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Wonwoo: hey

Junhui: [insert meme saying hi]

Wonwoo: ummmm

Junhui: you called?

Wonwoo: there's no meme

Junhui: there wasn't supposed to be
Junhui: don't ruin my fucking joke.

Wonwoo: don't talk to me that way

Junhui: make me

Wonwoo: OOOKKK

Junhui: um are you drunk?

Wonwoo: no but maybe high
Wonwoo: on the word of Jesus hallelujah

Junhui: when you tryna have fun but know that Jesus be watching

Wonwoo: when you tryna be funny but don't know when Jesus gon take you

Junhui: point taken
Junhui: I'm gonna go hoe now

Wonwoo: I rebuke you
Wonwoo: wait..hoe?
Wonwoo: since when did you become a gardener? :DD

Junhui: I didn't become a gardener
Junhui: I mean I'm gonna go drunk flirt with campus security

Wonwoo: why not drunk flirt with me?

Junhui: I don't need to you're already my sugar daddy
Junhui: btw wheres my paycheck

Wonwoo: it hasn't even been a week yet
Wonwoo: so forget your raise

Junhui: fine then don't bother me about flirting with campus security
Junhui: I gotta make money somewhere that isn't an actual job because apparently it's "inappropriate" to be intoxicated while handing out heart balloons to children

Wonwoo: you were drunk and handing out balloons?

Junhui: no but I read about it on the news
Junhui: Americans be wildin

Wonwoo: that wall got them on xgames mode

Junhui: oooHooooGhhhhh

Wonwoo: wtf.

Junhui: sorry my ceiling fan typed that

Wonwoo: yeah cause that's perfectly reasonable

Junhui: stop
Junhui: ruining
Junhui: my
Junhui: jokes

Wonwoo: I
Wonwoo: refuse

Junhui: I don't like you

Wonwoo: aww why

Junhui: because you ruin my jokes

Wonwoo: cause I think seeing you flustered and angry is cute

Junhui: are you a sadist?

Wonwoo: only when it comes to you

Junhui: hngghhag lol ok
Junhui: we is about to be 50 shades darker in this bitch
Junhui: tie me up uuuuhhhh
Junhui: also side note
Junhui: stop making me blush

Wonwoo: my tongue can do a better job at making you blush than my words can

Junhui: OK, SIR

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