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ungkook perked up instantly. Cheeks bulging with food as he regarded Jimin with a sharp look. Ryujin looked confused, she wasn't really into the criminal part of assassinations. She mostly dealt with the legal things.

"Whose that?"

Before Jimin could answer that, the door to the cafeteria opened to reveal Park Jinyoung, his brother. And right behind him was his little kiddie squad.

Jinyoung made eye contact with Jimin and promptly glared. Jimin winced, while Ryujin scoffed.

"Looks like he still holds a grudge."

Jungkook tilted his head. "I can understand why, I mean we did kind of leave him to die, but come on. We're criminals, we can't all be nice."

Jimin scoffed. "He wouldn't have gotten two cute boyfriends if we didn't. So technically, it was a win-win situation." Ryujin and Jungkook nodded, both agreeing wholeheartedly to that statement.

"Back to The Clash of Clans shit." Ryujin stated, getting her brothers back on track. Jimin sighed.

"Once upon a time"

"Are you really-"

"Do u wanna hear the story or not?"

"Well yes but-"

"Then shhhh" Jungkook interrupted.

"Thank you Jungkook."

"Once upon a time, a long time ago, back to when emperors ruled the land were 4 ruling families. The Parks, The Jeons, The Mins and The Kims. Long ago the 4 families lived together in harmony, but everything changed when The Heir of the Parks was found to be cheating on his girlfriend who was from the Kims, with a member of the Jeon family."

Jungkook rolled his eyes in distaste. It wasn't the first time he would be listening to this story but that didn't mean he had to like it.

"The families were in chaos. The Min family sided with the Kim family and that left the Parks with the Jeons. The 4 families were at war with one another, that war lasted almost 50 years, until finally The Parks and The Jeons surrendered and since there was no need for partnership the groups split apart and The Min's have been the ruling family ever since."

Ryujin nodded. That didn't really answer her question but she kept quiet just in case the story wasn't over yet.

"Fast forward to lots of years later!!" Jungkook said, determined to finish the story.

"The heir of the Min clan had gotten pregnant out of wedlock which was a big thing back in the day and they were forced to kill him. They didn't have it in them to kill their child so they gave him away to a nice little family in Daegu. They left the child on their doorstep and a note that said to name the child Yoongi."

Ryujin nodded in understanding. No true mother would want to kill their child.

"Yoongi grew up a normal child, no guns, no fighting, he even had a career choice at the age of 5 (five). Then out of the blue another child showed up at the same house, the child also had a note saying that this was Yoongi's younger brother Jihoon and that he would also be staying with the family."

"Wait, was that really Yoongi's brother." Ryujin briefly interrupted. Jungkook nodded with a frown.

"Yep, weird right? After 5 years they still aren't married and had the guts to have another child." Jungkook scoffed. "It was almost as if they didn't want to have the responsibility of raising a child, so they sent him away."

Ryujin took back her words, that woman was not a true mother.

"The couple took care of the kids for 18 years of peace before the dark side hit them like a truck. Literally. The family were on a trip when their car was hit with a truck and sent the parents to the hospital. But they didn't care about the parents. The dark side broke into their house, kidnapped and severely beat up Jihoon, killed his friends, basically taunting him before really going after him."

Ryujin shook her head, where were Yoongi's real parents throughout this whole thing?!

"And when he was really on death's door was the moment The Min's bust through the door. No one really knows what happened after that but everyone knows how horrible Yoongi and Jihoon's relationship with their parents are. Rumor has it that The Min's intentionally killed Yoongi's 'fake' parents to make him feel pain but no one really knows the truth. "

"Well damn."

Jimin nodded. It truly was one messed up family, of course not more messed up than the Jeon and Park families drama but it was a close third.

"And there's no real Drama with the Kim clan unless you want to say the whole groups homophobic and heir of the clan Kim Taehyung is an open gay and Friends with Min Yoongi who happened to be Pansexual." Jimin explained taking a bite of the chicken.

"So what are we gonna do about Jinyoung and his little kiddie squad?" Jungkook asked sipping his banana milk he got from who knows where.

Jimin considered the question for a little. Jinyoung was a force to be reckoned with, at this rate Jimin believed The older would leave them alone, seeing as he won't even look in his direction for a long time.

"We'll let him be. However, if he gets in our way, we will use force no matter what. Got it?" When the twins nodded Jimin took it as his que to continue eating. The feeling of eyes burning the back of his head never left his mind.


Hewwo 🥺🥺

I've been gone long but don't worry!! I'm still alive!!

It's exam for the past 2 months I have been studying for exams and catching up on school work since I am failing horribly. I have had this in my drafts for a while and I finally have time to post it. It's not as edited as the last chapter bit it's something!

I have an ambition to post next week but if I don't just know I'm studying 😀😀

Love you shooting stars!!

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