Mission Unstoppable

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Y/N Pov

What am I gonna do, I really didn't want to have any fights. To make things worse, out of all people, Germany? Why does he hold such a grudge against me? I mean, I used most of my best gear and weapons at the last war, I'm barely prepared.
Unless he's been planning to get revenge.
I was lost in my thoughts until I heard a huge bang. Then cheering. I turned and saw the door was kicked down, oh haha, Russia and his magic metal pipe of pain, that makes sense.
"Dude, you just kicked the door down!" America yelled but he wasn't scolding. "Now we can get out of here." France said walking out. "Wait, be careful, there might be traps!" China said peeking out the door. America and France were looking around until Canada stepped in. "Guys over there." Canada said in his normal, barely heard, voice. He then pulled out a little pebble from his pocket and tossed it out the door by the stairs. The pebble rolled down the hall as the rest of us watched in suspense to what will happen. The pebble crashed into the wall, setting off a bang, and it made everyone's ears ring.
"Ahh no no no, this isn't good for my highgene!" France yelled dramatically. "The git set traps in the bloody building!?" England yelled. "Apperantly, he did." I said, the bang wasn't that loud anyways. "Wait, bella! There could be more traps!" Italy yelled grabbing my hand, keeping me from going into the danger zone.
I swear after Italy did that, I felt dark tension build up, real think.
"I'm in war now, I have to take some risks." I said getting out of his grasp. "I'll go with you then." Italy said, he won't take no for an answer won't he? "It's my battle to fight, please stay out of it." I said, kindly, I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me. "I know Germany, he won't hurt you if I'm there." Italy replied already walking out of the room. "It's my job as the hero, to help out!" America yelled getting in front of Italy, as well walking out of the room. "I would think it would be my 'thank you' to you if I came along to." Canada shyly, in his quiet voice, getting in line as well. "I can't just let a bunch of people go unsecured from assistance." England said getting in the line. "Ok ok fine, I don't need any more lives at risk! Th..thank you." I managed out.
I can't believe they would actually sacrifice their safety to help little old me.

Aukele the history teacher: if you open your textbooks to page, 1948747228, you'll see the little country of C/N. They are a little piece of land between England and America, just north-west of The Sahara. They have harsh storms, that is what made them tough enough to survive. (I made all of that up fyi) C/N known for being neutral in war, until someone attacks their ally, or attacks them. They are also known for relying on their instincts and knowledge of weather, like snow, water, and plants.

Student named Timmy: But miss Aukele, who are their allies, or what if one of their allies attacks another one of her allies?

Aukele the history teacher: Oh sweet child, her allies are Canada and America of course, also Russia. She is also truce with Norway, Sweden, and Finland. England is warming up to her, and Italy is secretly trying to sneak a truce behind Germany's back. Also she will try to solve things between her allies, like why they would do that. She wouldn't fight until she had to, and when she did, it was survival of the fittest. (Pun intended)

The five of us walked out, I turned to face the others still in the room. "Please find a safe way out, and when you do get your country to surround Germany, but don't attack unless he attacks you." China, Russia, France and the others agreed. "I use magic metal pipe of pain, da?" Russia asked holding it up. "She said safely, and please don't get hurt, aru." China said gently pushing Russia's arm down. "Let's go I'll lead the way!" America said taking the lead.
(You know how perfect this is, I'm listening to music and Radioactive came on, it's so perfect!!)
We made our way through the trapped hallway. Thankfully me and Canada had extremely great instincts of sensing danger. We made it down one flight of stairs, three more to go. "I don't feel right about this corner." England said stopping dead in his tracks. "Oohh, is someone scared?" America asked mockingly walking backwards towards the corner. I saw a red light aim for his side, but I wasn't the only one who saw. "America, you git!" England yelled jumping and pulling him past the corner, dodging the gunshot. "America, please we can't accept any injuries or death at this point." I said rushing towards them. They got up, "I was stubborn, I should have payed more attention." America said rubbing the back of his neck. "Yes, you should have!" England said slapping the back of the American's head. "Ok ok geez, I'll be more careful."
"Look, the doors are over there." Italy said pointing to the door. "Italy, we're on the third floor." I said facing him. "Ohh, the big-a-bang thing must of messed up my head a little, I-a-swear that looks like the front door." He replied. "Maybe because it is the front door." Canada said, quietly. "It's probably because that is the front door." England said crossing his arms. I saw Canada sigh, then we went to the front door. "If this is another one of Germany's traps, I will explode." I said, I guess I'm just a follower until we get out of here and get into the real battle.
Can I even call it that, a battle? For all we know, this can turn into something much greater.
America opened the door, revealing sunny sky. "Ohh, Germany hasn't-a-released his wrath yet." Italy said walking around me. "Don't jinx it." I said jokingly. Ugh, what am I doing, this is serious!
"I really hope leaving the others in there was a good idea." I said, then I lowered my head. "It's ok, they can handle it." Canada said putting a hand on my shoulder, doing his adorable smile. I smiled a little, "thanks, that helps a little, you know......your right, your right Canada. They can totally handle this, I guess as long as China has his panda and Russia has his pipe, their ok." I said, then my smile turned into a brilliant outburst joy of a smile. Italy was looking at me, like he was zoned out or dazed. He mumbled something, but I didn't catch it.
I heard America and England chuckle, "You should smile more often dudette, it looks good on you!" America said in his booming foghorn, we call a voice.
I felt tension build up again.
"Than-"Before I could finish, there was a queer sound in the distance. There was a plane flying around, what was it doing here? "No time to stare guys, it could strike any second!" England yelled then running off grabbing our attention along with our hands. Somehow we were all conceded during that so it worked perfectly.
"Thankfully, I remembered my keys this time, you know not leaving them in a drive through." England said looking at America on the last part.
"Oh my goldilious, stop using that against me, it's annoying." America said trying to get the final word in.
"It was funny as hell, and you know it." England replied.
"It have my rights, you know." America finished.
"Guyss, dont-a-forget the main reason why we are-a-here." Italy said.
We booked to the parking lot, hoping not to get spotted by the planes. England got in the front, was he planning to drive us to one of our countries? We are the closest to Italy, so I assume-"Guess we are going to Italy, is that ok are you prepared?" England said looking at Italy. We all hopped in the truck, "Yeah, it's-a-to the south from here." Italy replied sitting next to me. I had the middle, Canada was on the other side of me, America and England had the front.
This is gonna be one hell of a ride.

Hetalia America x Italy x Reader x England x Canada Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora