Unplanned Suprize

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Y/N's POV,

We safely made it into Italy, for some reason, I felt nervous. What if they didn't let us in? Or what if something happend?
"Why exactly did we come here?" America asked looking out the window like a child on Christmas.
"I don't think Germany would think to look in Italy, for a few days at least. Enough time for us to make a plan." England said.
"Oh, he-a-might. I think we'll-a-be alright for a little bit though!" Italy said looking at the streets of his home.
I stiffed up for a little, "How long is a little bit, Italy?" I asked wide eyed.
He looked like he witnessed a murder, "Last time I-a-remember was, two days." He said putting up two fingers. America and I looked at eachother like we forgot something important. America cleared his throat, "I declare, that we have two days to build an epic base and protect Y/CN with our lives!"
England sighed, then we came to a stop. "Over there is-a-only the best place to-a-get pasta!" Italy said pointing to the big building at the end of the road. "That's nice, but can you give us the directions to your house please?" England asked with a dark aura and creepy eyes. "My people know to protect themselves right? Gosh, I would kill myself if I figured out something happend to them." I mumbled while Italy was giving directions to England and America was giving heroic comments.
I heard a small gasp, "Y/CN , don't kill yourself, who would I hang out with in the winter and have hot chocolate with?" Canada said facing towards me with a caring look. He was clutching on to Kumajiro like there was no tomorrow. I smiled, but I know-no we all know that one of us won't make it out alive.
"Thanks, your so kind. What would I do without your optimism dude?" I said looking back at Canada. His cheeks turned bcdnfjdjdjfff red. (That's really red)
"We're here." England said getting out and opening the door for us. I got out and looked at Italy's house. I liked it.
We went inside and sat in the living room. We sat in silence for a moment. It was akward. Italy started to giggle, I started to giggle also, when I see someone laugh I want to laugh too. Then England smiled, and America laughed. Canada just sat there looking out the window nervously, then he got a scared look on his face.
"Guys, we need to ge-""Oh my bananas, I can't even have a straight face in silence!" America yelled hitting his hand on his knee.
"Guys, can't you hea-""Agreed, now what were you saying Canada?" England said interupting Canada himself. Canada looked pissed.
"For maples sake, we need to get out of here! Can't you hear the screams outside!?" Canada said actually pretty loud.
"What do you mean, I don't hear anything." I said then I looked out the window. I saw bombs. Bombs blowing up everything in the distance far away. There was one bomb that came pretty close and the force knocked me backwards. All I remember hearing was "Y/CN!! Get away from the bloody window!" England yelled, the voice fading away as my vision does. I hear "Y/CN wake up please, I can't remain heroic with the knowledge that your hurt." That had to be America. "Y/CN,  Y/CN! Are you alright! That was scary please don't be hurt!!" Italy yelled, I felt pressure on my shoulders. "Y/CN?" I heard Canada say in his little voice, but I couldn't reply. I was in full black out stage until hearing the innocent screams of my friends. Then it went silent and I felt a cold feeling.

Back at the world meeting with the others.

It was a cramped passageway but it worked, well managed to fit them through. "This hallway is neverending, how does someone build like this?" France asked clearly frustrated about the whole situation.
"Hold on, I think I see a light up ahead." China said. "No duh sherlock, I'm sure we all see that light." Romano said rolling his eyes. The endless balls of dust and boring stone walls came to an end at the light. They exited the passageway and took a look outside. It was just covered by a nearby bush that blew away. Everyone sighed in relief then they remembered, Y/N.

Sorry this one was short. I was kinda running out of ideas and it was a long period of time since I last updated.
#1: be expecting slow updates (most of the time)
#2: I will start next chapter making endings for the four guys. Like oneshots.
#3: I Never expected it to be this short but who knows, I could make a plot twist after the four endings.
#4: Also be expecting a sad-ish end for each ending. Got that?

Hetalia America x Italy x Reader x England x Canada Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin