Chapter 2

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"Taxi, Taxi!" Frustration was laid on Michaels face as every taxi drove by him. He stared down at his watch, he was gonna be late if he didn't leave right now. "TAXI!" he screamed one last time making a taxi finally stop. He jumped right in shouting "5900th S and main street" The lady drove away quickly. 

No words were said as the lady took turn after turn, and with what seemed like no time at all he arrived to the convention. It was packed. Michael questioned how the lady even got here, but he didn't have any time to think of anything other then his speech, so with a smack to the head, he gave the lady her money and a thank you before rushing out the door.

He walked in the building, trying to look like he had his shit together, when really he was a mess. Arriving at a small desk a lady greeted him "Hello, how can I help you" Michael looked up giving her a smile and replying "I need directions to the back stage. I'm suppose to give a speech for a demonstration on Computer work." The lady nodded "Name" Michael froze for a couple seconds before answering "Michael Peterson" the lady must think I'm crazy. He thought.

Seconds later, Michael was handed a name tag, and a security guard began to guide him through the crowd of people, to the back stage. "Right behind their" the man directed. Michael thanked him and was on his way. 

Walking up the stairs this lady looked at him, and then began to slowly walk up to him. "Michael! You have arrived!" Why is everyone so cheerful today. It's so early. He just couldn't wrap it around his fingers as to why everyone was screaming with such happiness. "Yes, that's me" he hoped to sound polite rather then rude, but his speech was getting to him. He couldn't control his annoyance and now the lady looked not so happy. She straightened down her skirt, and with less of a happy attitude, she said, with a plain voice. "Your speech will be right after the man now. Go stand over their and be ready." She pointed behind the curtain and turned on her heel quickly, leaving him with no other explanation of how to be ready. 

Now he felt like shit and... terrified to give this speech. He kept repeating, Michael breath, closing his eyes Darcy came to mind, he was panicking. Her image in his head began to calm him though. 

Michael opened his eyes and rushed over to where the lady pointed. Opening his computer quickly, he found his speech and kept the image of Darcy smiling at him replaying in his mind. It was his only peace in this moment.

The crowd applaud for the man before Michael and now that women was yelling at him to walk onto the stage. He took a deep breath and slowly did as he was told. It's the least I can do for that women, I was so rude to her, he shook his head at his actions .

Striding across the stage with the computer opened and his speech ready to be read he made it to the stand. He sat his computer on it slowly and looked up to a million staring eyes. He took a deep breath, found Darcy in the back of his mind, and began to speak.

"My name is Michael Peterson" and with that he took it away. Reading his speech from the computer, and continuing it without his computer. It finally reached an end and with an applause, he thanked the crowd for their time and walked off. 

Relief was all over his face as he walked off the stage and down the stairs. There was a couple people who came up to him and greeted him and with a stern hand he shook their hands and listened to them praise him. He seemed to have done well.

After multiple more compliments he made it back out the door. It was time to head back to his hotel and rest before seeing Darcy again. He wanted to call her now, but it was only 12. She had to be busy or singing at this very moment. He decided it was a bad idea and yet again yelled TAXI!

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