Day 8: Letter to an Internet Friend

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[I have two here. Meow xDD]


Dear Clairebear

        Dude, you were introduced to me by a friend of mine, Jenna. After that, we bonded instantly. We would talk all the time, and we would RP and have fun. Now a days, we barely talk, and that's mostly my fault. I haven't been on FB to talk to you, and I'm not sure you've been online. Still, mostly my fault for playing Minecraft all day everyday xDD

        Your an awesome friend dude, at least to me you are,


Dear Jenna,

        Well, we met again over Minecraft after you had moved from the U.S. to England. I didn't even know that it was you, I had just made my custom skin, a fan-character of Homestuck, and you kept pestering me about if I knew Homestuck or not. Then, we became internet friends, we Skyped. The first time I Skyped with you, I recognized you from somewhere, and that happened to be from school! We bonded quickly, and after a few months of knowing me, you asked me to be your girlfriend! Instantly, I knew what I wanted to say, since I was soon going to ask the same question. xDD After about a year of dating, you said that you wanted to end the relationship, and it left me heartbroken. We were still friends, and we would still play Minecraft together and stuff. Now that I am free of needing love from a girlfriend/boyfriend, I am over our break-up. It seems you are too, since you already have another boyfriend. We all, you, your boyfriend, a friend of yours and his, and I, have Skyped and I think that you found someone way better than me. I'm glad, because you would have broken up with me sooner or later, because I'm a terrible girlfriend xDD That's okay though, I'm glad you are happy!

        From the Forever Alone Girl



[There you go! And these letters might give you clues on some of my earlier letters as to who someone is. But yeah, look forward to Day 9!!!!!!!]

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