Chapter 3

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Michael collapsed on his bed. All his worries were swept away and he could finally rest his head.

"Mom? Is that you" Michael questioned the figure standing in the kitchen. She had turned at the sound of his voice. Michael's face dropped when it really was her. He ran up to her quickly, trying to hug her, but it was dust. She walked right through him. "Mamma?" he questioned once again. His dad then came in the door and flashbacks of every horror moment played in his head. The vision was so much like his childhood. His father slapped his mom and Michael had to turn away. He couldn't bare to look, when he couldn't try to stop him this time.

Eyes fluttered open and his breathing was heavy as he tried to shake off another terrifying dream. "Shake it off" he repeated.

Michael reached over for his phone to check the time, it was 6 now. He ran his hands through his hair and jumped out of bed towards the shower. He had little time to straighten back up, and to see Darcy once again. Just by thinking about her a smile laid on his face.

Around 30 minutes later, Michael was ready, his watch now said 6:40. I can call, he thought. 

He sat on his bed, and pulled out the paper from his pants from earlier with her number on it in. "Okay" he breathed out as he dialed and hit call. Ring after ring his heart speeded up. "Hello" It was her. "Yes, hi Darcy, Its Michael. Are we still set to have dinner. "Oh yes! Hi Michael. Meet me on 34 and main at 7:30, It's a little Place called Marty's. "Okay I'll see you their"

Michael hung up and let out a huge breath. "Okay" he said once again. Grabbing his wallet and phone he headed out. TAXI! For once out of this whole time, one stopped right away. "Were starting off good" he laughed a worried laugh. Not sure as to what might come.

"34, and main. Place called Marty's" The lady turned around. "Nice to see you again sir" did he know her. Michael confused replied "nice to see you again too." She busted out laughing. "Kid your a heck of a guy" Now Michael looked really confused, and she continued to laugh. "Names Carol, I've seen you all day, I even drove you to that convention. Got you their pretty fast I'd say" Michael now got it. "Oh yes that was you. What do you mean by you've seen me all day though?" The lady smirked "well I was their buying coffee when you met that pretty girl. I was there when you were on the sidewalk after the convention, screaming TAXI again." A little scared he asked "Are you telling me you've been watching me." She laughed hard again. "NO! Just their at the same times my boy. Did you buy her flowers?"

Flowers, yes of course flowers. "I'm new around here I'm not sure where they are." the lady pulled up at the restaurant Marty's and turned around. "Boy trust me anyone knows you're new here." She laughed a little and then continued "but, that's why people help each other. Here's your Marty's and if you go around that corner, they sell single roses. I think your pretty lady would love one." Michael thanked her, handed her her money, and rushed out the door.

Looking down at his watch it read 7:13, he had little time but he was sure he could make it. Fast walking up the street the lady was right. Just over the corner were huge single roses. "I'll take one please." The man smiled and handed one to Michael. "Three dollars" Michael handed him the money, thanked him and again began to walk fast back to Marty's

As he reached the door, he straightened up his posture and walked in. It really was a cute little place. Smelled of breads and pastas. Wine sat on others tables. This thrilled Michael. He went up to the man at the front "Can I have a table for two" A big smile was given to him "Yes, right this way sir" Michael followed him to this window seat. It was perfect. Thanking the man he took a seat and laid the rose next to him. He was anxious and his hands couldn't stop jittering as he waited for her to arrive.

The door rung for the hundredth time it seemed, except this time, Michaels eyes sprung up to see Darcy talking to the man at the front counter. They both turned to Michael and Michael waved giving Darcy a smile. She slowly began to walk over to him. 

She looked gorgeous. Her hair was simply curled and she had rosy lips and eyeshadow on her face, blush that blended in perfect with her already rosy cheeks. She wore tight, light blue jeans that brought out her curves and a white top that was shoulder less. Giving her a long look that was elegant. She wore silver hoops and rosy like heels. Pink was her and I loved it.

She took a seat slowly and crossed her legs. "Hi Michael" Michael was lost at words so he gave her the rose. Her face lit up. "It's gorgeous" he smiled at her "your gorgeous, it's simply plain against you." She now was lost at words and they both sat there, staring yet again into each other's eyes.

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