Napstablook's Cousin

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The party headed forward. They came acrossed those two Royal Guard members who they helped realize their love for each other. The Nice Cream guy from Snowdin was there, as well. One of the guards saw them come over. He spoke up.
"Oh, hey. We're, like, taking a rain check on that whole killing-you thing. Like, don't tell Undyne about this, OK?" He gave Crono a thumbs up.
"Oh, um. Actually I don't think she'd mind. We're friends!" Crono said.
"Oh! That's convenient." He said back.
"Yeah! Ain't it?" Lucca said.
"Anyway, let's go. According to Alphys, MTT-Resort is just up here." Crono said, looking at Lucca and Chara.
"Wow, Mettaton has his own resort, huh?" Chara said. "Seems appropriate."
The three of them headed forward. Sans was standing next to the main entrance. He saw them once they were in his line of sight. He spoke up.
"Hey. I heard you're going to the core? How about grabbing some dinner with me first?" Sans had his hands in his pocket like he usually did.
Crono looked at Lucca and Chara.
"You going?" Chara asked.
"Uhh-" Crono looked at Lucca.
"I don't know, don't we wanna just get out of here?" Lucca said.
"I think we should." Crono said. "The journey's almost over and I kind of want to just chill for a bit. We've been pushing forward almost this entire time."
"Well." Lucca sighed. "Alright."
Crono turned to Sans. "Alright. We'll have dinner."
"Great, thanks for treating me." He said "over here." He pointed towards the alleyway. "I know a shortcut."
"Wait, but the door's right..-" Crono started when Sans grabbed Lucca and his arms and flung them into a portal and suddenly they were in the dining area of the resort. Crono flopped onto his stomach and Lucca fell on top of Crono. Chara flopped onto the ground next to Crono.
"Well, here we are." Sans said, walking over to an empty table. No other monsters seemed to be there at the moment.
"OoF-" Crono let out then looked around.
"Woah-!" Lucca got up off of Crono then looked around.
"Can't really get quite used to that-" Crono said, sitting up then rubbing his head.
"Yeah, no kidding." Lucca said.
Chara got up then dusted themself off.
"Come on over, kid. Your friend, too." Sans looked over at Crono.
Crono looked over then went over. Lucca and Chara followed. Crono sat in the chair acrossed from Sans. Lucca pulled over a chair from another table and sat in it, next to Crono. Chara stood next to Crono.
"So." Sans started. "Journey's almost over, huh? Must really wanna go home."
"Yeah, I'll admit. It's been fun, for uh. The most part. Certainly been interesting." Crono said, kinda chuckling. "But it'd be nice to get home, too." Crono looked at Sans.
"Yeah, our home needs us." Lucca said, also looking at Sans.
Chara kinda looked off to the side a bit.
"Hey. Don't worry, I know the feeling, buddo. Though...." He looked up at both Crono and Lucca. "Maybe sometimes it's better to take what's given to you. Down here you've already got food, drink, what you have to do...really worth it?"
"Well, I mean. Like I've said before. Kinda have to get home. Mom's probably worried about me." Crono said.
"Yeah, also kind of have a situation we need to take care of. Pretty big. You could say it'd save the world." Lucca said.
Chara looked at them both. They almost looked slightly concerned/upset.
"Ah, forget it." Sans said after a moment. "I'm rootin' for ya, kid. Both of ya."
"Well. Thank you, Sans." Crono said.
"Yeah, it's much appreciated." Lucca said.
Chara kinda sighed.
It was silent for a couple moments. Sans finally broke the silence. "Hey. Let me tell you a story."
"Yeah?" Crono raised an eyebrow.
Lucca looked at him. So did Chara.
"So. I'm a sentry in Snowdin Forest, right?"
Both Crono and Lucca nodded.
"Wait, is this going where I think it's going?" Chara spoke up.
"I sit there and watch for humans. It's kind of boring. Fortunately, deep in the forest there's this HUGE locked door. And it's perfect for practicing knock knock jokes. So one day, I'm knocking 'em out, like usual. I knock on the door and say 'knock knock.' And suddenly, from the other side...I hear this woman's voice." Sans imitated the voice, "'who's there'?"
"Oh nevermind, this isn't going where I thought it was going." Chara then said.
Sans kept telling the story. "So, naturally, I responded. 'Dishes.' She responded. 'Dishes who?' 'Dishes a very bad joke!' Then she just howls with laughter."
Chara got kind of quiet once they realized who Sans had been talking to. They knew what door he meant and where it led.
"Okay, that is a clever joke." Crono said.
Sans continued. "She just howled, kid. Like it was the best darn joke she had heard in a hundred years. So I kept 'em coming, and she keeps laughing. She's honestly the best audience I've ever had. Then, after a dozen of 'em, she knocks and says 'knock knock!' I respond 'who's there?' She says 'old lady!' I say 'old lady who?' Then she says 'oh! I did not know you could yodel!' Wow."
Crono kinda chuckled. "Ok, yeah. That's kinda clever."
"If you're into yodeling maybe." Lucca kinda snickered.
Chara looked at Crono.
Sans nodded then continued. "Well, needless to say, this woman was extremely good. We kept telling each other jokes for hours there in the snow. Eventually, I had to leave. Papyrus gets kind of cranky without his bedtime story. But she told me to come back again, and so I did. Then I did again. And again. It's a thing now. Telling bad jokes through the door. It rules." Sans looked off to the side a bit.
Crono raised an eyebrow.
Sans looked back at Crono and Lucca. "But one day. I noticed she wasn't laughing very much. I asked her what was up. Then she told me something strange. She said 'if a human ever comes through this door...could you please, please promise something? Watch over them and protect them, will you not?' Now, I hate making promises. And this woman...I don't even know her name. But...someone who sincerely likes bad jokes has an integrity you can't say 'no' to." Sans winked at them.
"Yeah, I guess." Crono said.
"I mean, he's not wrong." Lucca said.
Sans then looked Crono in the eyes. "Do you get what I'm saying? That promise I made to her? You know what would have happened if she hadn't of said anything?"
Crono looked at him. "" He looked kind of nervous.
Lucca looked at Sans.
"...buddy." Sans closed his eyes and held his own hands while they were sat on the table.
Crono raised an eyebrow. Chara looked over at Sans.
Sans then opened his eyes and his pupils were gone and he was just menacingly staring at him and his voice got all deep and terrifying-sounding. "You'd be dead where you stand."
Crono suddenly got this frightened look. "Ah! Don't like that!"
"Oh dear." Lucca kinda looked off to the side, slightly nervous.
"Well then!" Chara said, kinda smirking a tad bit.
Sans' face then went back to normal along with his voice and he smiled at Crono. "Hey, lighten up, bucko! I'm just joking with you. Besides...haven't I done a great job of protecting you? I mean, look at yourself! You haven't died at all, that must mean something!"
"I mean, mostly that's because of various other reasons, I'm assuming. Although, I'm sure you've put in your worth's." Lucca said, kinda shrugging and looking at Sans.
Crono kinda gave this nervous side-glance remembering the whole incident with Undyne turning him into a human kabob on a spear back in Waterfall.
"Well. That's not entirely true BUT." Chara said, shrugging.
Sans noticed Crono's facial expression and kinda got this "concerned" look. "Hey...what's that look supposed to mean? Am I wrong....?"
Lucca looked at Crono, raising an eyebrow.
Crono gave this nervous laugh when he noticed both Sans and Lucca were looking at him after his clear nervousness at Sans' comment suggesting what he said could have been, in fact, wrong but yet he was clearly still alive.
"Wh-what?? No-! I mean, I'm here right?? I'm here! I'm alive! You're not wrong-!" Crono said, nervously laughing.
Chara just face palmed at Crono.
"You okay, Crono?" Lucca asked.
"Y-yeah! I'm fine! Never been better! Haha!" Crono looked at Lucca, still kinda nervously laughing.
Sans then spoke up. "Heh. Well, that's all."
Crono, Chara and Lucca looked at him.
"Take care of yourselves, kiddos. Because someone really cares about you." He then created another one of those teleportation portals and hopped in. It closed behind him.
Crono and Lucca looked at each other.
"So what WAS that all about?" Lucca asked.
"What?" Crono raised an eyebrow.
"The whole nervous laughing. Don't play dumb with me, that was strange. What was up?" Lucca crossed her arms.
"Nothing. It was nothing." He kinda looked off to the side.
"She's on to you, Crono!" Chara said.
"Come on, let's just...keep moving forward! We're almost home." Crono said, gesturing toward the lobby of the resort as he walked. Chara followed.
Lucca sighed and followed.
It was a large lobby with a fountain at the center of a large pink rug that led out the back way. There was a front desk with a monster that resembled a hand with red fingernail polish on at it. Then there was a doorway that led to the shop to the left. There was a SAVE point in front of the fountain. Said fountain had a statue of Mettaton that was spitting water out onto the ground. There was a large wet spot where the water was. Crono and Lucca headed to the entrance. A star-shaped monster looked at them.
"Welcome to MTT-Resort. Hotland's biggest apartment-building-turned-hotel! Whether you're here for a night or still live here, MTT Resort prides itself on a great stay!"
"Oh no, we're just passing through." Lucca said.
Crono went over to the SAVE point and saved. He then glanced back at Lucca.
"Nice! MTT Resort prides itself on being passed through, as well!" The star monster closed its eyes and smiled.
Crono looked around out the front entrance. Lucca looked over at him. Chara looked at Crono.
"What're you doing?" They asked him.
"I was just looking. Checking to make sure this is where we're supposed to be heading." Crono noticed a piece of paper on the ground by the rug leading inside.
"Hey, Lucca." He looked back at Lucca. Lucca looked at him and then went over.
Crono went over to the piece of paper. Chara raised an eyebrow then followed. Lucca watched and raised an eyebrow, as well.
Crono picked it up and read it aloud. "Hey! Go up the creepy alleyway on the right for some great deals!"
"Well that sounds mildly creepy." Chara said.
"Well, that's definitely not sketchy." Lucca said.
"Wow! If I wasn't a dumbass, I'd agree! But!" Crono then dropped the note and headed up towards the alleyway the note said to head up.
"Crono-!" Chara said then followed.
"Hey-! Crono..! Dang-it!" Lucca followed.
There sat a purple cat monster with blue overalls and black hair, yellow eyes and an earring in one ear and a blue alligator monster with blonde hair, pink eyes, and a pink shirt with yellow and blue stripes.
They had music playing on a radio that was sat on a shelf behind them.
"Oh-" Crono said, looking at them.
"Who are...?" Lucca started.
"Hey! I'm Bratty!" The alligator said. "And this is my best friend, Catty!"
At the same time, Catty simultaneously said "I'm Catty! And this is my best friend, Bratty!"
They both stopped and laughed.
Crono and Lucca looked at each other then at Bratty and Catty.
"Wow." Chara said.
"So, uh." Crono started. "What kind Stuff do you two lovely ladies have for sale?" He said kinda awkwardly.
"So, like. The stuff inside, is like..." Bratty started.
"TOTALLY wicked expensive." Catty said, looking at Crono.
"But, like, the stuff we found is like..." Bratty then said.
"TOTALLY wicked cheap." Catty put a paw on her hip and held the other up, sounding proud.
"Oh yeah?" Crono raised an eyebrow.
"You should like...TOTALLY wicked buy all of it?" They both then said, laughing.
"Oh my god, these two are giving me a headache." Lucca said, holding her head.
Crono nervously looked at Lucca then back at Catty and Bratty.
"I mean, like, where does anyone get guns, or food, or...-" Bratty started then Catty broke in.
"We found it in the garbage!"
Crono squinted at them.
"You what?" Lucca asked.
Catty and Bratty stared at them.
"Oh, don't worry, it's GOOD garbage." Bratty then said.
"It's like, really good garbage!" Catty said, giggling.
"I don't believe them." Chara said.
"We found most of it in Waterfall's dump." Bratty said.
"I found a gun in a dumpster!" Catty said.
"Neat." Crono said.
Lucca looked at them. "Well." She then looked at Crono. "I think it's about time we head off. Mettaton may catch up to us, right?"
"Oh my God, Mettaton!" Both Catty and Bratty said in unison.
Crono and Lucca looked at them.
"He's like, my robot husband!" Bratty said.
"Actually, he's like, MY robot husband!" Catty said.
"Actually, I think we're both going to be married to him!" Bratty then said.
"Actually, I think we're both already married to him! He just like, doesn't know it, yet!"
"You both, uh. Really like him, huh?" Crono said.
"Hey, uh. Actually." Lucca started then looked at them. She thought for a moment. "You two know anything about Mettaton? You seem to like him a lot and I was kinda interested. He seems like a fully functional robot and seems awfully intelligent, not to mention his personality. He almost seems...human to me but in a robotic body."
Crono looked at Lucca.
"So, like." Bratty started. "Dr.Alphys built Mettaton, right?"
"That's like, what they TELL you." Catty then said.
"Did she not?" Lucca then asked.
"Well, Mettaton has always acted like..." Bratty looked at Lucca.
"...being built was HIS idea somehow." Catty's eyes widened.
"And even right after he was built..." Bratty the continued.
"...he acted like Alphys was an old friend." Catty said, holding out her paw.
"But they're like, not friends anymore." Bratty said.
"Yeah!! Unlike me and Bratty!! Best friends for-EVER!!!" Catty said, excitedly.
"Uh huh.." Lucca said, thinking to herself.
Crono squinted then glanced down at the box they had laying out with the things they had for sale. He saw a pink key laying to his right. He picked it up and looked at it.
"Where'd you get this?" He looked at Catty.
"Oh, I think we found that on a floor of somebody's house." She said.
"We found that on the floor of the pink house in Waterfall." Bratty said.
"Oh, right!!" Catty said.
"Oohhhh.." Crono said.
"Dude! That's Napstablook's cousin's house." Chara said.
Lucca looked at Crono.
"Oh!" He looked up at the two girls. "How much for this?"
"Why do you want a rusty old key?" Lucca asked.
"I'll tell you in a moment." Crono said.
"That'll be 600G." Bratty said.
"Oh." Crono handed 'em the money.
"It's all yours!" Catty said.
"Thanks." Crono said.
Crono then turned to leave.
"See ya!" Both Catty and Bratty said.
Chara and Lucca looked at him.
Crono then left with Lucca and Chara followed.
"Okay so, can you tell me now why exactly you wanted to buy a rusty old key?" Lucca looked at him.
"It's to the house next to Napstablook's house. Me and Chara were there earlier but it was locked and now we kinda wanted to go check it out." Crono said.
"Oh." Lucca said.
"I mean, we don't have to do it right now but." Crono shrugged.
"We probably won't get another time." Chara said.
"True.." Crono thought for a moment.
"I mean, we can now." Lucca said.
"Well, alright then, come on." Crono headed back towards were they all came from and headed towards the elevator.
The little fire elemental they had met earlier that told Crono to remember his name was by the elevator. He called out to him.
"Hey! Did you remember my name?"
"Huh- oh!" He looked at him. "....I'm sorry. No, I don't."
"What??? You don't remember??? How can I be so easily defeated-!!" He then ran off.
"Huh, well that was strange." Crono said. They all then went into the elevator and pressed on the button to take them to the first floor. They stepped out then went over to the Riverperson.
"Tra la la! Where would you like to go today?" They looked at them all.
"Um, Waterfall, please!" Crono said.
"Get in!"
They all climbed in and they were off.
It was silent for a few moments. The Riverperson then spoke up.
"Tra la la! Beware of the man who speaks in hands."
Crono looked at the Riverperson. "Wait, what's that supposed to mean-"
Chara side glanced the Riverperson. Lucca raised an eyebrow. "You mean like sign language or...?"
The Riverperson didn't answer.
Crono glanced around with his eyes.
Lucca looked at Crono.
They eventually arrived to Waterfall. Crono, Lucca and Chara got out and thanked the Riverperson. Crono went up to the pathway that led to Napstablook and their cousin's house. Lucca and Chara followed.
Crono approached the cousin's house and looked up at it. He went over to it and stuck the key in the lock and unlocked it. It clicked. He slowly opened the door and looked around. He then took the key out and slipped it in his pocket then went inside. Lucca and Chara followed.
"Wow, it's" Chara said.
The house consisted of just one room, much like Napstablook's house. Except this room had pink walls with stars on them, a wooden floor, a pink bed in the upper left hand corner, a pink TV in right, a pink rug with a star on it by the TV, a poster in the back and window by said poster. 6 diaries were laying on the bed.
"I don't feel very comfortable here when I haven't even met Napstablook and I'm going through their cousin's house?" Lucca looked at Crono.
"It's fine. Napstablook probably wouldn't mind it, to be honest, knowing them." Crono said, going over to the bed.
"To be honest." Chara said, following Crono.
Crono picked up the first diary and opened up to the first page. "Oh, there's writing in these." Crono said.
"What's it say?" Chara said, looking up at him.
Crono sat down on the bed and read it aloud. "Dear Diary: Shyren's sister 'fell down' recently. It's sad. Without her sister to speak for her...she's become more reclusive than ever. So I reached out to her and told her that she, Blooky and I should all perform together sometime. She seemed to like that idea."
"Wait, Shyren? That Siren we met awhile back when we first met Xander?" Chara said, looking at Crono.
"Ooh, yeah. I remember her. Haha. That was fun." Crono said.
"Wait, what are you talking about-" Lucca squinted at Crono.
"Oh, I was just saying how I remember Shyren. Met her earlier in Waterfall, kinda jammed out a little."
"I see."
Crono went to open to the next page but it was empty. He squinted and raised an eyebrow then looked at the other diaries. He picked up the next one and opened it then read it. "Oh, Pft. Wow."
"What?" Lucca asked.
"Yeah, what's it say?" Chara looked at him.
"It says 'Dearer Diary: I like to buy a new diary for every entry I make. I love to collect diaries!"'
"That explains the lot of diaries on the bed." Chara said.
"Must be why there's so many diaries." Lucca said.
"Yeah!" Chara said.
"Well, yeah." Crono said and picked up the next one then opened it up. He read aloud. "Dearest Diary: Our cousin left the farm to become a training dummy-"
"Bingo! There it is! I didn't just falsely remember that!" Chara suddenly shouted. "And therefore confirms that regardless whichever ghost in the dummy this guy is talking about, STILL has to be related because Mad Dummy called 'em their cousin, as well, therefore must also be related to Napstablook and their cousin."
"I mean. Yeah, unless they mean a different ghost that lives inside a dummy." Crono said.
"How many ghosts living in dummies are down here?? Only two that I know of." Chara said. "And they're both related."
"Okay but what." Lucca looked at Crono.
"I'm. Sorry, Chara and I were just discussing ghosts and dummies, anyway. Back to the diary." He began to read again. "That leaves just Blooky and I. Blooky asked me if I was going to try and become corporal, too. They sounded so...resigned. Come on, Blooky. You know I'd never leave you behind."
"Owch." Chara said.
"Yeah. Doesn't look like that seemed to have stuck well." Crono said as he continued to read. "And besides...I'd never find the kind of body I'm looking for, anyway."
"Okay but can I say something." Lucca said.
"Yeah." Crono said as he picked up the next diary after putting that one down and opened the next one.
"This all seems very...Mettaton for some reason...I can't quite place my finger on why...maybe this..person or ghost is a fan of him, I'm thinking maybe it's colors or the vibes-"
Crono's eyes suddenly widened.
"Oh my god, CRONO- IT'S METTATON. METTATON IS NAPSTABLOOK'S COUSIN." Chara suddenly shouted.
"Holy crap." Crono then said.
"What?" Lucca looked at Crono.
"I mean, can't say for certain. But. I think this is Mettaton's house." Crono said. "May have to read through the rest to know for sure-"
"I'm telling you it's Mettaton. 100%. It'd also explain how Mettaton acted as if being made was his idea and him acting like Alphys was an old friend of his, like Bratty and Catty said." Chara said. "Of course, that would assume this guy knows Alphys."
"I don't know, they're talking about not having the right body and becoming corporeal...?" Lucca raised an eyebrow.
"Well. Hang on a second." Crono started then looked at the diary and read the next passage. "My darling diary: I met someone...interesting today. Last week I posted that advertisement for my human fan club. Today was our first meeting. Only one other person came. Honestly she's a dork and she's obsessed with these...awful cartoons. But she's kinda funny, too. I want to see her again."
"Okay yeah, that's definitely Alphys, this is 100% Mettaton, not a single doubt in the back of my mind, you can't convince me otherwise." Chara said.
"That does sound an awful like they're describing Alphys." Lucca said, adjusting her glasses.
"See!" Chara said.
"I never said it didn't sound like her?" Crono said, picking up the next diary.
"Just! Confirm my suspension!" Chara said.
Lucca crossed her arms.
Crono looked down at it and opened it then read aloud. " dear: My diary collection is going fabulously! I have like five now."
"Wow." Chara said.
"Yeah." Crono chuckled then picked up the last one and opened it then began to read. "Dear diary: she surprised me with something today. Sketches of a body she wants to create for me." As Crono read this, he started to sound more excited, as it is basically just confirming all of their suspicions. He continued to read. "A form beyond my wildest fantasies. In a form like that, I can finally feel like...'myself.' After all, there's no way I can be a star the way I am now. Sorry, Blooky. My dreams can't wait for anyone..."
"Ouch. Damn Mettaton." Chara said.
"Yeah, no kidding." Crono said, putting the diary down.
"Okay, but I still don't understand, how exactly is this Mettaton?" Lucca asked. "I thought he was a robot."
"Yes but you see, from what I'm gathering from all this is that Mettaton used to be a ghost, and one day, he met Alphys, they became friends and she eventually offered to make him a robot body for him to inhabit so he did. Now he's corporal with his body and is now the Mettaton we know today." Crono said.
"That's basically the rundown." Chara said.
"Okay but...the robot body he has now? That doesn't seem like the type of body he'd want..? In the diary, it says 'a form beyond my wildest fantasies.' That body doesn't seem that detailed or his 'style'." She looked at him.
"Perhaps she's working on another body for him?" Chara asked.
"Maybe. Maybe Alphys is making the one he was talking about right now and he wanted somewhere to stay until she completes it." Crono shrugged.
"How long ago was this??"
"I dunno."
"Well. I'll tell you one thing. This does explain why he seems so advanced. Because he's actually a ghost possessing a robot! Explains a lot." Lucca said.
"Yeah, to be honest." Crono said.
"Wouldn't be surprised if he's about ready to turn on Alphys. Last meeting we had with him. He didn't seem so thrilled when we beat him." Chara said.
"I mean I wouldn't be either if someone beat me." Crono said.
"No, I mean. Like, he just seemed deadpan. No not deadpan, that's not the word I'm looking for...he seemed he didn't care. As if he and Alphys set up the whole thing and he was getting tired of it." Chara said.
"Oh. Hmm. I don't think Alphys would do that...? I mean she did say she accidentally programmed him to be a human hunting machine." He looked at Chara.
"What are you talking about?" Lucca raised an eyebrow.
"Dipshit!! He doesn't actually have any real programming!! He's a ghost who's fully corporal with his body!!!! WE JUST ESTABLISHED THIS!!" Chara said.
"OH RIGHT. YEAH, YEAH. OF COURSE." Crono looked at Lucca. "Oh, nothing. Just me and Chara talking about Mettaton."
"So yeah. Interesting tho, isn't it? Who would of thought that Napstablook is related to Mettaton." Crono said.
"Or that he used to be a ghost." Chara said.
"It is fascinating." Lucca said.
"Anyway, I think we've done all we can here. Shall we head back?" Crono said.
"Yeah." Lucca said.
"Alright." Chara said.
They all headed out.
Crono wasn't sure what to do with this new information or if he should ask Alphys or even Mettaton himself about it or if they'd just brush it off and pretend they don't understand what he's talking about. He kinda wanted to try but at the same time didn't want to risk anything in case worst case happens.

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