A Single Spark

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China's POV:

After looking around for something, anything, we still haven't got luck. I eventually learned you are pretty useless when you are trapped. We just had hope for Y/CN, we hope she can stand her side of the battle against Germany. It must be pretty tough being in Y/CN's shoes right about now.
"Guys, I zhink I have found somezhing." France said fidgeting with something in the corner.
"Ugh, what is it?" Romano asked, annoyed with something, the usual.
"Mi bueno amigo, be nice." Spain said walking over to France.
"It seems to be a hatch in the ground, da?" Russia said looking over France's shoulder.
"That means if the door was locked, someone had to make that beforehand. Meaning someone planned this out for a while, aru." I said examining the hatch, which was poorly locked.
"Great zhinking, guess zhere's only one way to find out where it goes,  by following it." France said opening the hatch. There was a ladder leading about six feet down and a tunnel at the bottom. France went down slowly, mumbling french curse words, probably because he was the first one to go down. Then Russia went next, doing his normal smile, his smile was always unsettling. Next was Spain, he went down like a normal person, I think. Romano and I looked at each other, knowing this had to be the next best option. He sighed while rolling his eyes and lousy like started climbing down. He made it down safely, now it's my turn.
I took one final look around the meeting room, "Haha good memories." I mumbled looking at the spot America would normally stand. Then peeked at the spot I sat, then I thought of the day I got to make my April fools prank happen. Heh, I hear that just recently, that Canada guy just finished picking rice out of his hair. What am I doing, I need to get down! I made my way down the ladder, depending on how ruthless this war will be, this might be the last time I see this room.
I turned around and saw the passage way about six feet tall, going into the mist of the darkness.
"Does someone have a flashlight?" Romano asked trying to find out if he could see anything in the darkness.
"I have flashlight, da." Russia repiled pulling out a (rather big) flashlight from his jacket. Then he turned it on.
"Zhat's better." France said continueing foward, rather taking head of the group.


"England I thought you were a good driver!" Canada whisper yelled as he held tightly to Kumajiro.
"What do you mean, this is hella fun!" America yelled as he put his arms in the air.
"Well, I'm trying to get us to bloody Italy as quick as possible!" England yelled back making a sharp turn towards the border. Since we were countries, we could go in and out without a card.
"Yeah dude this is fun, but we need to hurry." I said.
"It's ok, once we get-a-there, you will be-a-protected!" Italy said smiling, seeming to have forgotten about the war. I felt safe, and it wasn't the fact it was them. It was the fact that they are willing to pick a side for me instead of being neutral.  Instead of being a standby, instead of being a spectator.
I smiled, I'm glad they have my side. Italy was always hanging out with Germany, I'm suprized he chose me over one of his best friends.
I remember seeing Italy when we were younger,


I was holding my favorite hair clip, given to me by my country's second in command.
(In the picture above.)
He looked at me in the eye, and told me,
"Take this as your country's thank you."
I will never forget him, he was like a father to me. Though I'm a pretty old country, I grew older, slower than other countries.
I fidgeted with the beautiful flower clip, my E/C eyes locked on it like a laser on its target. The way it shimmered in the sun rays, made me happy. 
"Honhonhon." I heard a firmilar laugh.
"Oh crap" I mumbled, turning around to see the owner of the laugh.


I jumped to my feet and booked down the street. I really didn't need him now.
"Ohh, Y/NNNN!" France yelled in a sing songy voice. I ignored it and kept on running until I made it to a corner. I decided to turn fast and blend in with the crowd there, to catch my breath.
I was known for running incredible measurements without running out of breath, but he gave me a heart attack.
I turned the corner and saw a park, there were a lot of children there, I will blend in perfectly. I ran to the park and took off my little sweater and stuffed it under a bench and put my H/C hair in a little pony tail, so he would have to look hard to find me. I saw him turn the corner, he looked around with a stupid smile on his face then he saw a woman with a rather low cut shirt and started flirting with her. I sighed in relief.
"I think I'm safe now." I mumbled as I sat down on the bench alone on one side of the park.
Wow, everyone really can leave a park so fast, can't they?
The sun thought it would be cool to hide behind some clouds, it did that. I no longer saw the sunny, happy, face of the ball of light.
It was still light out, just the sun hid, that's all.
I took out my pony and let my H/C hair fall in its natural position. The view of the little lake was perfect for this time.
I felt a poke on my shoulder a little bit later, and then I turned around to be greeted by a boy my age. (around 7, you already knew France, don't freak out)
He had auburn hair, and just the cutest smile ever. He had a little lock of hair that curled and stuck out. "Hi bella, I'm-a- Italy, want to play hide and seek with-a- me and my big brother Romano?" He asked.
"I'm "Y/CN, nice to meet you, and sure, who's it?" I asked. Then a brown haired boy came from behind Italy.
"This is-a- Romano, my big brother." Italy said moving out of the way. Romano had brown hair and lagoon green eyes. He looked more fierce than Italy. "Heh, you look like you would actually know something instead of the recipe for pasta." He chuckled. I giggled a little, catching his joke.
"Romano, where are you?" We heard a voice, it sounded like a man, with a spanish accent.
"Now is where we hide from the tomato bastard." Romano said running, leading us to a beachy area.
"Tomato bastard?" I asked, clearly confused with what's going on.
"He is a spanish bastard who is too obsessed with tomatoes." Romano said.
Italy frowned a little, then smiled again, "Your name was-a- Y/CN, that's a pretty name." He said.
"Why thank you, I've never heard that, I hear that it's a pretty casual name. Another plain vanilla name." I said, I feel pleased he took the time to remember my name.
"I've never-a-heard the name before, it's not-a-plain name, it means-a-something beautiful I'm-a-sure." Italy said. If he's a lady's man when he grows up, I won't be suprized.
After that day we came to know each other better, then we were old enough to attend world meetings.
Here we are now.

Present time

"Y/CN, are you ok?" Canada asked shaking my shoulder a little.
"Oh yes, I must have zoned out a little bit, I was lost in thought." I said, heh a 'little bit lost in thought'
"There, the border of Italy!" America said pointing ahead. I'm kind of excited, I've only been to Italy once before, long ago.
Now it's time to face reality, again.

Hetalia America x Italy x Reader x England x Canada Where stories live. Discover now