Day 2: Letter to your Crush .-.

30 2 1

[Okay, you’re telling me I have to write a letter.... to my crush? Whelp, too bad for you, I DON'T GOT ONE HEHEHEH... Personally, being Forever Alone is pretty awesome, so I might figure out some way to write a letter to being Forever Alone......]


Dear Forever Aloneness,

       I've tried dating. Like, 4 times, I think? Yeah, none of them worked out so well. It was either I broke up because it didn't work for me, or they broke up with me cause they either didn't like me, or it didn't work out for them. It sucked. I thought my heart was broken every time, but the time that really hurt me, was my latest breakup. Which led me to you. Being Forever Alone has been pretty awesome so far. All the times people ask, "Hey, what’s your dating status?" I am able to give a reply, without sounding like a total butt. Well, butts can be cool, just not this one *points at self*. I don't know what it is, but being able to respond, “I’m forever alone, so back off," makes me feel better than saying, “No, I'm single." Because of you, being single hasn't been better!

Forever Alone with the Forever Alone Guy,



[There you go! Thats Day 2. Look forward to day three. :-3]

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