Greater Dog Troubles

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Crono and Chara were making their way through Snowdin.
"You think Papyrus has any more puzzles set up?" Chara asked Crono.
"Probably." Crono replied. "Knowing him, he'll probably have one set up just-"
"HEY!" They both suddenly heard Papyrus' voice.
They both looked up and yep, there he was. Sans was also with him. They were on the other side of what looked like a grey-scaled disco floor.
"Speaking of Papyrus and his puzzles." Chara spoke up.
"IT'S THE HUMAN!" Papyrus continued.
"Oh, hello there." Crono spoke up in response to him.
"You're going to love this puzzle!" Papyrus said back.
"Well, I-I'll be the judge of that, Papyrus." He said, obviously still cold, but he wasn't about to bring it to the attention of Papyrus or Sans.
"It was made by the great Dr.Alphys!" Papyrus said, all enthusiastically.
"I literally have no idea who that is, but okay." Crono replied.
Chara looked at Crono.
"You see these tiles?! Once I flip this switch"- he pointed at a switch, on a machine- "They will begin to change color!"
"Okay?" Crono then said.
"I'm not done, yet!"
"Oh, my bad. Go on."
"Each tile has its own different function! Red tiles are impassable! You cannot step on them whatsoever. Yellow tiles are electric! Step on them, and they'll electrocute you! Green tiles are alarm tiles! They'll make a noise and you'll have to fight a monster! Orange tiles are orange scented! They'll make you smell delicious! Blue tiles are water tiles! Swim through them if you like, but if you smell like oranges, the piranhas will snap at and bite you! So be careful! Oh, also if a blue tile is next to a yellow tile, the water will also zap you!"
"Oh fun." Crono spoke up.
"Yeah! Ikr? Oh! Also purple tiles are slippery! You will slide to the next tile!"
"Okay?" Crono asked, raising an eyebrow.
"However! The slippery soap smells like lemons! Which piranhas do not like!"
"Oh, nice." Crono said.
"Yes! Purple and blue are okay!"
"Okay so we doin this thing?"
"Aye! I still have one more tile to introduce!"
"Oh, sorry."
"Pink tiles! They're okay to step on! Step on them all you like!"
"Oh, okay. Cool." Crono said.
"So, how was that? Understand?"
"Understand the explanation there, dude? Ya need him to repeat anything?" Chara asked him.
"Uh, no. It's okay, I think I got it." Crono said.
"Fantastic! Then there's one more thing-!" Papyrus replied.
"Oh, what's that?"
"This puzzle is completely random! When I pull this switch, it'll generate a puzzle that's never been seen before! Not even I will know the solution! Nyeh heh heh!"
"Oh, great." Crono said, unenthusiastically.
"Oh wow." Chara said, giggling a bit.
"Get ready!!" Papyrus said, turning to the machine.
He threw the switch and the grey-scaled "disco floor" began to change colors rapidly until it finally stopped after a few seconds. Straight down, in a walk-way fashion, were all pink tiles with red ones on either side, so one could simply walk straight through.
Papyrus stared then, without a word, just turned around and walked off, with this look of pure disappointment.
"Oh wow." Crono said, walking through.
"Yeah, heh. That was pretty convenient." Chara said, following.
"You're telling me." He replied.
When they both got to the other side, Sans looked over at Crono.
"Actually, that spaghetti from wasn't too bad for my brother. He's actually been improving a lot since he started those cooking lessons. I bet, if he keeps it up, he'll be able to make something edible by next year."
"Oh. You saying he's...a bad cook?" Crono raised an eyebrow.
"Nah, I'm just saying he needs practice."
"Ah. Alright then." Crono responded.
"Yup." Sans replied.
Crono and Chara walked again.
"Well, admittedly, that was easier than I was anticipating." Crono spoke up after a moment.
"Well, it helped that it was random and luck was seemingly on your side." Chara replied.
"I could of totally got passed it, though if it had not of been." Crono then said after another moment.
"You sure about that, dude?" Chara looked at him, in doubt.
"Totally. Absolutely."
"I feel like you're being overconfident. The explanation he gave was kind of eh."
"Didn't sound too complicated. I've got passed all his puzzles thus far. Why would that last one be any different?"
"I dunno." Chara shrugged.
"Mhm. You just know I'd be able to do it, you just don't wanna admit it."
"Uh, sure. Totally." Chara said, sarcastically.
"You just don't wanna admit-"
Suddenly, Crono was cut off by small barking.
Both Crono and Chara stopped and looked down. A small, white dog's head and tail could be seen sticking out of a snow puff.
"Oh- another dog. Heheh." He reached down to pet it, when all of a sudden, it stood up and this big dog was standing before him, all decked out in armor and holding a spear with a dog's face on it.
"Oh JEEZ-" Crono said.
"Oh, wasn't expecting that, Pft." Chara said, looking at Crono.
"That's a big dog."
"Yep, if I remember correctly, that's the Greater Dog- another one of the dogs apart of the Royal Guard. There's also a Lesser Dog, but we didn't run into him."
"Ah. Alright. Welp, looks like I gotta battle this guy then." Crono said.
Greater Dog looked at Crono, panting and staring intensely.
"Remember, Crono. Only FIGHT as a last resort. If pacifying the enemy doesn't seem to have any affect, THEN you can draw your Katana and declare a fight." Crono said to himself and looked at Greater Dog.
"...besides this guy is a dog. I would hate to have to hurt an animal."
"You gonna do something?" Chara asked.
"Yes, yes. Hold your horses." He went over to Greater Dog.
"I don't know about you, but, to me, it looks like Greater Dog is seeking affection, to be honest." Chara spoke up.
Crono held out his hand to pet Greater Dog. Greater Dog allowed him to pet him.
"There you go~" Crono said as he continued to pet Greater Dog.
Greater Dog actually enjoyed it so much, he knocked Crono onto his backside and curled up in his lap.
"Oh jeez-" Crono said as he kept petting the dog.
The dog ended up falling asleep.
"Looks like he was so comfortable, he ended up falling asleep." Chara remarked.
"Oh boy-" Crono said.
"Looks like your going to be here for awhile."
"...uh, dog? Greater Dog? I need you to-"
Suddenly, the dog's head jolts up and he stands and gets all hyper.
"Oh!" Crono said.
Greater Dog thumped his front paws onto the ground and eye balled Crono's Katana.
"He seems like he wants to play now, dude."
Crono looked around for something to play with the dog with.
"What about your sword? He seems interested in that." Chara pointed out.
"First off, it's a Katana. Second, wouldn't that be kind of dangerous?"
"Eh, he seems interested. He deals with weapons daily anyway. I'm sure he won't do anything stupid." Chara said.
"Well, Alright." Crono pulled out his Katana and looked at the dog, who was intensely staring at him still and wagging his tail aggressively, panting all excitedly.
Crono threw it and Greater Dog dashed for it.
"I hope I don't regret that." Crono said.
"Eh, it'll be fine." Chara reassured him.
Greater Dog scooped the weapon up by the handle and looked over at Crono, just staring at him. Intensely.
"Good boy! Now come give me it back!" Crono said to him.
Greater Dog slowly went back over to him.
"Good! Now give me it back!" Crono said, holding his hand out.
Greater Dog stared at him for a moment then just dashed off.
"Wait- NO. DAMMIT. COME BACK HERE WITH THAT." Crono chased after him.
"Oh dear." Chara then followed.
Greater Dog ran over to the start of a bridge then stopped and looked back at Crono, still holding onto his Katana.
Crono stopped running as soon as Greater Dog did.
"Niice, doggy. Staaayy." He calmly said as he slowly approached the dog.
Dog stared at him, then as soon as Crono got close enough, he ran again, across the bridge.
"GOD. DAMMIT. NOO-" Crono exclaimed, clearly frustrated.
Chara was seemingly amused by Crono's sudden misfortune.
Crono rushed acrossed the bridge and found himself in Snowdin Town.
"Oh! Snowdin Town!" Chara said.
"That dammed dog could be anywhere here." Crono said and thought to himself.
"Like there?" Chara said and pointed at the outside of a shop.
There Greater Dog was. Laying down and chewing on the handle of Crono's Katana.
"AYE." Crono said and headed over to the dog.
Greater Dog looked up at him, Katana still in his mouth.
"You give me that damn Katana back right now." He said, marching over to the dog.
Chara followed, just smirking.
"Give it." Crono held out his hand. "Now."
Greater Dog stared.
Crono took that opportunity to just grab the Katana by the part of the handle that Greater Dog didn't have and pull on it to tell Greater Dog to let go.
After a moment, Greater Dog finally let go.
"There we go. Finally." Crono put the weapon back. "Remind me to never do that again. That was too much hassle."
Greater Dog licked Crono's leg, barked and went inside a building labeled "Grillby's."
"Anyway. Perhaps we should move on. We seem to at least be in town now." Crono said and walked.
"Heh. Yeah." Chara said back and followed.
"And to never let any dogs near my Katana again."

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