Chapter 14

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Sky's P.O.V

The next day during my morning classes I spot Kat and almost literally crash into her. She looks taken back by my sudden "attack."

Kat exclaims, "Woah girl calm down. What happened?"

I laugh waving her off, "Nothing I just wanted to say how sorry I am for blowing you off last night."

She smirks, "It's ok not all of us can dorm with a total hottie."

I slap her arm, "Hey!" My voice gets lower, "But he is my boyfriend..."

Kat squeals which attracts other student's attention making me clamp my hand over her mouth. "OMG!! No way when did it happen?"

I suddenly felt bad because I remembered that Kat wasn't there to help me get ready for my first date with Josh. Kat sensed my sudden mood change and put her hand on my arm, "What happened?"

I frowned looking at the floor not able to see her right now. "I forgot to tell you that 3 days before, I went on a date with Josh."

Kat waves it off, "It's okay Sky. You probably needed to wrap your head around it. Did he even make it official?"

I give her a look knowing that when she means 'official' she's talking about whether it's announced on Instagram already.

I half-smile, "No." She gives me a smile linking my arm with hers.

"No fret he will don't you worry. I'll make sure Josh gets a hard on once he sees you tonight."

I ask suddenly feeling worried about myself, "What's tonight?"

She shrugs before smirking, "So what'd you do that made you forget to text me back?"

I groan in embarrassment when she starts to nudge me playfully. "Kaaaaaaat." She wiggles her eyebrows starting to make other students divert their attention towards us.

"Ok fine. I made out with Josh." I whisper.

Kat grins.


We head into class taking a seat spotting Gabe and Ethan, surprisingly. They wave excitedly towards us before Ethan scowls noticing Kat who's walking behind me.

Kat's smile wears off the minute she notices Ethan. She turns to me, "Did we really have to sit next to an ogre?"

Ethan sarcastically chuckles, "I smell a bitch here."

"Not Skye for sure." Gabe adds.

I give them both a deadpan look, "You're not helping, especially you Gabe."

Kat gasps, "Gabe! How could you side with your ass of a brother?"

"Retard. He's my brother of course he'll side with me." Ethan comments.

Kat glares at both of them mostly directing her anger to Ethan, "Jack will definitely kill you both. Gabe you're his right hand man."

"More like his bitch." Someone chimes in.

Ethan cracks his knuckles in front of the blond haired boy with green eyes who really wants a death wish by interfering in our clique.

It sounds weird, never mind I just wanted to try it out because everyone doesn't bother talking to us because of that.

The boy puts his hands up in surrender diverting his attention back to the front. I laugh thinking about how easily everyone is intimidated by Ethan.

"Jack would do anything for you he loves you. Like a sister." Ethan smiles evilly like he won.

I expect Kat to roast him or put him in his place. She doesn't do that. I turn to observe Kat who has her lips parted, no longer smiling or glaring, her dark brown eyes starting to become watery, and her cheeks turning slightly red.

I start to face my back towards the twins covering their view on Kat, noticing how the tension rose. She blinks her eyes multiple times pushing the tears back.

I open my mouth to speak but she cuts me off and plasters on a fake smile, "I'm fine."

I tilt my head sort of asking her if she's positive. "More sure than ever." She says smiling and we link arms going to the other side of the room to sit.

I don't know what exactly happened or is going on but Kat will have my support no matter what. She's an incredibly sweet, kind, and beautiful best friend that I could have. Those douche bags have no idea what's coming towards them.

But before I could think of my mini scheme I stopped to glance at Kat, who was staring at the pencil she was twisting around her finger. I couldn't do anything without knowing what the hell was going on and what would Kat want me to do.


After a few classes I was in the halls when I noticed a familiar mop of light brown hair as mine, with a long legged blonde on his arm.

I stare at them focusing on the guy longer hoping he'll see me. He kisses her goodbye at a classroom door which I obviously don't watch.


I call out waving my hand over, "Nathan!"

He looks up not expecting to see me. He looks both ways as if we're on the street before coming over.

"Hi." He greets leaning against the wall.

"Hey." I say taking my time to observe how he's been the past few weeks. I know I hurt him last time we saw each other which was at the bowling place. He looked healthier and fit probably cause of the frequent visits to the gym.

"So what's up?" He asks breaking the silence.

I shrug, "Classes. I got with Jo-John" I catch myself before accidentally spilling. I watch how my brother furrows his eyebrows at me, observing me for a solid minute but my face stays blank.

I blink before saying, "I got with John."

He looks surprised, "Oh really?"

I nod confidently, "Yeah. He goes to a different campus on the river side."

I continue to lie not even knowing where these are coming from, "We-we do long distance."

He gives me a deadpan look.

I roll my eyes, "Ok ok bullshit I know. It's a friends with benefits thing. I didn't want you to find out." I play the whole 'innocent sister trying to defend her fictional relationship' card.

He scrunches his nose, "No offense I don't want to know about my little sister's sex life. Ok whatever but if he hurts you, don't blame me when you hear in the news it was a hit and run."

I slap his hand playfully, "Nathan!" I inwardly groan knowing it'll be 10 times worser when I actually tell him about me and Josh.

He begins to leave pointing at me and raising his eyebrows, "Hit and run."

He does this again and I shoo him.

I smile genuinely knowing at least I patched things up with my dearest brother. I snort knowing how easy it was to play him with a 'John.'

Like I'll ever date a John.


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