Chapter 4

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"Hi folks, are we ready to order." The waiter spoke breaking their daze Michael looked up at the waiter. ", not quite yet." the man smiled at them "take your time, would we like any drinks." Michael looked back at Darcy. "Darcy do you like wine." she nodded, giving off a small smile. What was going through her head. Michael thought. "Can I have a bottle of Merlot," The man wrote it down quick. "Is that ok?" Darcy nodded again.

The man left them soon after. "How did your singing go?" Michael stuttered out the words feeling a bit foolish. "It went well, I always love singing. Sometimes life gets so crazy, that when I sing, rather I'm at home or in front of a crowd, I close my eyes and I feel like I'm flying. It sounds silly I know." Tucking a loose strand behind her hair she smiled as if the thought of her singing made her happy. It did Michael thought. 

"It's not silly at all, it's quite inspiring. I wish I had a passion like that. Instead I took my career path, to being a computer analyst" Michael shrugged "You could always restart. Easier said than done, I know, I hear it all the time, but really you could. How was your convention speech?" 

Michael laughed a little. "I'd say it went really well, many people said I did well, shook my hands and congratulated me. In my opinion I stutter a lot and made a fool out of myself. You are right about restarting though. I can draw really good, yet my father never supported that, so being pushed to become what I am now was easier then...well other things. Anyhow my convention speech was ridiculous." 

 They both laughed a little. "I doubt that. I'd love to hear about it" Michael gave her a small grin. "I could read some to you. I'd have to see you again that is" Darcy smiled real big.

"I wouldn't mind that at all." The waiter sat the wine bottle on the table and twisted the top off. Pouring each of us a glass and setting the wine bottle in the middle of us. "Any ideas of what you guys would like to eat" Michael and Darcy laughed "No not yet, Just a couple more minutes sir. My apologies" Michael replied while picking up his menu. Darcy did the same. The waiter nodded and walked away. "I'm real happy to hear that" Darcy looked up from her menu. "Good, don't lose my number." Michael smiled "Never

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Oct 19, 2018 ⏰

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