.
Chara looked very annoyed by this point.
Crono was just holding in giggles.
"Ugh. I have to get back to work. As for your work. Put a little more...back bone into it." He turned and walked off. "NYEH HEH HEH HEH HEH."
Chara face palmed.
"...HEH." Papyrus sighed then actually walked off now.
"Okay, you can come out now, kiddo." Sans said to Crono.
Crono walked out from behind the lamp.
"Well, that was certainly something." Crono said to Sans.
"Yeah, that's Papyrus for ya." Sans put his hands in his jacket's pockets.
"Hey, kid. I have a favor to ask of ya."
Crono looked at him and raised an eyebrow.
"Papyrus has been...kinda down as of late...he really wants to see and capture a human...and I don't think it'd hurt ya if ya played along. Don't worry. He isn't dangerous. Even if he tries to be. Welp. Anyway. See ya around, buddy." Sans said as he walked back towards where he and Crono and Chara came from.
Crono thought for a moment then looked at Chara.
"What?" They asked him.
"Noting." He responded. "But I think we should progress now." He said as he walked towards where Papyrus went. Chara then soon followed.

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