ChronoTale the Musical

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The three of them walked out of the elevator onto a purple-looking floor. They all looked around.
Then Crono's phone rang. It was Alphys. He answered it.
"H-hey. You guys aren't nervous about meeting Asgore, are you?" She asked.
"Well." Crono shrugged. "Why?"
Lucca looked over.
Chara looked to the side with their eyes.
"Well, there's no need to be scared! He's a really nice guy. I'm sure you'll be fine! You can just go there, and with both of your human souls, you can just cross through the barrier! So just smile and you'll be fine!"
"Yeah, I guess." Crono said.
Chara looked over.
"Anyway, just wanted to address that! See ya!" She hung up.
Chara squinted.
They all walked and saw a giant spider at a table with some donuts and croissants with some spiderwebs all around. A guy was standing by the table. The spider turned her head to look at Crono and Lucca.
Crono's eyes widened and he got this frightened look. He gave her this nervous smile. Lucca waved.
"Welcome to our parlor, dear~ Interested in some spider pastries? All proceeds go to real spider~"
"As oppose to fake spiders?" Crono then asked while glancing around nervously.
Lucca kinda smacked him and went over.
"How much for this donut?" Lucca asked as she pointed at a spider donut.
"Prices are on the webs~" the spider said as she smiled.
Crono went over to the smaller web and read it aloud.
"Buy a spider donut for 9999G??? WHAT." He looked at Lucca.
"We don't have that kind of money-!" He said to her.
"Wow, no wonder there isn't very much business here." Chara said.
"Yeah, no kidding. Let's just go on." Lucca walked.
She then stopped and looked back at Crono.
"You coming?" She said.
"Oh, right!" He stuffed something in his pocket and then went over.
Chara raised an eyebrow then followed.
They all approached a room that looked similar to the vent room they saw earlier.
"Oh, this almost looks like the room we saw a couple hours ago-" Crono said.
Crono's phone rang.
Crono grabbed it and answered it.
"H-hey! Alphys here. This room is like the one we saw earlier-! There are puzzles to the north and south you guys have to finish to progress..."
"...yea?" Crono said.
It was silent for a minute.
"..oh-! Also, I'd like to say...I-I don't really like giving away puzzle solutions. But, if you need help, just give me a call, okay?"
"Yea, that seems fine." Crono said.
"Actually, wait! I have an idea!" Alphys then said.
"Oh, yeah?"
"Let's be friends on UnderNet! Then you can just ping me when you need help!"
"Wait, aren't we already friends on there...? I've been getting your status updates for like the past hour or so-" Crono said.
"You seem awfully passionate about Mew Mew Kissy Cutie." Lucca said.
Alphys suddenly got this really nervous look. "A-ah. That's right. I signed you up, didn't I?" She said, nervously. "Well! Hopefully you agree with me! About Mew Mew 2!" She then proceeded to hang up.
"Hah, I've never even seen Mew Mew Kissy Cutie, so it doesn't really affect me." Crono said.
"Yeah, but she does seem to really like it." Lucca said.
"Isn't it the catgirl she likes." Chara said.
"I think so." Crono said.
They all walked and eventually made it to the Northern puzzle first.
"Wanna do this, Lucca?" Crono said.
"Yup!" She cracked her knuckles then went over to it.
Crono looked at Chara.
"How long do you think it'll take her to-" Crono started when he heard the short fanfare indicating she completed it.
"There we go!" Lucca said.
Crono looked up.
"Oh wow! Nice." Crono said.
"Wow." Chara said.
They all left the room and saw two guys standing around. They were talking about Mettaton to each other.
"My fave MTT Moment™️? Right when everything looks the baddest, he poses dramatically. Like when he's on his cooking show and the eggs don't turn out right. But! Then he says even if you suck at cooking, you can always buy an MTT-Brand Glamburger! Then he eats one! Everyone loves it!"
Crono squinted.
"Wait, how does he eat it without a mouth." Chara looked up at Crono.
"I...don't know?" He said.
The other guy then spoke up, in response to the first dude. "My fave MTT Moment™️ is when he beats up the heal-turning villains! Even if it's during what's suppose to be a quiz show. Oh! And I like when he tries on all kinds of different fashionable outfits! Even if it's during what's suppose to be a news cast."
"Hm." Crono said.
"Well, that seems appropriate." Lucca said.
"Yeah, Mettaton surely is something." Crono said.
They all headed back out and down towards the southern puzzle. "Oh! More! Conveyer belts!" Crono said as he stepped on it. Chara and Lucca stepped on it after him.
"Hey, dude! Blue lasers up ahead!" Chara said.
Crono turned and saw them.
"No WAIT-"
He got flung towards them and they singed parts of his clothes and kinda burned his arms.
"OW-" Crono got kicked off at the end.
Chara stood besides him.
Lucca stepped off a few seconds later.
"How'd you get off there unscathed??" Crono looked up at her then stood up.
"I stood still?" She raised an eyebrow.
"She did better than you and you've been here WAY longer than she has!!" Chara said.
Crono rolled his eyes then walked.
"It's true!!" Chara said then walked.
Lucca chuckled and followed.
Crono's phone then rang. He grabbed it and answered it.
"Hey! It's Alphys! This, um. Has nothing to do with guiding you but...uh. Would you maybe want to watch a human TV show together sometime???" Alphys asked.
"Oh, well. Uh. That depends? What's it called?" Crono asked.
"Are you really. Asking what show she means?" Lucca looked at him.
"She's obviously talking about Mew Mew, Crono!!" Chara said.
"It's um. It's called...M-Mew Mew Kissy Cutie.." she said, kinda nervously.
"See!!" Chara said.
Lucca crossed her arms.
"Oh, uh. I guess?" He said and looked at Lucca then Chara.
"I mean this may be all after this, so." Chara raised their arms and kinda backed up.
"O-oh, really??" Alphys said, nervously.
"I mean when did-"
"It's so good! It's um, my favorite show!" She then proceeded to tell him what the show was all about, including nearly spoiling the entire show before she realized what she was doing. "AAH, well! I almost spoiled the whole show, but uhh, I think you'd maybe like it!!!" Alphys said, sounding nervous, mostly because she nearly spoiled the show. "We should watch it sometime! After you get through all this!" She then hung up.
Crono hung up then and put his phone back.
"Did she say Mew Mew kissed people and controlled them." Chara said, looking at Crono.
"It seems it could potentially be interesting." Lucca shrugged. "But eh, who am I to say."
They all proceeded to the puzzle room.
Lucca went up to the controls and started the puzzle.
Crono watched her this time. So did Chara.
"So, how do you do this?" Crono asked.
"You have to move the pieces to shoot the ship with the bullet you have." She said as she moved the boxes out of the way and shot the opposing ship. The short fanfare played.
Lucca chuckled.
"Did it again!" She held out her hand to high-five Crono. He high-fived her back.
They all left and headed forward. A giant door opened and they went through it. They looked around. The smell of cobwebs filled the air. Lucca looked around and went over to the entrance of a purple room.
Crono went over to a SAVE point that was outside the door and saved. He then went over to Lucca. Chara followed.
"Don't look now Crono...but-" She pointed towards the inside of the room which was FILLED with cobwebs and just full blown spider webs.
Crono got this really nervous look.
"I didn't know we'd be dealing with spiders...!" He said, nervously.
"Oohh, Crono. Do you...have a fear of spiders?" Chara asked him.
Crono glanced at Chara, he didn't answer but his facial expression said it all. He didn't need to answer.
"Ooh, this could get good." Chara said, kinda smirking.
"Well. We don't have anywhere else to go, so I suggest unless you wanna stay down here, c'mon." Lucca said and walked in.
"Yeah, c'mon Crono." They grabbed his wrist and walked in, kinda dragging him along, but slowly.
They suddenly heard a giggle.
Lucca and Chara looked around. Crono glanced around, nervously.
"Did you hear what they just said? They said a human wearing a blue tunic would come through."
Lucca squinted.
"Y-yeah???" Crono said.
Chara looked at Crono but kept dragging him alongside Lucca.
"I heard they hate spiders."
"wAIT WHO SAID THAT-" Crono suddenly said.
"I heard they LOVE to STOMP on them."
"I mean, to be fair, Crono would-"
"SHSBSBHSHSHSSH-" Crono smacked at Lucca with his free hand.
Chara chuckled.
"I heard they like to tear their legs off."
"NO-" Crono looked around, nervously.
"I heard..."
Suddenly, web was shot at them. That startled the hell out of Crono and he shrieked and fell back and backed the fuck up. Unfortunately though, for Lucca, she was stuck to it and she couldn't really move all that well. Chara was dragged back with Crono, though.
"-that they're offaly stingy with their money-! Ahuhuhu~"
"N-no-!!" Crono glanced at Lucca then back up at the spider who shot the web at them.
Muffet, the spider, just giggled at him.
"Think your taste is too refined for for our pastries, don't you, deary? Ahuhu~ Well, I disagree with that notion. I think your taste is EXACTLY what this next batch needs~!"
"Oh my goD-!" Crono started when Muffet grabbed him and pulled him over.
"Don't look so blue, deary!" She poured some tea onto his head and his SOUL turned purple. "I think purple is a better color on you! Ahuhuhu~"
"What the-!?" Lucca raised an eyebrow and looked towards them from the web.
"Okay I change my mind, this could get weird fast." Chara said.
"What's that even mean-??" Crono looked at Muffet. He was so frightened that he was visibly pale.
"Why so pale, dear? You should be proud." She leaned in. "Proud that you're going to make a delicious cake, that is! Ahuhuhu~" she giggled.
"C-can't you just let me and my friend go-??" He said.
"Let you go? Don't be silly. Your SOUL is going to make every spider happy-!" She said.
"O-oh! Wait a second, how rude of me, I didn't even introduce you to my pet-! It's breakfast time, isn't it?" She looked off to the side.
"WhAT-?" Crono looked at her.
"Oh boy." Chara looked at Crono then went over to sit by where Lucca was tied up since it wasn't that far from Crono. Lucca was still trying desperately to get free.
Muffet tied Crono's hands together with web and pushed him over to the center of the room. This, however, caused Chara to get dragged over.
"hEY-" They landed on top of Crono.
"Have fun, you two!" Muffet said.
A giant cupcake looking spider monster came stomping in.
"OH MY GOD-" Crono said as he backed up. "What do you want from me????" Crono shrieked.
Chara got up.
"I have a spider donut, iF YOU WANT IT-" he suddenly yelled.
Muffet suddenly stopped and looked at him.
"Huh? Where'd you get that-?? Did you steal it?"
"NO- I-"
"Oh, my pet! It's time to show them what we do with thieves~"
"NOO-" Crono looked distressed.
"THIS GONNA GET UGLY-" Chara said when a smaller spider came in.
Everyone looked at it.
"Oh? A telegram from the spiders from the RUINS? What? They said they saw you and you helped donate to their cause!"
Chara looked at him. "Wait, you did?"
Crono didn't take any chances, even though he didn't remember donating, he went along with it. "OHH YEAH. YEAH YEAH YEAH. OF COURSE."
"Oh my, this has all been a big misunderstanding~ I thought you were someone who hated spiders~" Muffet then said as she went over to Lucca and broke her free of the webs. She flopped out and got up and dusted herself of. Muffet then went over to Crono and broke the web around his hands.
"Oohh me?? Hate spiders?? Ah, never!" Crono rolled around then sat up.
Chara kinda chuckled.
"The person who asked for that SOUL must of meant a DIFFERENT human in a blue tunic! So sorry for all the trouble! Ahuhuhu~ I'll make it up to you~ You can come back here and for no charge at all...I'll wrap you up and let you play with my pet again!"
"nOOOO-" Crono suddenly looked really frightened.
"Ahuhuhu just kidding~" She giggled. "I'll Spare you now~"
Crono went over to Lucca and kinda stood behind her. Chara stood next to Lucca.
"Ahuhuhu~ That was fun! See you again, deary!"
"Or you know, not." Crono mumbled under his breath. "buT OKAY BYE." Crono suddenly rushed out, dragging Chara with them.
"hEY WATCH IT-" Chara yelled, as they got dragged along.
Lucca looked at Muffet.
"So sorry again for all the trouble. Just know you're always welcome back with your friend! I'll even make him...a cake~! Ahuhu I'm just kidding again~ see ya, deary!"
"Uhh yeah." Lucca said and walked after where Crono went.
"So! You're afraid of spiders? Does this pertain to all different types of bugs or just arachnids?" Chara looked at Crono.
"Uh, just. Spiders." Crono nervously looked to the side.
"It's okay, Crono." Lucca put a hand on his shoulder.
"Hm, interesting." Chara said.
Crono sighed and then they all walked a bit when they suddenly heard Mettaton's voice.
Crono stopped and looked up towards where he heard his voice come from. Lucca and Chara stopped, as well.
Mettaton then continued. "COULD IT BE?? MY ONE TRUE LOVE?!" He suddenly came out. He was on a balcony and was wearing a blue, sparkly dress with a ribbon around the center.
"Oh, hey! Mettaton doesn't have any problems with wearing dresses!" Chara said.
"I never said it was a bad thing." Crono looked at them.
"This should be interesting." Lucca said.
Mettaton then came down the stairs and went over to Crono. He cleared his throat and looked at Crono and then began to sing in an opera style.
Crono's eyes immediately widened and he stared at Mettaton.
Lucca looked at Mettaton and then looked around with her eyes.
"His falsetto is on point, I'll give him that." Chara said.
Crono kinda backed up a bit then glanced at Lucca. She shrugged then looked at Mettaton.
Mettaton continued. "HUMANS MUUUUUUUSSST LIVE FAR APAAAART! EVEN IIIIIIIFFF IT BREAKS MY HEEAAAAAAART!" Mettaton then rolled up to Crono and held him bridal style and looked him in his eyes. Rose peddles began raining on them from above.
"wAO WAO HEY-" Crono looked around a lot then looked at Mettaton.
Both Chara and Lucca kinda snickered.
Mettaton continued to sing. "THEY'LL PUT YOOOOUUUUUU IN THE DUNGEEOOOOOONN~! IT'LL SUUUUUUCCK AND THEN YOU'LL DIE A LOOOOTT." Mettaton dropped him and then rolled over towards the stairway where came from and looked up at the "sky". Crono flopped onto the ground then glanced up at him, with this slight annoyed yet concerned look.
Mettaton kept singing. "REALLY SAAAAADD. YOU'RE GONNA DIEEEEEEEEE. CRY CRY CRYYYYY, SO SAD IT'S HAPPENIIINGG." He looked down and the music stopped. It grew silent for a moment. A single shooting star shot acrossed the setup sky he had set up. Crono slowly got up and looked over at Mettaton. Lucca and Chara looked over.
Mettaton then turned to Crono. "SO SAD! SO SAD THAT YOU'RE GOING TO THE DUNGEON!" He said this all dramatically.
"Wait....the dungeon...?" Crono raised an eyebrow.
"YES DID YOU NOT PAY ATTENTION TO THE SONG, HON?" He then replied, putting his hands on his hips.
"Well, yeah but-"
"WELP! TOODLES!" Mettaton said, taking out a small controller and pressed a button.
A trap door opened up beneath Crono and he fell down it. Chara got dragged down with him, of course.
"HEY-!" Chara yelled.
"Crono-!" Lucca ran over and jumped down.
Mettaton then giggled and flew down and shut the lil trap down after he went through. Crono hit the ground.
"OoF-" he bounced a tiny bit then sat up. Chara landed beside him. They sat up as well. Lucca went over to Crono.
"Are you okay??" She helped him up.
"Yeah-" Crono said.
"I'm fine too! I know you can't hear me, Lucca but!" Chara stood up.
"Chara said they're fine, too." Crono looked at Lucca.
"Oh, good." She stepped back a bit.
Mettaton looked at Crono.
"Oh no!! Whatever shall I do! My love has been cast away into the dungeon!" He said, putting his hands together and up to his face, just overall being dramatic.
"Wait, this is the 'dungeon'?" Crono looked at Mettaton and raised an eyebrow.
"Don't be fooled, this dungeon has a puzzle so dastardly, my paramour will surely perish!" Mettaton said, putting his arm over his head, dramatically.
Crono looked at Lucca. "Paramour?"
"Lover. He's talking about you." Lucca said, pointing at him.
"Oh." Crono glanced around then looked at Mettaton.
"Oh, heavens have mercy!! The sadistic disco lights floor!!" Mettaton dramatically gestured towards behind Crono and Lucca. They turned and saw the same colored tile maze Papyrus had presented Crono with back in Snowdin.
"Ooh! Dude!" Chara looked at Crono. "Looks like you get to prove yourself! Remember what you said? You totally could of gotten through even when luck wasn't on your side..?" Chara smirked.
Crono got this slight concerned look then squinted at Chara.
"Oh dear-" Lucca looked at Crono and adjusted her glasses.
"Each tile has its own sadistic function!! For example, green tiles make a sound, then you have to fight a monster, red tiles-" Mettaton suddenly stopped then looked at Crono. "Actually, wait a second. Didn't you see this puzzle like, several hours ago?"
"Uh, yeah. Actually-" Crono said.
"You did?" Lucca looked at him.
"Yeah, Papyrus had me go through it...though his didn't really work out in his favor-" Crono glanced to the side.
"Yeah now you have to actually go through it!!" Chara said.
"Oh, you must remember how everything works, in that case! Fantastic! I won't waste your time repeating the rules, then!" Mettaton said, cheerfully.
"Now wait a second, I never said-" Crono started.
"Oh! Also, you have exactly until I finish my musical number to get through! Which is roughly about 30 seconds! Or else you'll be incinerated by jets of fire!!" Mettaton laughed.
"Jets of fire? Sounds fun!" Crono said, slightly sarcastically but with a tad bit of concern.
"You got this, Crono!" Lucca looked at Crono.
"Wh-" Crono started.
"What're you talking about?? Honey, you're going to be going through with him!" Mettaton looked at Lucca.
"Oh. Only fair, I suppose but I guess I kinda assumed since you directed the song and stuff to Crono." Lucca shrugged.
"But how are we suppose to-" Crono looked towards Mettaton.
"Oh! My poor love!! I'm so FILLED with grief, I can't stop laughing!!" Mettaton said, laughing a bit more than he looked at Crono and Lucca again. "Your time starts now! Good luck, darling!!" Mettaton inhaled then pressed a button on a small remote which started a count down timer starting at 30, then proceeded to start singing. "OOHH MY LOVEEE HAS FALLEN DOOOWNN~!!" He wasn't singing falsetto this time around, he just sounded more smug and smirky.
Crono's eyes widened and, with a slight bit of late reaction, dashed over to the start of the puzzle. Chara followed.
Lucca looked over then followed him.
Crono got this slight distressed look and rapidly glanced around tryna quickly remember which tile did what. All he remembered was that pink tiles did nothing, yellow tiles electrocuted him and green tiles summoned a monster. He quickly stepped onto the first pink one and looked around quickly. Chara followed. They were able to step on any of them without triggering anything, considering they're a ghost.
"NOW IN TEEAAARRS WE ALL WILL DROOOOWNN-!" Mettaton continued to sing while Crono and Lucca did their thing.
"Dude, I don't even know what to do?? I wasn't with you when you did this-?" Lucca looked at Crono.
"I don't fully remember what every tile does, but all I remember is that green tiles summon a monster when you step on them, as Mettaton said, pink tiles do nothing when you step on them, and yellow ones electrocute you-"
"So you admit you were just lucky in Snowdin and you couldn't actually get passed it?" Chara looked up at Crono.
"Don't call me out like this!" Crono yelled then stepped onto a couple more tiles, one green, the other another pink one. Chara followed, kinda smirky mostly because Crono didn't take any notice to what they said.
Lucca stepped onto the pink one that Crono was previously on, then onto the green one Crono had gone onto then jumped to the one Crono was currently stepping on, bumping into him and knocking him onto the tile in front of him. Crono stumbled forward and stepped onto a yellow tile. It shocked him and sent him back. He yelled a bit.
Chara kinda snickered.
"Oh no!" Lucca grabbed him and held him still.
Mettaton continued to sing. "WELL THAT WAAASSSS A SORRY TRYYYY NOW LET'S WAAAAATCH HIM FRYYYYYYYYY~!!" The music stopped and the tile maze turned grey scale. Crono, Lucca and Chara looked up at Mettaton, who was just flying right above them all.
"OOOHH, I'M SO SORRY!! LOOKS LIKE YOU'RE OUT OF TIME!!" Mettaton clapped his hands and Crono and Lucca were suddenly surrounded by jets of fire on either side. Crono and Lucca came back to back to each other and glanced back at each other then at the jets of fire.
"Watch out for the flames, darling! They're getting closer!!" Mettaton said, looking at them.
The flames closed in, but slowed down as they got closer to them.
"This is actually kinda anticlimactic." Chara looked around then at Crono.
Lucca squinted at Mettaton.
"They're! Getting! Closer!! Ooh my~!!!" Mettaton said, having his arms behind his back.
The flames slowly got closer. Lucca and Crono could feel themselves getting hotter.
"Any minute now!!!" Mettaton looked around.
The flames got riight up to them then stopped suddenly. But neither of them dared move or else they'd risk getting burned.
Crono and Lucca glanced back at each other with their eyes.
"This is very odd, why did they stop." Chara looked at the flames.
Mettaton let out a robotic cough. Even though he didn't have a mouth, he still covered it with his hand right around where his mouth would be if he did have one. He then put his arm back behind his back.
Just then Crono's phone rang.
"Oh! Is that your phone, Crono?" Lucca said.
"Uhh yeah-" Crono carefully opened his bag and reached into it and took it out. He didn't risk raising his arm up to his ear so he just answered it and put it on speaker.
"Uh, hello??" Alphys?? That y-" Crono started. Alphys cut him off.
"Hey, u-uh watch out!! I'll save you!! I'm hacking into the firewall right now!" Typing could be heard then suddenly the flames went out.
Mettaton spoke up. "Oh no!! How could this happen?!? Foiled again by the brilliant Doctor Alphys!!" He didn't seem very enthusiastically this time around. He almost sounded....tired or almost "annoyed". As if he didn't care anymore and totally expected Alphys to interfere.
It went silent for a moment.
Crono and Lucca looked at each other. Chara looked at Crono.
Mettaton looked around then started to speak. "Tha-"
Alphys suddenly cut in, cutting him off. "That's right! Come on, Mettaton, give up already! You'll never be able to beat us! Not as long as we work together!! Your puzzle's over, now give up and go home!" Alphys said from Crono's phone.
"Puzzle? Over? Alphys, darling, whatever are you talking about...? Did you forget what the green tiles do? They make a sound and then you have to fight a monster."
"...yeah?" Crono looked up at him.
"Wh-what about it?" Alphys then asked after a moment.
"Well, darling...! That me!" Mettaton flew down and landed in front of Crono and Lucca.
"Oh, damn! Well, how about that." Chara said.
"U-uh-!" Alphys sounded nervous.
"This is it! Say goodbye, darling!!" Mettaton got in Crono's face.
"I don't think that'll be happening!" Crono said, looking at Mettaton.
Alphys suddenly spoke up.
"H-hey!! I know th-this may seem bad, but don't worry!! Th-there's one last thing I installed on your phone...!"
"Well? What is it??" Crono said.
"I don't think it's a good idea to yell at the person who's trying to help you." Lucca said, looking at Crono.
"I''re right, I'm sorry, what is it, Alphys?" Crono looked towards his phone.
"It's fine...but you see that yellow button on your phone?"
Crono looked at the yellow button as she said this.
"Press it!"
Crono pressed it and the phone began to almost resonate with Mettaton's presence.
"Oh!! That yellow glow!!" Mettaton suddenly said.
Suddenly, Crono's SOUL turned yellow.
"Crono-?? Your SOUL...?" Lucca said, looking at his SOUL then up at him.
Crono looked down then up at Mettaton.
"Now press the red button!!" Alphys said.
Crono looked down at his phone again then pressed the red button. His phone suddenly shot this laser-type of projectile at Mettaton. It startled Crono, since he wasn't expecting it. He stumbled back, into Lucca. Mettaton rolled back some and looked at Crono.
"OOH!! OOOOO!! YOU'VE DEFEATED ME!!" He kinda leaned back, putting his arm over his head, dramatically. "HOW CAN THIS BE, YOU WERE STRONGER THAN I THOUGHT, ETC. WHATEVER." He then looked at Crono and Lucca like "I don't really give a fuck but whatever!" then rolled away.
Crono and Lucca looked at each other.
"Something tells me he's starting to get tired of all this. He may try finding a way to exclude Alphys from his next plan." Chara said, just kinda thinking to themselves out loud.
"Well, that worked." Lucca said.
Crono's phone rang. He was still holding it, so he just answered it.
"Hey! L-looks like you beat him! Y-you guys did a really great job out there." Alphys said.
"Other than the puzzle but." Lucca said.
"Yeah, but other than that, I suppose we did." Crono said.
It got silent for a moment. Alphys spoke up after a moment.
"...H-hey. I know I was weird at first, but can I tell you something?"
"Oh, uh. Sure." Crono said, looking up at Lucca. Lucca nodded, agreeing with Crono.
"B-before I met you, I d-didn't really...I didn't really like myself very much. For a long time, I f-felt like a total screw-up. L-like I couldn't do a-anything w-without...w-without ending up letting everyone down. B-but..! Guiding you has made me feel...a lot...a lot better about myself." She got kind of quiet, looking off to the side. " for letting me help you."
"Oh, well um." Crono looked around. "You're welcome. To be fair, we, or rather I- I know Lucca could make it- probably wouldn't be here without you."
"Of course, though I wouldn't exactly just leave you to die, Crono!" Lucca chuckled.
"Maybe! Just maybe. Also, bold of you to assume I'd let anything take you down! That's my job! Kind of." Chara kinda smirked.
"Um, anyway, we're almost to the CORE. It's just past MTT-Resort. Come on! Let's finish this." Alphys then hung up. Crono then hung up and put his phone back.
"Shall we?" Lucca asked.
"Of course." Crono said. They both headed forward.
Crono wondered what was to come next and if Mettaton would try messing with them one last time before getting out of Hotland.

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