Chapter 1

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"I'll take a large latte with light cream." Danny said slowly, not completely sure of his choice. The lady nodded with a huge smile "Right away sir!" Her personality was a little much for it only being 7 in the morning, he thought, but he smiled back and turned around to find the nearest seat to the cash register.

Finding a seat near a window he opened his computer. Logging in quickly, he found the paper he was suppose to read today at the computer convention. It made his heart beat quickly at the thought. He had read papers in front of people before, but at a convention, his job was on the line and it terrified him.

Taking a deep breath and feeling confident in his speech, he began to close his computer, but plans changed quick when he gets bumped, making him almost drop his computer instead. "Watch it!" he screamed angrily, when he looked at the face of an almost crying women, his emotions changed. "I'm so sorry sir, I'm such a clumsy mess" she stuttered and rushed out her words, words Michael hadn't cared much about, cause her face was stunning.

"No my apologies, I must control my temper" he said embarrassed. Her face slowly looked less sad. Her breathing was still heavy and her words came out slow. "It's fine sir, I'd be upset too, my writing is very important to me, I would probably sob if my computer with all of it broke."

Michael smiled at her "Would you like to join me for coffee?" her face now showed no sign of sadness as she replied "I'd love to."

"Michael!". His name was called from the barista at the counter, snapping Michael out of his daze. "Excuse me" he said to girl, walking away to get his drink.

He grabbed it quickly and turned around to find her gone. He suddenly felt sad as he walked slowly back to his table. Sitting he put his head in his hands.

How in any way he thought he had a chance he didn't know. Yelling at himself for multiple seconds, a sound so sweet said "So it's Michael" That voice was back. He looked up with big eyes. "Yes" he said smiling. "I'm Darcy" She smiled back, taking a seat.

They both stared at each other for what seemed like forever. "Do you always write in a suit" she said with a giggle. With the silence finally broken, Michael looked down at his clothes, and said with a smirk "No mam, I write without a suit on too, just today I have to speak at a convention for computers, so sadly I look ridiculous in this small little coffee shop."

Her face was bright as she listened to Michael speaking. Her nose little and pink with a nose piercing that fit her face perfectly. Her cheeks were the same shade as her cute nose. Her long brown hair laid still as she sat there staring and stirring her coffee slowly with her rosy pink nails. Eyes big and hazel staring at him like she really cared about what he was saying.

"Darcy, where are you heading today?" Michael asked still admiring her features. "Anywhere" she said. "You see I sing at this place down main and when I sing I get butterflies, so I walk around the streets going into random places to find my ground and courage to be my very best." Michael was intrigued "That's something I ought to try." he laughed a little. "I find that very smart Darcy."

Looking down at his watch it showed he had to go.

"Darcy my apologies but I must go. May I take you to dinner tonight?" he hoped for a yes and just as he had lost hope, she spoke "Michael I'd love too" She took out a notepad and pencil from her beige purse that hung to her side, writing her number on it. "Give me a call around 7 and I will you give you an address to a great little place I go to. Will meet their" Michael grabbed the number from her soft hands taking her all in one last time. Giving her a smile and a last goodbye, he rushed out the door to catch a taxi.

Darcy AdamsWhere stories live. Discover now