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Wonwoo: hey
Wonwoo: looks like we matched

Junhui: when the fuck did I join grindr?

Wonwoo: tbh i think my friend made this profile when I was drunk a while ago but I'm bored and kinda lonely
Wonwoo: and I mean you cute too so..

Junhui: aww you're lonely??
Junhui: come here I'll give you some hugs

Wonwoo: aww for real?

Junhui: no.

Wonwoo: lol damn
Wonwoo: why did you join?

Junhui: I think I joined at 4 am and all I wanted was a sugar daddy

Wonwoo: lmao I can pay you 1 dollar a day

Junhui: I mean...better than my current setup

Wonwoo: alright it's set then
Wonwoo: you'll work for one week

Junhui: 1 week?
Junhui: you have $7?

Wonwoo: yeah

Junhui: damn you're so fucking rich daddy

Wonwoo: yes ik
Wonwoo: ok but forreal
Wonwoo: you tryna fuck?

Junhui: what?

Wonwoo: lmao I'm kidding

Junhui: that's low.
Junhui: coming on here just to fuck

Wonwoo: first of all I was joking
Wonwoo: second says the dude who came here to find a sugar daddy

Junhui: it was a friday night, I was drunk and crying over being broke in college so your accusations are invalid
Junhui: and you said your friend made this account while you were drunk so don't come onto me for drinking. I'm legal.

Wonwoo: fair points.
Wonwoo: we were both drunk when our accounts were created so we have that in common

Junhui: true.
Junhui: since we have that in common, I'll give you a blowjob now

Wonwoo: thxs.
Wonwoo: I like mine medium rare

Junhui: is it cause you rarely get bj offers

Wonwoo: I haven't even introduced myself and you're already hurting my self esteem

Junhui: we started our conversation talking about sugar daddy's so your case will not hold up in a court of law

Wonwoo: I'll sue you for defamation cause you're saying I don't get bj offers

Junhui: np I'll get a sugar daddy who's a lawyer
Junhui: so anyway why were you drunk?

Wonwoo: crying over an ex

Junhui: ha!

Wonwoo: ??

Junhui: I have a 1 up on you because I've never dated anyone so jokes on you
Junhui: um...but fr sorry

Wonwoo: lmao
Wonwoo: it's no problem she was an ass anyway

Junhui: damn that sucks
Junhui: I think
Junhui: I don't know how relationships work. I can't even keep a good relationship with my bank account

Wonwoo: lmao same I need to take lessons
Wonwoo: but those cost money and I ain't got none
Wonwoo: but fr idk why my friend even signed me up for this..

Junhui: well hope you find someone....ig

Wonwoo: I actually like talking to you a lot

Junhui: ooh ok daddy

Wonwoo: lmao
Wonwoo: it's actually the first time in a while that I've laughed when talking to someone
Wonwoo: you know.....since the breakup

Junhui: ok so you just gonna make me blush like that?

Wonwoo: I mean I can do a better job making you blush in bed if you want

Junhui: O K D A D D Y

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