Snowflakes and Raindrops

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Y/CN = Your country name

Y/N = Your name

Y/N Pov

I was on my way to the world meeting, there were some roses on the side of the road. They were beautiful, tons of silky pedals, it's velvet shade. I knelt down next to them and smelled them. 'Just like Mama's garden' I thought to myself. Then I heard some firmilar yells come from behind me. "Ahh, get-a- this thing off-a- me!" I turned and saw Italy. He was running around with vines full of leaves covering his eyes, "It is-a-blinding me!" I chuckled a little, "Italy, hold still." I said walking towards him. He stopped dead in his tracks at the sound of my voice, "O-ok." He said standing still. I removed the vines and saw his huge, puppy dog, latte colored eyes. "Grazie, bella!" He said, then he looked behind me. "Roses!" He said then grabbing my hand and running towards them. "Yeah, I saw those, aren't they beautiful?" I asked returning my gaze to the flowers. He nodded his head frantically, then he picked one. "For you, bella!" He said then handed the velvet flower to me."Aww, thanks Italy." I said receiving the rose from him.
Italy looked at me for a few seconds, then back at the rose, "Roses remind me of you." He said smiling his huge, everyday smile. "Oh, you just made my day." I said giving him a hug with one arm. He gave a hug back but with both arms real tight, his special hug. I giggled, then patted his back. "We should probably get to the meeting." He said. "Oh yeah, the building is right there." I said pointing to the building in front of us. "Come on bella, lets-a-go!" He said sprinting off to the building. I followed, Italy sure is something, is he not? We came to the building and then we saw two firmilar faces coming from the corner.
"You bloody git, I told you not to bring those to the meeting!" I heard a firmilar british accent, assuming it's England's. "Dude, I just brought one, ONE, what is it with you and my choice of food?" I heard a loud, booming voice. "Look, its-a-England and America!" Italy said pointing. He started waving frantically at them, the things Italy does. America saw that, then we waved back with a huge smile on his face. England saw and did a weak wave back, probably focused on his conversations topic.
"My apologies, arguing over something stupid." England said glancing a blaming look at America on stupid. "Woah woah woah, you started it!" America said, jaw dropping. "Anyways, how are you guys doing?" England said trying to change the subject. "Amazing!" Italy said smiling uncontrollably. "I'm awesome, you?" I said putting a thumbs up. "I was having a great day, until he came with his cheesy scent." England said pointing at America with his thumb. "I hope you are talking about the food cheesy, because I had nachos today." America said looking up, but down at England with his eyes. I giggled a little. "Anyways, lets get in, they are probably waiting for us." England said opening the door for us three. "Thank you." All three of us said went into the meeting room. I put my hands in my sweater's pockets, it's comfortable. I took my seat next to Japan and Canada.
I was so bored waiting for America to get ready, so I talked. I turned to Canada, "Yo, Canada." I whisperd. He looked shocked at first, then pointing to himself with a confused look. I nodded fast, smiling. "How are you today?" I asked. "Thanks Y/CN  I'm good, you?" He repiled smiling slightly. I put a thumbs up doing a duck face. "No one has asked me that in a long time, you noticed me." He said, hope shining in his vilot eyes. Aww, he looks so innocent. He then smiled, "I like your sweat shirt." I looked down at it and saw he was looking at the logo. "Oh, thank you, I love Alaska." I said letting him get a better view of the big letters that read, 'Alaska' "Since I'm so close to it, I can see across the border." Canada said. "Yeah, America let's me into it quite a lot in summer and in winter. The winters are so cozy and summer is just epic." I said visualizing the summers, fishing, camping, road trips. "The winters are extremely fun." Canada replied, "Say, maybe in the winter, you could come to my place and hang out, have hot chocolate and that stuff." He asked. "That sounds awesome, it's a plan." I said already planning for that day with Canada.
He heard a loud bang come into the room, "Who did this?" We saw Germany point to graffiti on the wall. "Germany, you made it!" Italy said smiling. "Who did this?" Germany repeated, but louder. *Le dramatic gasp* "It surely wasn't me." France said shocked, "I don't work with such horrid colors." Germany looked around the room, "It wasnt-a-me!" Italy said being extra dramatic. Germany eyed America suspiciously. "Dude, I swear it wasn't me, I take my time seriously." America said defending himself. "Says the git who plays video games at four in the morning." England said sarcasticly, "I was to busy with my magic and spells." Germany turned his head to Canada and I, "Canada, Y/CN, pay up." " sir." Canada said, terrified. "No." I said. Germany glared at me, then walked up to me. "You sure, it looks like your choice of colors." He said. His deep, intimidating voice filled the room. If you mess with him, he destroys you. "I'm sure, I would never use orange with green." I replied, on the inside I saw nervous. I didn't do this, who would put clashing colors like that together?
"You're just saying that." Germany said, wait wait what the hell? Did he just think I lied to his face. "Dude, hold up, why would I take time from my day to make graffiti that doesn't even suit my taste?" I asked in a sassy way,on accident. He chuckled. "What is it?" I asked, fed up with him. "Germany, she said she didn't do it, why are you giving her a hard time?" Canada said confidently. There were a few gasps from the room.

"Canada talked.....loud."

"Out of all people...him?"

"Why would he stand up for her?"

"You know there are serious consequences for lying to people." Germany said. "I'm not lying, geez, what's it gonna take for you to believe me?" I said, I saw on his expression he was pissed. "Germany, bro, quit causing a scene." America said trying to break up the argument. "We came for a meeting, not a game of clue." England said. Glad to know I have friends who will stick up for me. Is Germany still mad about the war we had long ago? (Not a real war, I just made it up)

Aukele the history teacher: Now if you open your books to page, 19387428483773493827, you'll see that Y/CN beat Germany in the war of Jdnfjdjjfjd. Germany lost horribly and held a grudge against Y/CN ever since.

Student named Timmy: Miss, why didn't Y/CN just finish him off and conquer his land into oblivion?

Aukele the history teacher:That's because she said she didn't want his filthy land. She didn't kill him because she never had the heart to kill anyone.

Germany glared at me, "You know why I'm gonna declare war on your country, right?" *Le dramatic gasp* "W..wait what, I didn't even do anything!" I said shocked, why would he do that, just like that. "Because your weak, your an easy target, your a big obstacle of sunshine and rainbows." Germany said walking towards me. "G..Germany, don't say that about her." Italy said, attempting to help me. "I'll let you off with a warning." Germany said pulling something from his pocket. "Dude, what is that?" America said running up to Germany to inspect the device. Germany pushed America away, roughly then pulled a little cord from his device. Then smoke went everywhere, we couldn't see anything. "Y/CN, are you alright?" I hear from the other side of the room, but I couldn't tell who it was over the screams. I jumped up from my seat hoping to find a way out, not like everyone is already trying to do that. Then I felt hands push me roughly, away from my goal, the door. I felt my side hit glass, the window's glass, "Oh crap!" I yelled over the screams. I knew I was gonna fall put of that building on way or another. I felt warmth, safety, grab my arm and pull me away from the shattering window.
The smoke was clearing out, no sign of Germany so far, yet. I looked up to see who saved my life. I saw America, why him? The smoke completely cleared out, then I faced America. "I..I'm sorry, I just didn't want you to fall out, it's really-""Thank you for that." I cut him off, his face turned a shade of red. He looked away, then back at me with his big, brilliant, smile, "A hero's gotta do what a hero's gotta do." Then he realized he was still holding my arm, then he quickly let go. "Hey, wheres-a-Germany?" Italy asked. Oh, that's right where did he go?
"I guess, the meetings cancelled for today, see you next week." America said trying to change the subject. "Japan's also gone, where is he?" France asked. "I heard the door open, then slam shut after the smoke." England said looking at the door, then putting his hands on the knob. He wiggled the knob, the silence made it kinda akward to hear a jiggling knob in the middle of it. "Locked." England said letting go of the knob. "So Germany kidnapped Japan!?!?!" Italy said scared. "Italy, it's ok, it's me Germany wanted to have war with. If he captured Japan, we're going to get him back. Don't worry Italy, we're fine, nothing will happen to us." I said trying to calm him down. "Ok bella, I believe you." He said almost instantly. Wow, that worked easier than I thought.
"Well, now we have to get out of this room, help Y/CN win this war, and we will be ok." America said trying to figure out how to get out.
"We could just kick down the door." Canada said in his quiet voice. "I know, we could just kick down the door!" America said right after Canada. Everyone went to the door thing to break it down. "Y/CN, aren't you nervous about a war with Germany?" Canada asked as Italy came up with him. Me and Italy were the only ones who noticed him. "Yeah, it must be scary, bella." Italy said trying to help.

"As much as I hate it, I'm terrifed."

Hetalia America x Italy x Reader x England x Canada Where stories live. Discover now